The Trending Tab on Steemit is Becoming Paid Programming and Should Be Labelled Accordingly

Allow me to introduce myself:
First of all, I have the utmost respect for all of you bloggers out there who take you work seriously. I am not envious of your success if you're earning more than me. I do not think I'm somehow better than those of you who are struggling to get noticed or simply stuck between a rock and hard place.
I've always been careful with my words(when I'm not performing). I don't enjoy criticizing anything. I've been asked to be a judge for contests and refused simply because I do not feel comfortable singling anyone out. I rarely give out direct compliments. That makes me feel uncomfortable too.
I used to be a manager. Ran a tight ship. I didn't single anyone out then either. If they wanted a raise, it was based on performance. If they acted like sycophants, they wouldn't get a bigger raise. I'd see right through them. They would end up hating me, telling me I don't know what I'm doing, pouting, and eventually quit. That was good for business. I would hold the door for them on their way out. All I was left with were honest, hard working individuals who when they had a problem, I knew it was serious enough to address without wasting time second guessing their motives. I was surrounded by people I could trust; people I could depend on.
I already told my story in previous posts. I already explained why I'm here as a professional blogger. It doesn't bother me that most people don't know that story. I came here with nothing and nobody. I made all this money. Kept nearly all I've earned locked in as Steempower. Haven't spent a dime and many of you know why. I don't need to brag. Being proud of my accomplishments is enough for me. I did what some say is impossible and accomplished everything by simply being a writer, an artist, and an entertainer. As you can see, I run a tight ship here as well.
I could easily buy every vote that is up for sale here.
In my business, we call that 'selling out'.
In the arts and entertainment industry, we have a thing called ratings. If a program on television is popular, it is said to have high ratings. Unpopular shows get low ratings.
Trending. That is a word we use on the internet to describe content that is receiving high ratings.
Never, in the history of this industry, would we see an infomercial on late night television getting the highest ratings of all programs in existence. Never. Those things are so bad, they have to pay a large sum of money to purchase the worst possible time slot.
Never, in the history of newspapers, would we see someone purchase the paper so they could look at the latest, greatest, advertisements. The people buy it for the articles.
On the magazine rack, we see actual magazines. They have cover images, headlines, no advertisements in sight until we get inside and once there we begin flipping pages until we find an actual article.
Advertisements are designed to manipulate and brainwash the general public into thinking what is being said or printed is worth your time and money. They serve no other purpose.
Nine out of ten doctors prefer Camels brand cigarettes.
The advertisers lied. Nothing has changed. They still attempt to deceive people.
So I must ask you why there is an advertisement promoting Steemit floating around the top of the trending page?
I must ask how it makes sense to make a claim about Steemit not having advertisements within said advertisement which currently floats around at the top of the trending page?
There is another promotion currently floating around the top of the trending page that claims to have Steemit's top 25 posts in the history of Steemit. Congratulations to everyone.
Unfortunately, those two posts and many others that make it to the trending page these days are there with the help of votes that were bought and paid for.
These vote selling services market themselves as promoters. Since those purchasing the votes know in advance the said purchased votes could potentially place their post in a profitable slot, that makes the post nothing more than paid programming.
Because these paid promotions are erroneously reaching trending status, many members of Steemit as well as outsiders looking in are misled to believe the post is in that slot because it is popular.
To be clear, I am not here today to judge the quality of content within any post on the trending page past, present or future nor am I questioning the integrity of any author.
A Slippery Slope
I could prank Steemit, make us all look silly, and it would only cost me a few bucks.
Never, would I intentionally do something that could potentially retard my neighbor's property value.
It is not unusual for us to see something on the trending page that could potentially be sending the wrong message to not only experienced and new members, but also those looking in through the windows. People cannot read the fine print from all the way outside. These new members and potential signups are unaware of everything I've pointed out here today.
Every time we see paid programming on television, it includes a message that clearly states we are about to watch paid programming. When we use Google, advertisements are included with our search results and stand out, labelled as advertisements. Steemit is missing this crucial element and our community is being misled.
Suggestions and/or Solutions
Please consider these options.
Make it known to those viewing your post.
Indicate within the post your intention to advertise before publishing as a common courtesy to your followers and anyone else who may come across your promotion.
Minnows should not be lured into voting for your post on the day you decided it was eyes you wanted on your work and not votes. If you're buying votes, you are purchasing a portion of the reward pool. Every vote purchased takes potential rewards away from all other members who utilize this blockchain. Minnows could use their votes on each other which would only contribute to a thriving community instead of voting for advertisements. Nobody tips Wal-Mart for telling us about their huge sale. The ad lures people to the store and they look around.
Bot Detection
We have a promoted tab and a trending tab. The promotions are at the top of the trending tab. After the vote purchase transaction takes place, a promotion bot upvotes the post. That upvote should then remove the post from the trending tab and place it in the promotion tab automatically. When promotions are honest from the start, we can create a culture that is not afraid to look at the promoted tab. There's a good chance someone's best work might be there. There's also nothing stopping a blogger from creating a banner within their regularly scheduled posts that links to their promotion.
Final Thoughts
I cannot purchase a vote. As a combination of being a writer, an artist and an entertainer, I can only depend on my skills to succeed. If I'm buying votes, why would I need followers? If I don't have followers, who will read my jokes and look at the art? If nobody is looking, why would I bother? Why would I put so much energy into something just to keep it to myself?
It's difficult. Being here. Trying to push harder. Attempting to produce something worthy enough to trend. It feels like the Steroid Olympics. I cannot compete because I cannot purchase an advantage. I'm forced to ask people to share my Steemit links on other social networks in order to get more eyes on what I'm doing. That's not a bad thing either.
If I buy a vote, that is like me going out to purchase the best looking bowling trophy I can find. I've never bowled but the new trophy I'm constantly polishing says, "Best Bowler in the World." Someone might want to see me bowl someday. Then what? The jigs up. I faked it.
Artists can't buy success. I take what I do here seriously. I take myself seriously. I don't just want to make money by placing words on a screen and pressing enter. I have a lot of potential. People have told me that my entire life and only now, once I came here to start up this blog, have I truly embraced this potential.
I like to leave the door open to opportunity. If someone approaches me to offer a job as a writer, how can I deny their low-ball offer if I can't prove what I'm worth? They would laugh at me if I told them I bought my salary.
Think about these words:
Today, an artist revealed his latest offering to the world, free of charge. A patron of the arts was given a token of appreciation for the appreciation. The artist has done the exact opposite of selling out.
A busker sits on the street and strums his guitar while throwing change in everyone's hat. He goes home with a full stomach.
This changes everything. We've revolutionized the arts and entertainment industry.
Those are my words. They describe what I'm actually doing here, everyday.
We can't purchase that.
Have a good day.

This is why most of the time I just stick to my feed and rely on those in it to find me amazing things.
Beyond that, it’s got to be one amazing comment for me to even want a look at things. Either in my own blog or in a blog of another person who in my feed.
This is exactly how I found out about @nonameslefttouse. I was reading someone else’s blog and his comment made me go “WHO IS THIS GUY.” Ever since I’ve grown a mustache, gained an accent, and taken up painting on random toilets…
I’m not sure where all these happy little trees keep popping up in my artwork. Must be a former life or something. I really wish they go elsewhere they anger my latest creation Googly Eyes Fish Hamburger. What does he look like you ask? I’m not done yet-- ask again in 3 years.
oh I'd really like to see that Burger! like honestly! I want to see that!
This talking cat is on my blog everyday at some point, leaving comments like this and being a class act. Kudos @enjar.
Great post, not funny, but great!
There are many people buying votes only, not that I complain, it’s not my place, but I’m trying to respond.
You are different, You are an artist!
Unfortunately my vote is not worth any as for now.
You're a cool dood @nonameslefttouse. You're a leading example of a artist who has worked very hard and not purchased any upvotes. You're showing to the community that there are other ways to become successful on steemit and I totally respect you for that.
All I can say is thank you.
Wait people pay for upvotes on steemit? Never knew that I guess it is naive of me to think that wasn't going on though.
Here I sit, nodding my head, for two reasons. One: In shock of seeing a serious post. Two: Aside from bowling part, there was no pun/joke. I like reading that there are some who don't buy their way up the ladder. I'm shocked that I'm still a minnow. I don't get seen much, but that's ok. I have not really worked hard enough, till now. I want to enjoy what I do. It makes me look for ways to improve, and earn my way up. You sir, are one of my admirers.
You are always very clear about the facts and you're a motivation to many working here. I second you as you mentioned
This is the quality of a TRUE human being. Everybody has some specific potential and ability to do a thing but many of us don't have that courage or confidence to perform that thing/act in a best way.
Since i followed you, you put a new trait inside me Seriously that is MOTIVATION.
For which i am really Thankful to you @nonameslefttouse
Thank you.
You are warmly WELCOME :)
I am not trying to flatter you (like it matters really), or anything but this may be the most meaningful and helpful post I've read so far in steemit. And this comes from a newbie who doesn't have a clue how things work here yet. The only thing I've noticed so far, however, is that "Steemit" isn't as meritocratic as I initially thought. I see posts that include a couple of lines and a handful of photos with bikinis generating a great deal of money and votes, while there are GREAT posts who totally get ignored.
I am a writer myself and even though I am a very hard-working and optimistic dude, I see that making it big at steemit is as tough as making it big in the real world as well. Bikinis will always attract more than anything. It's human nature I guess ;)
PS. Respect for making it big while started from 0. I wonder if I ever make it big. I mean...I am 36, I studied law, I have a Masters Degree, I speak four languages, I've done a total of 14 jobs during my lifetime and I still don't have my own car. Not fair, but oh well there are people who have it even worse!
All of the new folks and even those who've been here awhile but can't seem to gain traction need to start paying attention to each other. Start out small and grow together. Minnows swim in schools. 20 little minnow votes on your post will do more than nothing. I have 1800 followers. I'll never see that many votes on one of my posts. I see struggling members with more followers than me and they're not earning anything because it seems everyone is too focused on the big prize at the end instead of every step of the way.
I agree and all I can give you is 1 cent for now! But one day I will give you a few dollars. I can promise you that. You have inspired me with this article ;)
After all, as Jim Morrison said: "The winner may be a hopeless romantic dreamer who never quits after all."
PS. Keep in mind that I never made it big, not because I am a loser, but because I happened to be born in Greece (you know all about the financial crisis I would guess) to two hard-working parents who had the non-so bright idea to have 5 kids (when they could hardly feed and raise properly two maximum). The fact that I've managed to study and graduate from Law school or that I have traveled around the world (as much as I have) is a little miracle now that I think about it!
You recently arrived and you can already give me a penny. I have 9 or so votes on a few of first posts and those didn't even amount to a penny. Things changed here. Many of you new member have it a lot easier than you might realize. It took me a long time to be able to drop a penny on someone, yet I still voted.
That Jim Morrison guy. Smart man. Reckless, but in control. Don't sell yourself short. The thought of you being a loser never once crossed my mind.
@nonameslefttouse, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support and wise words. Especially the very last line of your comment was as cheery as it gets. No wonder why you made it big starting from 0...There's greatness in your attitude and now that's something that all the dollars in the world can't buy!
I can't say yet whether I agree or disagree with you, where and how. But it is certainly a thought provoking post with many implications.
So perhaps I will comment further in a day or two :-)
Fair enough. For the most part this was something for everyone to think about anyway.
You sure have a good point here. I personally look only to my feed and occasionally head to the New tab, as there maybe more folks to follow. I do think people will get fed up with promoted stuff... as Facebook, Twitter and others over use promotions and many are getting fed up with it.
Hopefully here as well.
The promoted posts in disguise make the mountain seem impossible to climb. That's too daunting for many who came here with nothing. If only they knew the mountain is actually a hologram. Everyone involved, I think, can still succeed by taking an honest approach rather than making the same mistakes as so many advertisers and promoters have in the past. That's really all I can add to this.
steemit is a wonderful platform. But every pure source eventually gets polluted. Steemit is no exception. The fact that folks like you and me are aware of this helps to slow the process. I find Steemit a good source to channel my creative energy and develop relationships with others. It is also therapeutic for me to express the emotions of my heart. As for pay it is a great way to diversify out of the dead dollar and build a future. By the way 9 out of ten doctors prefer Camels cigarettes indeed. It pays them better to treat the symptoms of your illness rather than the cause. There is a video/book out there "Dead Doctors Don't Lie." by Joe Wallach that goes into this. I better get back to scratching those dangling balls of mine. Later.
The water was dirty, it made us sick, we learned to boil it. Some died, most survived.
There's also money in creating a problem, then offering a solution for a fee. That is the oldest advertising trick in the book.
Indeed you are right Create problem and offer solution. Used in advertising and politics. You and I are awake to this but the drugged sheeple out there may not.
Your serious side knocked me out. I couldn't possibly agree with you more.
Every clown has skin under the paint.