Travel in the land of a thousand towers

in #steemit7 years ago

Perjalanan di negeri seribu menara

Kisah perjalan sahabat dinegeri kinanah
Muhammad ziad berangkat ke mesir pada akhir tahun 2017.

Dia adalah satu dari sekian ratus mahasiswa aceh di mesir mesir mulai menyambut setelah perjalanan panjang yang membutuhkan waktu sekitar 13 jam pada umumnya.
Namun pesawat yang ia tumpangi transit di malaysia selama 5 jam tanpa pikir panjang ia mengambil berencana akan berkunjung ke saudara yang ada dimalaysia dulu sambil menunggu waktu keberangkatannya ke mesir.
Wal hasil setelah ia menginjakkan kaki pertama di negeri mulia dan sejarah fir'aun yang dibinasakan tuhan karena keangkuhannya.

Berkuda di hamparan padang pasir di dekat piramida


Piramida mesir dan sejarah kaum para Raja-raja yang konon membawa harta di dunia ke liang lahatnya.


Bersama seluruh generasi aceh pasca kedatangan perdana di mesir dalam kunjungan ke tempat wisata.


Salam Sukses dari Negeri Seribu Menara

Cerita sahabat di negeri rantau
Muhammad ziad, putra Aceh utara
Yang sedang menempuh pendidikan di Uneversitas Al Azhar. Kairo, Mesir

English tarnslate

The story of traveling friends in the country kinanah
Muhammad ziad left for Egypt at the end of 2017
He is one of the few hundred aceh students in egypt Egypt began to welcome after a long journey that takes about 13 hours in general.
But the plane that he was traveling transit in malaysia for 5 hours without a second thought he took the conclusion will visit the brother who exist dimalaysia while waiting for his departure time to Egypt.
Wal proceeds after he set his first foot in a noble land and the history of the pharaoh which devastated god because of his arrogance.

Horseback riding in the desert near the pyramids

Egyptian pyramids and the history of the kings who supposedly brought the treasures of the world to his grave.

Together with all generations of Aceh after the inaugural arrival in Egypt in a visit to the tourist attractions.

Greetings Success of the Land of the Thousand Towers

Stories of my friends in overseas country
Muhammad ziad, son of North Aceh
Who is studying in Uneversitas Al Azhar. Cairo, Egypt