Steem's done the impossible: Make crypto cool

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

SHA-256 -- YAWN. Command-line interface -- BORING.

ASICs, block heights, confirmations, scalability, mining, turing complete smart contracts --

...Get paid to post your story on social media!

That's right! Steemit's managed to do that which was once thought to be impossible: capture the hearts and minds of the cool kids. What was once the domain of libertarian-leaning males has officially become "cool" and it's all thanks to Steemit. Steemit is the friendly welcoming wagon to people all over the world to first dip their feet into the world of crypto, with no scary techno-mumbo jumbo to get lost in. Just post your thoughts and earn! What could be simpler?! People who only ever use their computer for Facebook and never heard of bitcoin in their life can suddenly jump headlong into the oncoming crypto revolution -- without even realizing it!

Steem's even managed to attract…GIRLS! Real, living, breathing girls!

Don’t forget your inhaler!

Where Ethereum is the Linux of the crypto world, Steemit is proudly emerging as the Apple (clean interface and all!). Much like Apple did with cell phones and portable media players, Steem has completely turned the world of social networking on its head. With its simple, non-threatening approach to merging the realms of crypto and social media, Steem is poised to completely revolutionize the ecosystem -- and look cool doing it.

With Steemit, your wish is granted!

Steemit is so cool, that sign ups to our super-secret cool kids club are currently invitation only -- what’s cooler than that??
EDIT: Apparently registrations opened back up right around when I posted this. Ah well, it was cool while it lasted. :P

This is me, before discovering Steemit

This is me less than 4 weeks later. What a transformation!

Alas, just like in high school, popularity in the crypto-universe is fleeting. We can't afford to become complacent at this critical stage in the game. Remember, cool kids are only cool as long as they do cool things. Growing out our neckbeards and playing Dungeons & Dragons right now won't keep us among the cool kids' ranks. We need to continue showing the world why we deserve to walk among the popular crowd. So -- let's get out there, continue spreading the good word of Steem, keep posting your thoughts, and curate, curate, curate! Until one day, someday, just maybe, we'll be as cool as the Fonz.

#steem #makecryptocoolagain #thefonz


Cryptocurrencies have always been cool, but Steemit manages to capture the attention of the greater public by seamlessly integrating it with known phenomenons and what replicates existing platforms. It is for this reason that Steemit holds massive potential.