in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hello my Steemit friends,

i think everybody who understands the basics of Steemit comes to the point asking the question:

How can i build up my reputation as fast as possible?

This post is intended to give you a realistic insight from my experience. Honestly from my point of view there is no easy way to pump your reputation up to the sky and i'd never expected that. Steemit is a well thoughtout system which motivates new users with higher chances to climb the ladder of reputation faster in the beginning than a older user. I'm now here for more than a month and recognized that the difficuilty to raise my reputation is increasing. In the first 14 days i jumped from reputaton score 25 to 40 i think. It was very exciting to see this fast progress and for sure i was dreaming for a moment to reach the 50s and maybe 60s at the same speed..

But what happened was that my reputation score increased just by 9 in 3 weeks and i was stucking at 48 for 1 week alone. After the first rush that was quite frustrating sometimes but i remembered myself that i should be grateful i could increased this score in such a short amount of time and that recognized Steemians with a reputation score of more than 60 or 70 are here for more than a year. 49 to 60 or 70 that's a small gap just by numbers. But if you look at the work and efforts they'd invested it's crystal clear that it's natural by the platform to make it much harder to reach such high reputation scores the higher you climb.

But to come back to my title, what can you do to increase reputation as fast as possible?

1. Personality

First i'd made a mistake to call me "@onetin84", if i would restart i would choose my real name, it's much more personal because we are humans here on a social platform and it's like a brand you build for yourself.. i'd changed my mindset quickly to be more transparent and shaked off my timidity to show more of myself.. thanks to @jerrybanfield and his advice. Use a photo for your profile picture. Make yourself visible as human being and make people not suspicious that you could be a bot or a fake account.

2. Topic that matters

Steemit is a blockchain based app and i came here with much enthusiasm for related topics so my first post was about the blockchain and i decided to write just about that topic to be known for that.. it's good to have a clear starting point and a topic that matters.. but that changed soon to wider range of topics (photography, game music, personal development, Guides/Tutorials, Renderart). It must be a topic that touches you, which drives you from the bottom of your heart because your words express your enthusiasm or not and decide if you're are successful or not. Another important point is to use the right tags. You can use up to five and they should relate to your topic, first to find your audience and second to get not flagged because of misusage. Here you can what were the top categories two months ago

3. Enthusiasm

If i have a idea for a post then it emerges most of the time by pure enthusiasm. It's the driver to finish the post and also the salt which enthuses the reader of your post. Enthusiasm is saved in your lines you write, in every word. If you feel bored or lazy while you writing, STOP IT! It makes no sense to write an uninspired post because it will end up in wasted time for you and the reader. That's my opinion. I think there is a strong connection between enthusiasm while writing and the payout for a post.

4. Visibility

I always looking for ways to make my posts more accessible and visible. If you publish your post on Steemit it is for a fraction of a second on top of the NEW category but then it slips down fast. You can use @resteembot to resteem your post after 2 hours (recommended) to be on top of the list visible to your followers. Another service i use currently is @steemfollower it helps to get more followers and upvotes for your posts. In the beginning it's a good opportunity to increase reputation from my point of view. There are many more services like @minnowbooster or @randowhale which can give you additional payout but are more expensive because you pay them with Steem Dollars and you should always consider which way is better. For me i wanna powerup my SP and try to avoid additional costs in Steem Dollars if possible. Another way i'm not honestly not used to it is to spread your posts to other social media platforms and to attract from there people to Steemit and your blog. @jerrybanfield has some good hints on that topic. Another way is to use the Steemit Chat (see your hamburger menu) and leave a message with your link of the post in a suitable channel.

5. Self Improvement

I was constantly questioning how i can improve my posts, my way to create posts, how to use the platform in the best possible manner from the beginning.. and doing so in the future.. Steemit itself trained me with lot of posts by other Steemians and helped me to improve myself. There are uncount sources of knowledge here often posts written last year by Steemians who were the pioneers here. So i started to help new Steemians with tutorials how i use pictures or hints about Steemit tools

6. Investing in SP

I'd invested real money in STEEM POWER early on because i was convinced of the Steemit platform just after a few days and will invest more because i wanna shape the platform with my influence for the better. That is a strong commitment to the platform and also a driver to use it actively for me. Further positive effects are that other Steemians more likely connect with you because you can influence their payouts, but remember from great power arises great responsibility because you want reward quality posts.

7. Quality Posts

I wrote comprehensive, independend posts with my thoughts, with careful selected pictures, videos from the beginning until now.. which took always a lot of time and i wanna improve my posts even more in the future for you. I think it pays out if you take the extra mile, if you take the time to design the missing picture also if everything is still finished but if you have the gut feeling there is something important to add, do it to make it not a good post but a great post which represents the best in you!

8. Recognize other Steemians

I took my time to read, comment and upvote other posts from the beginning and learned a lot while doing this but expected nothing from that work, done that just by pure curiosity and to share my knowledge with you.. sometimes my comments growing to a comprehensive post if the topic touches me deeply.. that leads automatically to more exposure of you as person and your blog and authors are grateful if you enhance their post with your valuable knowledge.

9. Be Always Grateful

I'm always grateful for any comment and upvote to my posts and showing that with a reply, which can be sometimes more than a oneliner.. it motivates me to go further and to help others with my knowledge. Basically i think a positive sentiment and attitude are very important to be a grateful person. If you like yourself you can also like others. True gratitude can you feel and it connects people to build a relationship.

10. Never ever give up!

Never gave up writing new posts.. even if 5 posts in a row had $0.00 payout.. i was always talking to myself "It needs time, some day my posts will be recognized by someone. Value lies in the eye of the beholder, he decides not i!"

.. and guess what it happened, i remember @lukestokes and @barrydutton who supported me in the humble beginnings and many others i don't list here. Such noble behaviour leads to a code of conduct and improves Steemit at whole because if someone gives great value with a reputation score of 25 he is at least equally as valuable as someone with 70 and should be supported. That is not something to be taken for granted or overly supported by the platform itself. It's driven by active people who want that.

Anything i would change for the future?

Generally speaking.. basically nothing but I think it is just more a way of refinement and enhancement of existing working methods. I'll do videos in the future for a better transfer of my knowledge to you and also plan and write posts in advance for more consistency in publishing. I wanna also increase the visibility of my posts by using other platforms. I'll stay open minded to new topics and new ideas. If something is lacking or i can derive information from my current work for others i'll do that so long one rule is met:

"Always give value!"

If you like the read please follow me and vote me up! Thank you!

Please look also to my other posts..



Gems Of Our Youth PART 1 | Chris Hülsbeck | Mastermind of Epic Game Music and Soundtracks | Amiga and C64 Reloaded

Exciting times ahead steemit friends!

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Thank you!

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Congratulations on the sucess your having.

wish you the best! Thanks!

Great post! So many excellent points, but the ones that stand out to me the most are to always create value and to recognize other Steemians. This, after all , is a community. I find that when I view it as such, I care more about providing content from the heart, info that may benefit others. And I do appreciate when others provide the same, which in my experience is most often the case. Thanks for this! Upvoted and Resteemed.

Thank you for kind words and your service! It's encouraging for me.

Great post @onetin84 - Always best to get the fundamentals down first, with positivity :)

Hey my friend, thanks for your kind words!

You're welcome :) Steem on!

Fabulous post and I agree with all these points. I would also add that thinking about the 'visual flow' of your posts is important.

There are a lot of posts that clearly have great content BUT the paragraphs are really long, and not broken up at all, so people are much less likely to read it.

At the end of the day, you want people to actually reaad what you've written, so making it as easy as possible for people to do this is super important I think!

Cheers. :)

Great advice! Thank you, i'm constantly learning and improving.

It wasn't until I started to post quality content, being real, and leaving comments that add value to a post that things started to improve for me. It has been a learning process from when I first joined over a year ago but has been so worth it.

Thank you for your insights! I wanna stay open minded for self development. I just got a sense of what you're writing. But value remains for me always something of the most important points, yes.

Thanks for this post! Resteemed upvoted

Thank you very much!

nice write up sir @onetin84 ,thank you for sharing. I talk creative marketing follow me I promise i won't waste your time

Thank you! Your topic sounds interesting to me because i'm always looking for new ways to improve marketing! I follow you and visit your blog.

Welcome :)!


Here a few tips for starters snce you probably won't get any advice from those who comment under here, here's what I gathered thus far.
It's tough to make money at first so if that's your main cause to be on here grind that into your head straight away, that doesn't mean you shouldn't post content, you should, but enganging with others in the comment sections to grow your following is your best bet. Which categories?

Probably the introduce yourself one and the photography section but you can choose things that you have knowledge about too and then go from there just know that there is a lot of crap on here so plowing through that just to connect with others can be tough. Cheers.

The beauty of Steemit for me is to have always a choice and there are many good ones. Posting, commenting, upvoting, develop Steemit tools, advertising on other platforms and so on. I see commenting as very important because it's community building. Thank you for the ideas regarding categories!

Very good and inspiring post to keep growing on Steemit. Thanks!

Thank you man, i'm inspired by your first post!

You hit the nail on the head. There is no dpubt about it, it takes hard work to build our reputation. My reputation seems to be stuck at 59 for am eternity.

Thank you.. and i can do just a tiny little bit for you to get out of the 59 zone. My thought on that is "the day will come if i can do something really great for the community which is more valuable as all my posts together". Maybe there is something you can do to leave the "pit" which really is no one i think ;)

Thank you for your suggestion. I am trying to be more active in commenting on other people's articles. In the meantime, pls do visit my profile and take a look at my poems, positive posts and travels