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RE: When Two Communities Collide

in #steemit5 years ago

It's like every box of cereal comes with a prize here. People likes prizes. Since not many seem to be catching on, that tells me not many seem to understand this concept. If I placed two identical magazines on a table, taped a five dollar bill to one, then asked you to choose which one you'd like, you'd take the one with the money taped to it. Soon enough people should be able to figure this out.

Your Steem guides are some of the best on the platform and should come in handy.


Definitely, and the subscription model is "old news". People don't want monthly payments coming out but cry "scam" when you offer an alternative like we have here. Really is a case of "better the devil you know" even if it's taking money from you.

Thanks a lot for the positive words. I'm going to assemble a blog later with what I've written so far with handy links that people can click on and learn more about. And earn on their own support. Literally, everyone's a winner

With this approach, a one time fee of the consumers choosing, big or small, can support many content producers, forever. No more throwing money away to be entertained, plus the consumer earns. That's a big deal, if you get it.

The silence here right now is deafening and that's another solid reason why I've been pushing so hard over the years pointing out the role of the dedicated consumer. This should not be happening, but it happens because content producers are playing both roles, which is silly. I totally understand how hard it is to find the time to curate AND produce content. They had to resort to automation. Pay now, come back later. It doesn't need to be like this.

That's the message we need and perhaps it's something I can do as a standalone blog for the next version of my Bluffer's Guide. Hopefully now with Justin Sun and someone who has marketing presence can work that in to his approach.

And you're right, I struggle to do both creating and curating. As much as I am a fan of both, it's not possible to do them both at the same time well if you're spread out as thin as I am. It's why I follow curation trails that are manually dedicated to this curation stuff and I trust - I'm not overly fussed about the curation rewards but it's a nice perk of buying up over 20k STEEM and powering up.

Would rather have an engaged blog which I seem to be having and I'm grateful for the loonies who have stuck around and commented!

Work to do but I'm confident about things and if it does all fall to shit, I'm not going to stop making music or writing travel posts. But I doubt it will fall apart after hearing from steemit and JS (rather than the other noise going around).

That marketing is something I'm looking forward to seeing, provided it's executed properly. If it's not targeted towards general consumers at all, and it's just the same old "get paid to produce content" spiel... we're going nowhere. People who can create already know they can get paid. They also look for markets so if there's a large audience here, more show up. Big names show up after that, once they see virtual unknowns become successful, because they too will want a piece of that pie, but currently eat a lot of pie, so expanding here with no market is pointless. Show me the money!

We'll see man, we'll see. I'm pretty optimistic. Fresh blood at the top, someone who has a presence and will not want to lose his investment... But "getting paid to write content" has been proven to be a shit tactic lol.