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RE: My Personal TRIBUTE to Laura Lemons - a Steemian, friend, artist, & Bright Mind

in #steemit8 years ago

Bless you for the from-the-heart post. I can feel how much Laura meant to you, Chelsea. They say it's how you're remembered when you're gone that speaks to what kind of person you were in life. It's a damn shame we lost such a beautiful, artist and caring person! ((Hug!)) tip! @chelsea88


@ninahaskin Thank you for the kind words and support. I really did/ do care for her. I know she's free from pain now. I Look forward to donating to mental health. I just need to find a good organzation. Any suggestions?

None come to mind offhand. Wonder if there's any foundations posted under Robin Williams. Let me take a look

You could start something here on STeemit in Laura's a fund to help starving artists or those suffering from depression? it is just an idea that I saw on Steemit earlier, that I think Laura would like. I am so sorry.

Thanks for the suggestion @stellabelle
I'll think that over

When looking for the "There is nothing wrong with your vagaina" coloring book I stumbled upon the Sad Girl Amazon page, used there is one copy for $175. The topics of the book seemed very close to her and information she felt could be helpful to some, and I agree a lot, maybe there is a way to make these books or pages affordable for people or even free.

@cryplectibles laura did that because there was at one point some stink within an online group regarding her use of a pen name. Versus her real last name. It caused her a great deal of anxiety because she was unsure of the legality of using a pen name so she upmarked it/ removed it. Very unenlightened group that caused her a lot of headaches this being one. Laura wanted her books to help people I'm sure she'd want them to be readily acessible I just unsure how we could do that. @kaylinart may know more as she is a coloring book artist and friend of Laura's

Wow, that is really horrible, just sad to hear and makes me feel a little anger, not at any person but just a general at the world anger that people are so ignorant on how their actions may effect others who may not have as strong a tolerance for things as them (I hope it's ignorance at least for those people so hopefully they can at least learn and grow one day). I follow @kaylinart and am going to just at least show her these comments and maybe she would know what, if anything, could be done to share these pages with people. Thank you for the suggestion and am sorry to know such a beautiful person was giving shit at all online for what can only be just opinions on how their own feelings on what or how books should be.

If anyone has a copy of each book and if it comes to people just wanting her works to be free and shared and out there, I would completely get nice scans and make pdf files and put in on for her works to live forever.

I have both books. One page out of sad girl that I colored and mailed to Laura as "fan art." But i have a pic of it. I'm unsure how to proceed with sharing the art "legally"..... but let us keep the archival idea in mind. It has promise. Keep in touch

A very good suggestion @stellabelle. We can do better and help depressed people by reaching out to them and showing them love. Depression is really something that no one can really tell how deep it eats into someone except the person wearing the shoes. @chelsea, i think you should consider this. Am very sure it will make laura happy wherever she is now.

she dead :(
I have just followed you
This is my post about lauralemons :(
Would you mind to upvote and resteem it?

That was not her last portrait she drew that 4 years ago. You didn't know her. Quit spammib my post