2) Naval Ravikant, Before I share details of my 1,000,000 STEEM give away, I want to introduce 3 people to my true followers
Question: What is your favourite Naval Ravikant's (@naval) tweet and why ?
- Answer this question via Dlive vlog ONLY
- You’ve 6 days to answer this question
My favourite tweet from @naval
“Individual entrepreneurial efforts often fail, but individual entrepreneurs over their careers rarely fail.”
Also please read the following article.
Here is my entry,
Thank you so much @josediccus
I enjoyed watching your Dlive and waiting to see more good contents from you :)
thank you much Nathan I mean these two people you've brought so far, they are not judt any kind of people seriously, they're huge personalities with fantastic arsenal of knowledge you know, I'm too thrilled knowing Naval Ravikant
Helo @nathannars, here is my video response to your question.
Thank you for sharing your answers @sistem on Dlive.
I'm so happy to hear that you've learned about "wealth creation" from the @naval's tweet
I enjoyed his video too, he was passionate, I saw the vigour to which he dissected his point and reason as well, wealth creation speaking needed a well read person to deliver, he definitely did lol my best video so far Nathan, my best.
I bet the third person would be a blast really you can't imagine how much I'm anticipating
Wow wow! I am really happy you did enjoyed the video. This feedback means a lot to a person who is camera shy like me. Thank you very much @josediccus
you're the immaculate @sistem you do your things beautifully lol, that one was a belter, I enjoy it so much. perfectly done
Hello @nathanmars
Below is my dlive Vlog link for my response to your question.
Am now eargerly waiting for the remaining person.
You're definitely one of my favourite Steemian !!
Keep up the good work @yohan2on :)
Thanks so my dear friend for the huge motivation in my steem journey. Am so grateful.
You deserve a big loud of applause.
Thanks so much for your feed backs, they mean alot to me!
Here's my video response to my favorite tweet from Naval Ravikant.
Much better than the last vlog @desmoniac!
keep on improving :)
My second video @nathanmars about another amazing icon and role model. Now I'm even more interested in knowing who the last person is.
@nathanmars , nice to meet you , I am a real account.

Thank you:)
Wow, i didnt finish the first one and this came. Its good though i l make both together. Very deep tweet you selected there too :) Hope this would suit here:
Wow this is so true.
I experienced it in real life twice!
I went to the ATM machine and there was a long queue at one machine and no one atall at the second machine.
I thought to myself what could have happened ,so i dared to venture it and used the lone machine, to my surprise, it was working.
hahaha that would be so epic, you should have taken a picture and we would have prepared a meme on it
Wow what a wonderful idea, next time if such happens , i will snap a pics of it.
Good luck with your Dlive vlog !!!
Damage, i should really thank you now for introducing this personality. So simply explained how to set a goal, value yourself and reach a goal. Especially, i liked:
good job @nathanmars
chak my 3rd video
Hi @nathanmars , This is my second video, featuring the members of steemit viet nam.i'm trying to develop dlive, i've been feeling interesting with dlive since i made the first video.

@nathanmars apologize for this advertisement, I'm curious if you've seen my video yet.
Oh ..this is a new task.
Every task i see, its a whole leverage to improve on myself.
While i enjoy my rewards afterwards,
I will be able to boast on what i have learnt.
Thanks @nathanmars for this grooming.
Will post my vlog ASAP.
Naval Ravikant HERE I COME..
I'm excited to see your Vlog :)
Thanks sir.
Hope i wont disspoint your expectations