Daily Steem Stats Report - Tuesday, March 27, 2018

in #steemit7 years ago

Welcome to my Steem Stats Report for Tuesday, March 27, 2018. All data comes directly from the Steem blockchain and is based on UTC time.

1. Daily number of Posts (including comments)


2. Daily number of votes

DateVotesPaid bot votesPercent bot votes

3. Daily active users

DateActive users

4. Posts + Comments per post

DateAverage # commentsPosts

5. New accounts created

DateNew Accounts

6. Daily Amount of Steem Powered UP & DOWN

DatePowered UPPowered DOWNDifference
2018-03-26236,564 STEEM131,298 STEEM105,266 STEEM
2018-03-2560,090 STEEM248,361 STEEM-188,271 STEEM
2018-03-2493,263 STEEM148,309 STEEM-55,046 STEEM
2018-03-23224,859 STEEM171,642 STEEM53,217 STEEM
2018-03-22155,203 STEEM131,498 STEEM23,705 STEEM
2018-03-21122,500 STEEM167,239 STEEM-44,739 STEEM
2018-03-20222,068 STEEM114,144 STEEM107,924 STEEM
Average p/d289,906 STEEM370,137 STEEM-80,231 STEEM

Largest 'Power ups' yesterday

Date & TimeFromToSTEEM
Mar 26, 19:28@blocktrades@unknownbloc39,945.021
Mar 26, 02:48@blocktrades@unknownbloc25,381.431
Mar 26, 01:05@promobot@promobot22,832.426
Mar 26, 19:38@blocktrades@unknownbloc18,058.096
Mar 26, 01:51@virus707@virus70715,165.000
Mar 26, 05:08@cryptopassion@cryptopassion10,860.866
Mar 26, 16:49@dimimp@dimimp8,299.777
Mar 26, 06:11@dflhs21@dflhs215,879.403

7. Daily Steem Transfers from and to exchanges

DateFrom BittrexFrom PoloniexFrom BinanceTo BittrexTo PoloniexTo Binance
2018-03-2628,461 STEEM0 STEEM21,745 STEEM99,344 STEEM0 STEEM1,690 STEEM
2018-03-2527,080 STEEM0 STEEM18,015 STEEM137,330 STEEM0 STEEM3,987 STEEM
2018-03-2482,759 STEEM0 STEEM83,450 STEEM58,930 STEEM6 STEEM93,733 STEEM
2018-03-23468,168 STEEM0 STEEM29,604 STEEM149,274 STEEM0 STEEM197,987 STEEM
2018-03-220 STEEM0 STEEM52,547 STEEM7,329 STEEM0 STEEM355,043 STEEM
2018-03-2136,775 STEEM0 STEEM84,083 STEEM13,693 STEEM0 STEEM142,264 STEEM
2018-03-20164,313 STEEM0 STEEM89,429 STEEM133,110 STEEM0 STEEM145,721 STEEM

Largest transfers yesterday

Date & TimeFromToAmount
Mar 26, 03:10@alpha@blocktrades50,000.000 STEEM
Mar 26, 11:50@yenlau@bittrex25,000.489 STEEM
Mar 26, 01:05@transisto@promobot22,832.425 STEEM
Mar 26, 14:39@freewallet@bittrex16,200.000 STEEM
Mar 26, 23:24@ngc@bittrex12,740.668 STEEM

8. Steem Price Update

¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Follow me @penguinpablo for daily Steem statistics.


@penguinpablo. I always read your daily and weekly statistics which are extremely useful. I don’t vote them all (I voted this one), but your work is always very appreciated.

It seems a little disheartening that the number of active daily users seems to have stalled at close to 60’000 (Facebook claims 1.3 billion, or 23’000 times as many).

The Alexa ranking also seems to be falling.

My guess is that the numbers will turn around at some point.

My view is that many were milking the reward pool when the prices of steem and SBD were higher, and at these lower prices some of those low quality posters have gone away. Probably that means the average quality of blogs is improving at the moment.

There is definitely a correlation between number of posts and STEEM price. As the reward goes down the incentive to create content also drops. Basic human biology- Less reward= less effort given.

I do think that your assumption is correct. When the Steem price drops, activity drops, they will all come back when the Steem price increases.
Now it is time for the new content creators to increase their activity, because it is less hard to get noticed!

yeah, i think she's right.....what if steem never goes back up? Look around at the top 100 whales, then look at their posts, then go down to comments and see if they upvote the people that support them. What you will find is scary, very few whales upvote, and they are the ones that make a difference with just one vote to keep people optimistic. I been on 4 months now, and my biggest vote was 2.50 and that was from tech support people looking into my account errors and dropped a vote on me, most of the votes i get are worth .002 It does seem like a bank roll for the whales. i'm guessing 80% of all the money is going to just 100 users. Thats is not very good for growth.

This is wrong. @taskmaster4450 has clearly shown that whale power is decreasing. To stand out you either have to do original dtube videos, write 300-500 word comments (Take 10-15mins) or write 3000-5000 word articles.

Well they are being rewarded for being early adopters. I agree that the voting power is completely skewed but that is just the nature of the beast. As time goes on new users are going to have to try increasingly harder to get their posts noticed and to get rewards. Time is money and the flood of posts makes it nearly impossible to sort through the muck.

It's not skewed. This is how life always have worked. It's easy to stand out. Create amazing content and people will pay attention. Aim higher. Aim to give 100X more in value.

good call, but i still need to see more whales upvoting their followers comments, I have done a lot of looking lately, and many of the whales, have a self upvoting of 30% or more. On the same token, if they put that out to the people then it should come back to them in volume and allows for much better growth.

Stop looking at what other people are doing and focus on creating amazing content instead. Stop the comparison game. It's a waste of time and just distraction.

I agree with you for the most part. But without good suggestions, the site would not progress well, Yes good content is job one. But lets not forget this site is for both content makers and viewers. Keeping the other half interested is just as important. I would never do anything dicky, like flag people. I just want to see the platform grow. As i look at the numbers, steemit is near facebook like numbers in the first few years, I really want to see that happen. I think if small items are fixed, it could hit 5 million by the end of year, and to me, thats the breakout point. Self upvoting when your big, is not better for growth. The real potential is in volume, so more people (little guys) doing well comes back on the whales anyway. Looking at introduceyourself postings, i see so many well done posts, that get less then .02 and i dont think that makes people get the right impression off the bat.

Personally, the only reason i want steem, is to upvote my followers. when i do get them :) i would love for my customers, readers.....etc etc.....to get .25 Steem everytime they comment or reply. Thats perfect for me, it may be a small goal, but i think it's perfect and honest.

I also made a pledge, that once my delegated steem is gone, i will not be upvoting myself anymore. https://steemit.com/steem/@oopgamesandhobby/the-steem-power-pledge and not a single person even read it i think, LOL

Please have some perspective. It's not stalled this is regular growth. It hasn't been 60k stable for 3 months even and you already start to complain and compare with Facebook. This is delusional. Things like this take years to develop. You can see that it's currently at an all time high even when the price of STEEM is low.

@phoneinf. I think you are going to be proven right. Steemit is only 2 years old and there are 800k users of which 60k post daily and a bigger number weekly. I wonder how many users facebook had after 2 years? Time will tell if steemit is the next big thing in blogging. If yes, then there is lot’s of potential for the price of steem.

By the way, @phoneinf the comparison with facebook was meant to be to show the potential, not to complain.

It feels so good to see when steemit is going up and more and more people are using it. That is so satisfying because it gives you kind of security that this platform is going to progress and in one day it will become a big thing.

I am just worried about one question.Everyday more and more steem/SBD's are created, so then how we gonna sustain their prices?

you need to outgrow, the creation of steem, 2 to 1 on new users, So if 2x steem is created, we need to keep the growth over 400% new users just to maintain current prices. If that even works, because most the money is only going to the top 100 users. over the 700,000 or so users, not good

I also really enjoy the statistics, so thanks for that. Would you mind adding stats about the total number of created accounts?

I suppose that "active" users only counts users who have voted or posted at least once, right? If that's the case, I'm not sure whether 60k users is such a bad thing. It is kinda similar to what happened to Twitter (as opposed to Facebook), where the number of users didn't go up so much, while more and more tweets were read from the public feeds.

Wrt the Alexa ranking, I think it's also worth noting that busy has been picking up, so the Steemit Alexa ranking may not be the only relevant stat here.

Keep up the good work!

Would you mind adding stats about the total number of created accounts?

On your request, here's the chart of the total number of steem accounts :)

The number of accounts DOUBLED in the last 5 months. Impressive. Three more doubling events and the number of accounts will be over 7 million. I think that’s a reasonable projection for the next 24 months or so.

It's a good trend. Hope it keeps on growing like that, or even accelerates. 1m users is impressive, but is there a reason not to be on Steem? Why would you use anything else? We should aim at the figures Medium, Twitter, Reddit or even Facebook have produced :-)

:-) Great, thanks!

200k posts per day is a lot, but how many say 'nice post' or similar? It's quality that really matters. Steemit needs to be respected as a source of information and entertainment to gain momentum. Other sites manage this without paying users. I'd like to see the trending page show a better selection. It could filter out those who buy their way in there. I'll continue to support quality and not chase curation rewards

I agree, but how can we achieve becoming a better medium.com? If you look at Medium, you will see that the content is way better than the material​ on Steemit. It is not only an issue of discovery.

But what could be the solution?

When the value of STEEM and price of SBD becomes more stable we will see an increase in quality content. Since atm people becoming a bit caught up in greed everytime there is lots of money to be made.

Well, I sure hope you are right. I will do my best to write quality content here on Steemit because I want to see the platform prevail.

Wow! That's a lot of bots!

Question, does the price of SBD/STEEM influence your displayed payout on posts/comments? I've noticed that the displayed value of one one of my posts has dropped - but the amount of SBD I'll be receiving hasn't changed. So is the $ amount displayed adjusting in real-time?

Look at http://deepsteem.com for accurate author payout predictions separated in STEEM, SBD, and SP.

Thanks @nafestw I'll check it out.

The number of posts is showing a bad trend, add this with more user, and the fact bots are a thing for voting, i see the platform at a stalemate or maybe better said a "flatline" in growth. The whales need to take a good look and correct what can be fixed right away, Dtube has been a blessing, but the users are showing a real lack of voting themselves. Something does need to be done, otherwise your going to have a platform of voting bots.

A major jump in active subs and daily post. Always a good sign!

Almost close to a million accounts and the number of active users still remains at around 60k

I'm happy to see the daily active users remain around 60,000 despite the falling price. It's a good sign to me that we're retaining a lot of users once we get them here.

I think retention rates will be especially high in parts of the world with a lower cost of living. In those countries, like Nigeria for example, where $1 day make a big difference in someone's way of life - I think they'll be more likely to stick around with falling prices.

I much prefer to spend my time on Steem than to trudge through the cesspool of comments on sites like Facebook. No thank you!

Thanks for the daily updates @penguinpablo, and thanks for your support on our blog/vlog. It means a lot to us!

Very usefull and informative post
Thanks you very much for your sharing to us