A FRIENDLY ADVICE: So you can't complain later!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

A FRIENDLY ADVICE: So you can not complain later!

Consider adding decentralized social media and other platforms to your life before you face trouble on current out-dated restricted central platforms. Thanks to Block Chain tech, this is the next step of our evolution.


To get started, you can check out platforms such as http://steemit.com (Old-school social media alternative, there's also http://busy.org which is another look for steemit), http://yours.org (Medium alternative), http://minds.com (Social media alternative), http://d.tube (YouTube alternative), http://dlive.io (Twitch alternative) and http://dsound.audio (Like Sound Cloud).


So far, it has been mainly the multi-billionaire owners of old central platforms who have been able to make the most out of your posts, re-shares and comments (interactions), in fact it is you who are fueling the life of these platforms to exist. But now, you have the chance to further seek beauty, truth, justice, contribution to people and making a meaningful impact by utilizing the power of these block chain powered platforms.


Use Case Samples: A decentralized social media can allow us to contribute some amount of money (any even $0.01) to each other every time we press "LIKE" on each other's posts or comments or etc. Where the money comes from? Well, if our account has $0.00 earned, purchased or given value, our LIKE would not include any amount too which means $0.00 gets sent with our LIKE to each other, but if our account has value, for each given LIKE we give $0.25 (for example) gets sent with the LIKE to each other. This is only one feature. Another feature or difference is that for example on decentralized video platform there would be no thing as problematic as YouTube policies. And yes, only in such cases it can be logical for the owners of such social media and platforms to take a tiny cut out of our activities. A win-win-win situation is possible.


And a piece of mind for centralized platform's owners, if they too still wish to continue have a business why not start behaving more fairly towards their users by providing them with such empowering features? Users who have kept their business relevant. They must never forget where big businesses such as Nokia were or MySpace, and where they are now, yes, no matter how big a business is, if no renovation to be helpful to people failure would eventually occur. The bigger something is, the harder it can fall.


Ok, hope everyone been able to get the most value out of this post, like others whom we have had the chance to tell them about this topic and are already benefiting it. Please be sure to always do your own research as you are the one responsible for your decision. So if you ended up joining, do not forget to follow http://steemit.com/@novinworks, so that we can connect on a whole next new level (@novinworks is also on DTube, DLive and DSound but Steemit is primary). Be sure to resteem (share) this post so more people can benefit from. Together we can be stronger. Please Note: Numbers in this post has been solely for educational value and may/may not apply to named sites. Until next time!