RE: Almost to 100 followers! Thanks Steemians. 10 SBD giveaway. Details inside.
Perhaps that is one way to view it.
Personally for me, it is a way for me to gauge my audience's response to requiring a small level of involvement on my post to be entered for a drawing.
I have done very well with cryptocurrency lately, and being new to SteemIt, would like to be able to spread the joy of that. Fyi, in the future, I will continue to have giveaways that both involve, and teach my followers. One idea I have been considering is to put some STEEM on a wallet and come up with a fun way to guess the missing word in the BIP48 mnemonic phrase.
If you disapprove of this type of post, perhaps just don't upvote it or participate. Not sure how much effort is involved with this one.
I encourage you to at least view my blog and see if my level of content creation is satisfiable to your expectations of value add to the platform.
It's not that I disapprove, I am just cynical. When I see a post like this all I can think is it's a poor cash grab. I do not mean that is your intention btw.
Just appears to me that offering 10sbd for you to gain 20sbd minimum is not giving back to the community but profiting off it.
You could instead not make it mandatory to resteem and upvote etc. That is you offering a raffle ticket for time promoting you, yet being phrased like you are doing them a favor when it is vice versa
It is ok; it is good to be concerned about the platform.
However, I didn't want this to gain massive attention simply because of a large giveaway where people that have no intention to really keep up with me will participate in hopes of the winnings.
$10 SBD guaranteed to the winner of the random drawing filled with any of the people that followed me until the deadline. As this is an experiment and I have no previous information to base my giveaway off of, I could potentially get 5 followers from this. Or 500. There is no way to tell.
The risk associated with me "losing" money is far great than a potential "uneven profit sharing". However, people like me, who purchase large amounts of STEEM and power up 100% contribute to this platform by and large. It is in all of our best interest to see it go far and not simply abuse it to death.
Read the whitepaper and see the part where the potential for abuse is discussed and why that isn't really something the SteemIt platform should police.
Thanks for your time to share your concerns. I followed you.
It is not something that I have any intention of "policing" just wrote what i thought at the time :)
I am argumentative and slightly cynical by nature. Contradictions tend to be clear to me. You seem like quite an intelligent person so I figure you can get where I am coming from.
I think it's the part about asking everyone to resteem that irked me the most.
Personally I think our home feed should be reserved for important information/original content.
I don't want to see advertising from the people I follow, do you?
EDIT: People keep following me and I have no idea why ^^ cool tho haha
Social media platforms should conform to the will of the people. This experiment would be a "failure" to me if less than 5 people participated and it would help me evaluate how to improve the audience engagement.
I don't mind seeing "advertisements" because this platform's value is being created by its users. Self promotion is the name of the game here. Overall, SteemIt has much more valuable OC than other platforms I have seen (except maybe Reddit at this point).
Maybe next time you see me create a programming challenge, or an internet scavenger hunt, or some fitness challenge with a much larger giveaway you will be glad to see someone resteem it.
But that would be content of quality! I have made it clear my issue is that asking people to resteem an article of little to no importance is not cool.
Well at least I don't think so. If you are doing this for a ROI then maybe not in a way that takes away freedom of choice. If someone wants to rresteem they will if it is worth it. Just asking people to resteem nothing just for self promotion is not the best route.
Let the quality stand for itself.
"If you build it, they will come"
Turns out I was your 100th follower ^^
Then I hope you will read my content because this is clearly a milestone post :)
If you are into technology, crypto, hacking, programming, etc I will be consistently posting guides, how-tos, and DIYs.
Keep on the lookout.
My next guide will be about setting up a computer to automatically download your favorite TV shows and movies for $10/month. I used it to get rid of cable entirely so hopefully someone else can make the same change!
Ya iv actually browsed through most of it, our interests align quite spectacularly, hence the follow :)
EDIT: Iv enjoyed our debate mate but Peaky Blinders season 3 is calling !
Steemit is a weird platform at the moment. A lot of the 'money' does seem to go to playing the system, not necessarily producing great content.

But, it is what it is, and I shall play the game. Upvoted, resteemed, and following ;)