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RE: Extensive curation stats overview since HF19 (June 20th 2017)

in #steemit7 years ago

That is wild. Great work. The distribution of wealth seems to be exactly as stands for the general population. Not sure if it is a good thing or bad thing. I am not sure why most people even post here ( including new). It is really my time. I looked into it and wrote 1 or 2 posts about why steemit continues to interest me. Anyways , when you say the average post earns over 4 dollars, did you include the 0.9 percent of high earners. If so can you remove the group that earns over say a 100 bucks per post and then see what the average post is worth? Or perhaps take out top 5 percent. I am surprised by even the 4 dollar plus payout and wanted to see what the reality is.


Great question, I would very much like to know this as well if you can find time to look into it calamus056

I think she will do her math magic and spill the beans.

That's so bad of course, rich people became more rich, poor people stay poor for ever !

If you remove all payouts over $100, the average payout will be even lower of course.

Of course calamus. My estimate from taking a look at new posts is probably closer to 20 cents or lower. Was just wondering if you had any inclination to delve deeper. Thanks though

I could but it's not that relevant. If you have any other suggestions that are more interesting let me know.

Agree with Nedspeaks. if we could take out the huge payouts from the averages, we could see what could be generally expected for the "more ordinary" persons. Great posts by the way (both of you)!

I don't think you understand the concept of average :p

Anyway it's not that interesting, just assume it's significantly lower than the current average if you remove a large part of the money that go to top authors.

Of course it is significantly lower. i am interested to see actual the average without the 'wales' without assuming, that is the point.

I'm not interested in that at all, so i'm not gonna invest time in that. Sorry. If you have different suggestions for stats feel free to give any. I will probably look at follower related stats next....

OK thanks for the reply