Why Steemit Should Care about Indonesia

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

For some time now I have heard complaints about the Indonesian and Aceh communities here on Steemit.  They are scammers, they plagiarize, they copy and paste, they beg, they have no etiquette bla bla bla. And I cannot deny, that I have experienced this myself from members of this community.

But, I have also experienced this from members of other communities here on Steemit and I’m here today to tell you why you should not overlook the Indonesian or Ache communities and cast judgement because of a small few.  I want to give you some solid reasons you should support this community and I want to share with you a little data and few stats about this community/.

Let’s talk about launching a social media site for a moment. What is important for its success?   At the end of the day, one of the key factors in the success of a social media site is traffic.  The more users, the more traffic, the more traffic, the more users.  Each one of these snowballs the other.

Now let’s talk for a moment about launching an online business.  Let’s take Udemy for example.  Udemy for those of you that do not know is the world’s largest online course marketplace with over 20M students.  Launching in 2010 their site was the first of its kind.  It allowed anyone become an instructor and courses of all topics and quality was allowed.  Instructors were rewarded for bringing new student to the site by being favoured in course marketing promotions ran by Udemy.

For the first few years of Udemy existence, they did not care about the overall course content.  For a long time they supported courses that offered ‘get rich’ quick approaches and make money online courses.  Every our own @jerrybanfield done awesomely well out of this….These were the courses that were bringing the users, these were the courses that were bringing the traffic. And although this is not where Udemy wanted to go long term, they use this to their advantage and when they reached a growth level that could be sustained, when the snowball began to grow, Udemy changed.

From what I can remember it took Udemy 5 years to get to 10M students.  This is when they changed, they stopped supporting this courses and even kicked top earning instructors off the site.  It didn’t matter because the snowball was rolling fast now and within the next 2.5 years Udemy went from 10M students to 20M at the same time improving the quality of the courses they offer and removing anything that could get negative attention.

What’s this got to do with the Indonesian Community and Steemit?

The Indonesian community on Steemit is growing rapidly, check out the chart below which shows rapid growth since the end of October.


There has been a 58% increase in the number of Authors posting on Steemit since the start of 2018 to this community.  This is massive and above most other communities.  And this is because there are people on Steemit from these communities working very hard.  There are meetups held regularly, and it’s easy to find posts about these and most of these posts have photos with Steemains holding the steem logo or some sort of proof there are discussing Steemit.  I have not see as many in person meetups as there appear to be in Indonesia.

The level of media attention in Indonesia is growing strong. Check out this piece of information shared on discord


This is all very important for Steemit.  Growth, Traffic, Users, More traffic, More users. And Indonesia is charging ahead.  Indonesia is helping Steemit reach the traffic levels it needs for the snowball to start rolling at speed.

One big different with Steemit and Udemy though is the self-regulation and payment system.  On Udemy, they ‘used’ these instructors to get traffic and then rewarded them.  On Steemit, we have the choice what posts we reward.  Let’s embrace the traffic and publicity that Indonesia are bringing to Steemit.  For the growth phase of the platform both good and bad content are needed, strange as it may sound.

Let’s talk about Bad Content and how we can try an improve the situation on Steemit

Steemit is littered with content that is not, well let’s just say awesome.  It’s littered with spam and plagiarism.  For this post, let’s call all this collective ‘bad content’.  Every community and every tag has some.  We will never get rid of it, nature of the online world really.

But by educating and helping, there are many authors making changes and improving.  Whats better is the visible sign of members from the Indonesian and Ache communities educating their members daily about etiquette, plagiarism and spam. Maybe it’s not me, maybe I am not looking hard enough but I really don’t see this happening with such focus in tags like ‘Art’ or ‘photogrpahy’

The Indonesian community are taking the advice.  Check out this post from @imammalkimas sharing a message I have been trying to convey to this members of this community.


And then there is also @kisrael.  After being caught by @spaminator and receiving good guidance admits 

“To some extent, I didn't stand out for what Steemit is known for, Originaland Quality content.
So, I have myself to blame for the resultant effect of my actions and to the whole Steemit community, I say I AM SORRY.”

You can read that full post here


Let me share something else with you.  The levels of Spam and plagiarism are not as bad as you might think from this community.

Since the start of 2018 Cheetah has left 1100 messages on posts from the Indonesian and Aceh Community, spaminnator 22 and steemclearners 49.  There has been 149K posts made by this community during this time.


So here is what I am saying, there is bad eggs everywhere, there is bad content all over the internet.  Let’s not tarn everyone from one community with the same brush.  Given Indonesia a chance and maybe even support because at the end of the day, they are propelling the growth of Steemit and soon we will see some awesome whales emerging from this community.

Looking at business models such as Udemy, Steemit needs the traffic.  I have been working with the Indonesian Community and have belief in their ability, their willingness to learn and to grow and their ability to aid Steemit reach the traffic levels it requires.  I hope more people will join me in educating this community and supporting this community and let them promote, bring new users and much needed traffic.


#whalepower is currently Supporting Indonesian.
A Curator must Ready able to Read / Moderate their content.
Higher Voting Delegation Falling in the wrong corrupt hands as I can see the Curators only give to theirs friends.
Watch Out!
I am multi-lingual and able to read many posts.
@bullionstackers for #whalepower

I agree with you @bullionstackers
I am from Indonesia. Many people say that many plagiarists are from Indonesia. In fact, sometimes one user has more than one account, or posing as a user from another country.
The reason, because curators from Indonesia do not work wisely.
But why go to another country? I see, in other countries, as bad as any article they write, they still get decent votes, their writing is appreciated, by their own curators. Look at user steemit from korea, china, japan, turkey, and even other countries, outside from indonesia. There are no empty posts. In fact, I myself have made one plagiarism account, i'm disguised as a user of korean country, korean language, I myself do not understand with writing from the country. but, everytime I write in korean, I have 6 to 8 votes in my post.
Back to Indonesia, as good as any article they write, or I write, even until there is not a single voice attached to the post, unless they lick the curators, or beg for them.
Curators from Indonesia have their own circle, if we are outside the circle they make, then there is no sound from them.
I think that's it, my face is very red if there are people who say that users from Indonesia are very influential in steemit.

I agree @eos-casper .
every post I have, I am very hard working ...
every result I make from my own creative effort, sometimes it takes up to 3-4 hours to complete the crash. but the copycats can get more results.
it could kill my imagination creation effort ..
I hope I am still supported with this news for sure work.
thank you @paulag

lucky for you being multi-lingual - I will have a look at the delegated power I have given to this community and make sure it is not just given to friends

Thank you for the friendly heads up and was not aware of #whalepower

#whalepower have doing Manual Curating since June 2017.
Our Ranking is not too bad. Recognize Permanent Tag !
I am not hesitate to Flag any bad contents, if found.

I also curate manually, but dont have the SP to make an impact...watch this space, I will be a whale one day:-)

It is not about you and me.
Steemit is about The Entire Platform.
#whalepower is only part of the platform.
I do have a Team of Curators , each to theirs own taste.
Oh!, you are not even quite a Dolphin yet.
We works in Pods derive the name from.
Should you need any assistant please do contact me. I am in Discord.

thank you kindly, I will contact you and I fully agree, it is not about you and me, in fact I don't even have the power I own, due to time constraints I thought it be better to delegate mine out cos I just don't have much time to curate at the moment, but give me a month and I will have so much more time - have a nice day, thanks for poping by

always be monitoring and emphasis on steemit progress.
success and glorious steemit Indonesia

Suporter to ksi


Im thankful for the comments I have gotten from the Aceh community. Many write good english and are involved in my posts. A small percentage of them do not speak good english and its hard to interact with them, as if they are using google translate which seems to get "lost in translation" sometimes. I enjoy their posts as their climate allows for some really tropical plants that I enjoy seeing. Its nice seeing life around the world.

Too much drama here!

The Academy award is on 3 March.. Can't wait to see the winner goes to.. 😂

Indeed Mr. Muklis...indeed, so let's try to stop this sad drama together. :)

The best actor goes to...

Winners are .....?....ha...ha..!

This is a real or fake one? small percentage compare to the whole lager community?

This analisys also explain why we should care about indonesia..

continue your mission buddy, I will support every step you take. you are ok..?

itu yang banyak di mana (indonesia nya?)

Pengguna esteem terbanyak di 2017..
Lebih jelasnya pada post tersebut.

perfect graphic to explain - nice share thanks

Thanks for the very interesting post @paulag. I think that your post about indonesia highlights one of the major strengths of the decentralised and voluntary nature of the Steemit platform.

Censorship and demonetisation is the only option that traditional social media sites (twitter, youtube, instagram) and other user created content sites (Udemy) have to control unwanted traffic and user content. Unfortunately this method harms many creators of content unjustly.

On Steemit, the platform self regulates itself, yes you will have bad actors and opportunistists that come onto the platform, but they will be found out quickly and the platform users will take the appropriate action to flag such users. Yes there will be instances of incorrect or unjust flagging, however there are numerous cases of members defending others members that have been flagged unjustly and the issue being resolved.

Steemit has its imperfections, but its design is so ingenuis that although bad actors may be able to benefit in the short-term, it is the true value creators who will ultimately come out on top and do well on the platform.

I always just try to remember that Steemit is a community, Indonesia are members of that greater community. It does not really matter which community creates the value, it will ultimately be recognised.

Thank you, @paulag, you are very concerned about this community, you have a noble heart. I am amazed and proud of you. and I do not deny what you write in your article about Indonesian society. and that's the fact, bad eggs are everywhere. But what should we think about "how can we empower and process bad eggs into something that has more value?" Not necessarily something bad, it will always be bad, just like humans, not necessarily bad humans. We hope that bad will be good.

thats the idea, teach them the way

Excellent article

welcome back to steemit

hm I had more negative experiences with Pakistani users.But I notice that there are lots of Aceh users on the platform. So, when there are plenty of them, there are plenty of bad apples as well, although their overall percentage might be average.

Personally, I sometimes flag them but mostly I just mute them.It's not worth the effort.

In rare occasions, I pass them on to steemcleaners like in the case of @todovideos who's mass-uploading TV shows to DTube, but it seems our witnesses aren't even interested in doing something about it. So, why should I or anyone else?

Mute them and wait until it blows over - or blows up.

I stand up for all the global audience everywhere... if we don't take the broad perspective, we're going to be just as bad as the governments and corporations that keep selling the developed road down the river of debt, poverty and exploitation. We gotta keep rising above it and uniting. Peace and let's keep diversifying our way to mega decentralized unity. peace all !!

well said

I can understand that people from less well off countries are desperate to make anything, but we have to persuade them that begging and spamming are not good strategies for steemit. There's great potential to build something amazing. People can start new businesses offering services, eg translation. As steemit grows we have to help the newbies get started on the right path

basically begging is not the answer for us .. we as a beginner can conclude that we need guidance .. and that we are begging it is a guidance to be more perfect our knowledge in mastering steemet forward .. thanks for your attention to our country that stillleft behind,

fall behind
drop behind
please can help us

I offer advice when I get a bad comment. Sometimes they take it

I agree with your opinion ..
if they are high level can help those who are weak .. then my analysis forward steemet will be more advanced and more easily get profit ..
even steemeans without any more beggars and even more professional users .. thank you lord for his opinion ...

-save the Steemet cadres

@steevc thank you for your comment. Steemit can offer so much, you are right and the more people willing to help newbies start on the right path or even turn a corner to make it to the right path the better