CASE Steembloggers Bot - a bitter experience using it

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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Hi dear Stemians, I hope you´re doing pretty nice. I express my gratitude to all of you for reading the articles I published. I always try to write quality content to share by Steemit, this great social network. This time I want to show you my recent experience using one of the bots offered on the web site This bot is named:


Yes, I want to make sure showing you this bot name "STEEMBLOGGERS", because it was supposed I was going to make an investment with some small quantity of money and it would be brought to me with an increase, or perhaps, as minimum, the same amount invested would be brought back to me, but unfortunately, I got ripped off, if not, that´s how I can describe what happened to me using this bot.

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I wrote an article about the fibromyalgia desease ten days ago, in Spanish, and I wanted to check the benefits of using some bots beacuse some Stemians had talked to me good things about them to gain a bit more of upvotes, and as I´m new on this social network without so many followers, just around 70 at that occasion, I told myself there´s anything to lose, let´s pay the minimum Bid and try it out.

I made a 0.200 SBD as the minimun payment allowed to use the Steembloggers bot services

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By now, I still haven´t received any upvotes nor comments from this bot (Steembloggers). If you check my blog out you´ll be able to see the mentioned article I wrote and the SBD transcation made as payment for this bot upvotes. However, I´ve learned an important lesson with this experiencie.


If some of you have experienced something like this using some bots offered on the website please share your experience on the comments area, maybe I´m considering this as something strange and on the cryptocurrency world is something totally normal. I´m willing to learn everyday from other people.
I haven´t read so much about the use and benefits of using bots on Steemit, however, in the first days using this social network some users adviced me to use them to gain upvotes, but thinking about it, it´s much better to write creative content full of quality with the objective to get the influence on Steemit better, gaining followers interested on reading your content published and the most important of all, sit down for a while to think about strategies you can apply to gain more upvotes everyday, using this great social network. I´ll keep myself on sharing with articles with all of you dear readers, trying to get more knowledge and sharing the most beautiful, important, funny and interesting issues the science and world is bringing nowadays.