
Brilliant. I support this work 150%. Please make more infographics like this.....

That's the happiest comment ever @stellabelle Nice gif!!!


Any suggestions? There's so much to do, but I don't know what to cover next ☺

How To Get Noticed In Steemit in 3 Easy Steps!

  1. Make friends
  2. Join a Discord community
  3. Be authentic

something like that?
That's what noobs want to to do this.

I'll work on this today, need to double post, I was busy yesterday :D

I’m totally new! A noob! But i post a lot of stuff that i think is interesting. How do i get noticed? Increase followers? Improve my content quality? I’m in for a year as my New Years resolution so teach me the ways of the force master Jedi

if my SPS proposal goes through for 700 SBD over a few weeks, will you be interested in making at least 3 videos at least 30 seconds each to explain how steem works?

They have to be in style of coinbase earn

i was gonna use fivver so its up top you but theres no negotiations as it would be funding set from SPS and no wiggle room whatsoever and its up to you if your interested or not but yeah check the new proposal system youc an finfd it there

Sorry for the slow reply. I gave it some thought and it seems like a good deal, esp. given the explosive nature of cryptos.

Could you contact me on Discords?

yes I just did

remember my proposal may not pass in time it needs 7.5 Million SP vote haha

If you can work for same price as the lowest fivver style freelance worker, to make a style video at least one, for steem, I might still fund it myself with a few other people even if the proposal system fails us

I may just need to buy some upvotes for the post

Aww snap. What's the lowest fiverr guy cost? Cheapest doesn't always mean high quality. Let me know and maybe can work something out... If I have plenty of time to do it then I can charge cheaper...

@stellabelle thanks for your advice. if there is no objection please follow me back, I really like and keingan great to make friends with you

I'm working out the details for a new post titled, "The Missing Chapter to the Steem White Paper: The Gift Economy"
it might be cool to collaborate?

This is a great project idea..

I'll have to take a break from making cube creatures, but I'm so tired those little blockheads anyway!

Ok, let me know. Tomorrow's nutty, can have it done tuesday(?) :)

Thanks! As a new user, this was super helpful

Music to my crazy ears :) Welcome!

This looks awesome and I think it is very helpful for new users already on the platform and for crypto enthusiasts not on the platform. For the crypto uneducated and uneducated in general I think they will need to go to preschool! The first stumbling block might be liquid funds... "is that like melted gold?" Ha ha... but who needs them!

Haha, at that point I throw them a link to a dictionary!

I've been looking for something like this for weeks. How exactly does steem dollars, steem and cashing out my steem weekly? Pretend I'm a total NOOB and I post a piece of content and in 7 days it makes $20. What do I do with the $20 to I move it to savings in the wallet for steem? or do I reallocate it back into steem power or what? I'm so confused as to what to do with the steem or steem dollars once the 7 day payout ends.

am I able to buy steem coins on an exchange? would I want to do this? Im completely new, I keep adding content to my blog everyday but am unsure what to do with whatever is upvoted. id like to contribute to the community as well as generate a great side income. Any pointers. BTW I added you too :)

By the way, a $20 post only pays the author about $15 and pays the voters $5 (split up of course). This encourages the voters to upvote good content. And when you upvote content, 25% of your upvote's value will boomerang back to you.

The steem power from a post power automatically goes into the long term hold (13 weeks)

The steem dollar will show up in your balance. You can decide to:

  1. Leave it there
  2. Put it into savings
  3. Sell it for Steem using Blocktrades
  4. Trade it on the open market for Steem
  5. Sell if for bitcoin, litecoin, doge, bitshares or ethereum using Blocktrades

I think the best way to buy steem with bitcoin would be through blocktrades. If you simply want to convert steem dollars into steem, definitely do it through the open market.

Hope this helps!

It does help I guess I am curious what do I do with Steem Dollars, steem power and all of this. I guess I'm having a hard time understanding what to do with all these currencies and should I be pulling things into savings as a NOOB or just putting it back into steem dollars?

I appreciate your questions. I'm only one person, but I'll try to address this in an infographic soon! :)

Well, in the short term, I'd use the open market to trade steem dollars for steem, and then power up. If that doesnt make sense, I'll try to explain later :)

Great stuff my friend. I’m very close to getting it!

Thanks I'll be sharing this with a lot of new Steemians!

Cool Infographic man, crypto is lacking stuff like this, and it is work like this that brings value to the platform and should be commended. Upvoted.

These look lovely. The only thing that I would tweak a bit is the font or the size of the whole thing, so that fonts don't seem distorted? If that makes sense. Other than that these could be useful, especially for newbies ^^ Good job!

Just changed fonts from "light" to "medium"

Here's the original if you'd like to compare:

Woah nice! A lot better, I think! ^^

@acidyo found an error, fixed it. 3 days not 3.5 days.

Maybe slightly bolder fonts? Sorry can't elaborate more, I'm passengering now 😂

Nice infographic... clear and easy to read and understand

We need tons of these, it's exhausting trying to explain everything to new users there is so much information to take in!

Feel free to send me any ideas, I know you're on the "front lines" of on-boarding new users :)

I would love some help in understanding. and I would assist in advocating as well once I understood what to do

I did a version of the steem wallet a while ago, and it is interesting to see how we explained it in different ways:

Would be great if we ended up doing a collaboration of some sort to combine the information :)