This post has been removed by the Tron Foundation

in #steemit4 years ago

Can anyone still read this post? It seems Justin Sun doesn't like my daily Steem Statistics. All my posts are hidden on and also on


Steem is no longer censorship resistant

There is no freedom of speech here anymore. You have to say what the new boss wants to hear. How could I know he doesn't like Steem statistics?

I am done here!

You can find me on Hive:

¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Follow me on Hive @penguinpablo


This post is showing yeah!

You could do reposts of old STEEM stats from 2 years go, might entertain us a little? ;) Nothing surprises me anymore, keep going on HIVE, I like your stats!

I can get to it but it is not easy. It looks like the comments are also censored.

RIP Steem Stats.... been following this blog for a long time. Good thing we have a new place to hang!

didn't you take some jabs at them in a recent post and mentioned you know what?

best to not get involved in politics, respect both sides and just do your own thing. When you even hint at the idea of taking a side you become a nuisance to those who oppose your views.

LOL - you had -1 comment.
With my comment, it added up to 0.
Let's make it 1 comment with this (my second) one.

I could read your post via steempeak.
Sunny-boy does not want good steemians. He wants servants.

See you on the other side.

It would appear that you have upset someone important. The only thing left on your pages is comments and replies.

I just checked, they are still visible on,

I can read this