It all looks good!
- Steem is back above $1.00 USD.
- Steem Dollar (SBD) made a high of $3.50 today. Crazy! I've just sold most of my SBD for STEEM. You can now buy Steem for just $0.53 SBD. Steem on sale!
- 110,890 Posts and comments yesterday :)
Welcome to my Steem Stats Report for Wednesday, November 22, 2017. All data comes directly from the Steem blockchain and is based on UTC time.
1. Daily number of Posts (including comments)

Date | Posts |
2017-11-21 | 110,890 |
2017-11-20 | 104,115 |
2017-11-19 | 100,076 |
2017-11-18 | 97,028 |
2017-11-17 | 102,586 |
2017-11-16 | 104,028 |
2017-11-15 | 105,540 |
2. Daily number of votes

Date | Votes |
2017-11-21 | 422,961 |
2017-11-20 | 431,432 |
2017-11-19 | 454,474 |
2017-11-18 | 433,640 |
2017-11-17 | 408,976 |
2017-11-16 | 396,972 |
2017-11-15 | 395,035 |
3. Daily active users

Date | Active users |
2017-11-21 | 27,586 |
2017-11-20 | 28,548 |
2017-11-19 | 25,733 |
2017-11-18 | 26,042 |
2017-11-17 | 27,510 |
2017-11-16 | 28,098 |
2017-11-15 | 27,946 |
4. Posts + Comments per post

Date | Average # comments | Posts |
2017-11-21 | 2.59 | 30,866 |
2017-11-20 | 2.40 | 30,651 |
2017-11-19 | 2.46 | 28,916 |
2017-11-18 | 2.26 | 29,748 |
2017-11-17 | 2.19 | 32,131 |
2017-11-16 | 2.40 | 30,620 |
2017-11-15 | 2.35 | 31,501 |
5. New accounts created

Date | New Accounts |
2017-11-21 | 1,668 |
2017-11-20 | 1,952 |
2017-11-19 | 487 |
2017-11-18 | 894 |
2017-11-17 | 1,647 |
2017-11-16 | 1,944 |
2017-11-15 | 1,078 |
6. Daily Amount of SBD converted to Steem

Date | Amount in SBD |
2017-11-21 | 5,872 SBD |
2017-11-20 | 5,029 SBD |
2017-11-19 | 4,833 SBD |
2017-11-18 | 8,665 SBD |
2017-11-17 | 12,909 SBD |
2017-11-16 | 2,037 SBD |
2017-11-15 | 836 SBD |
7. Daily Amount of Steem Powered UP & DOWN

Date | Powered UP | Powered DOWN | Difference |
2017-11-21 | 117,970 STEEM | 174,725 STEEM | -56,755 STEEM |
2017-11-20 | 202,997 STEEM | 70,494 STEEM | 132,503 STEEM |
2017-11-19 | 135,001 STEEM | 196,644 STEEM | -61,643 STEEM |
2017-11-18 | 91,506 STEEM | 60,089 STEEM | 31,417 STEEM |
2017-11-17 | 99,925 STEEM | 165,897 STEEM | -65,972 STEEM |
2017-11-16 | 160,040 STEEM | 169,978 STEEM | -9,938 STEEM |
2017-11-15 | 387,967 STEEM | 230,088 STEEM | 157,879 STEEM |
Average p/d | 232,222 STEEM | 225,717 STEEM | 6,506 STEEM |
Largest 'Power ups' yesterday
8. Daily Steem Transfers from and to exchanges

Date | From Bittrex | From Poloniex | To Bittrex | To Poloniex |
2017-11-21 | 121,509 STEEM | 42,313 STEEM | 144,913 STEEM | 59,902 STEEM |
2017-11-20 | 127,634 STEEM | 122,954 STEEM | 196,260 STEEM | 20,004 STEEM |
2017-11-19 | 40,597 STEEM | 61,090 STEEM | 86,205 STEEM | 53,744 STEEM |
2017-11-18 | 110,845 STEEM | 27,333 STEEM | 71,531 STEEM | 32,366 STEEM |
2017-11-17 | 175,682 STEEM | 17,817 STEEM | 1,038,284 STEEM | 147,138 STEEM |
2017-11-16 | 49,886 STEEM | 44,568 STEEM | 133,365 STEEM | 57,251 STEEM |
2017-11-15 | 76,828 STEEM | 137,883 STEEM | 283,012 STEEM | 59,439 STEEM |
9. Steem Price Update

¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Follow me @penguinpablo for daily Steem statistics.
Appropriate report, I smiled to the market today with my little SBD which afforded me with good amount of Steem.
Same here
Great! You think it will last or it will plumb again at 0.85 ?
You never know ;-)
It could last, because Steem was a bit behind compared to other cryptocurrencies. Steem dropped to rank #32 on and is now back at #28. It's still low in my opinion.
However, if other altcoins begin to lose value in the coming days, Steem will probably follow them.
SBD trading via exchanges affected the evaluation here on Steemit obviously, but it doesn't seem that we can see how people might have taken advantage of these fluctuation in regards to their Steemit accounts yet.
I'd guess if people sell gains off the platform then we'll see the process stabilize back around to the levels we've seen for the last month-ish..
I do think we're going to see a a general uptick to the value of Steem over the next 4-6 months, I'm not clear what initiated this run on SBD today are you?
Me too. Especially once more news about SMTs is released and more and more people get excited about it. It think many crypto investors outside our Steem community still haven't heard about SMTs yet. The price can go much higher once people begin to comprehend it.
Pump and dump.
Hi @penguinpablo,
I have always wondered how you get this data so well presented daily. Amazing job!
And thanks for . It is an amazing tool!
Great news! Thank you :)
Thank you great info !!
Timely update. There are a lot of hope for steem rise.
Hey you seem pretty knowledgeable.. maybe you can explain this for me...
Welcome to Steemit . I wish you a inspiration to create in our community.Please follow me and ==>upvote all my post and i do the same.