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RE: While Many Passionately Pursue Moolah, We Own The Banks. See How You Can Own Your Very Own Bank Today.

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for letting us know. I have been enlightened as always. You have brought alot to think about.
Don't pursue money, quick SBDs etc, own the bank!
I really like that quote i will be using it in my posts come 2018. :)
Mohammed has become one of America's greatest humanitarian.
While in school during History classes, i learnt about him alot.
The elder Ali was child-like, and had a soft-spot for young people. For example in 1992, while visiting a former opponent, he spontaneously boarded a bus filled with disabled kids, and started to sign autographs.

He has delivered food and medical supplies to children in Indonesia, Morocco, and to an orphanage for Liberian refugees in the Ivory Coast. Three billion people watched him light the Olympic torch in Atlanta, in 1996: Ali steadying his trembling hand to light the flame remains the most iconic image of those Olympics. President Bill Clinton confided to Ali that he cried: Clinton was far from alone.

In the 90's, Ali met with Saddam Hussein and helped secure the release of 14 American hostages from Iraq.
I read a ppst a week ago that Many people from the developed world take their credit cards and bank accounts for granted. It can be hard to imagine that up to 2 billion adults throughout the world lack access to financial services, according to the World Bank.
While traditional banking services may be trying to work their way into this multi-billion persons market, Steem is also offering opportunities so that the worlds poorest can engage with the system. These technologies give them a way to have a global bank account that can be accessed through an open source wallet, via the internet. With 70% of the world's population expected to have a smartphone by 2020 and Steemit which has the purpose of building a community where each and evryone adds value and a goal of impacting the world positively is very important to developing countries, there are growing opportunities for these people to have access to better lives through Steem This can help them to improve their financial circumstances and make the world a better place.


Very true points. I think @surpassinggoggle is the Mohammed Ali or even more of Steemit .
What an inspiration
Muhammad Ali beautifully said: “It isn’t the mountain ahead to climb that wears you out, it’s the pebble in your shoe”. The only limit in achieving and fulfilling our potential is ourselves. The mental barriers we erect and contain ourselves with, the nagging voice which is quick to think about failure and embarrassment, the pessimistic outlook in life showing every opportunity that comes our way as nothing more than a half empty cup destined to drown us in a life of disappointment and misery. But the truth of the matter couldn’t be more opposite, success is based upon the effort we are willing to exert in accomplishing our goals and the determination we have to weather the storms of life which will be thrown our way.

Muhammad Ali grew up in a poor area, to a poor family, in a society where people of his race couldn’t walk down the street without being harassed or intimidated simply for the colour of their skin. The odds were stacked against him, the institution was rigged against him and there were more enemies to bring him down then friends to hold him up. But this was irrelevant, he had the determination to keep him going and no one was going to put a ceiling on his ambition or quench his thirst for success. All I see from this is your impact on lives on steemit @surpassinggoggle

You know when I read you say @surpassinggoogle is the Mohammed Ali of steemit, I think you missed something vital. I think Muhammad Ali was the @surpassinggoogle of boxing. I believe Muhammad Ali was exceptional, but he rarely did impact lives as directly as you did. Yes he is a role model, but you are a mentor. And I think that why he should be referenced to you rather than the other way round. I know this might sound unusual knowing that Mohammed Ali is more popular than @surpassinggoogle, but yet Ali has far little direct impact in our lives.

To put this clearer, majority of us have our parents as our role models, yet they are not as popular as other celebrities, but yet we see them as our role models, and not those celebrities. That's the same way I see @surpassinggoogle. Keep being a blessing to us, we love you.

So much human here. I love this. It is inspiring even powerful. i am glad i am able to get to this comment

I didn't know that much history about Ali but i didnt expect less. I spoke just from seeing his aura, presence, character and those other facets of human beyond the superficial. The substance etc. My dad is just like Ali, Baba Terry everywhere. He wanted to adjust the world and he carried too much load and he is broken now, dementia and glaucoma. I am on that same path but in a different generation. I carry too much load too. I was made for this. I have lost everything of a normal boy, including my mum recently. I have lost all the things of a boy as well, no women, sleep, leisure, 24/7 pains, no air, no hugs, in isolation but i will succeed in this fight. Satan is so on my case but i am Jehovah's bosom. And in this steemit generation. Dreams equallers to reality. For the developing nations, we will create awesomeness. My happiness is there. Read this post:

Please read the comments. It happening!

Satan is so on my case but i am Jehovah's bosom

You know when I read this, it got to my core. I've sure been in this situation and I just want to encourage you. I might not be the best person to do this, but I really want to get this out my chest.
John 17 vs 15

'I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.'

Jesus prayed before He died, asking God to use us here. He sent us on God’s mission to redeem and love and pursue and protect and heal. Jesus said that He was going but He was leaving these men, and the ones who would believe in Him because of them, to continue His mission… but there would be attack.
So Jesus prayed for us, not that we would be kept from hardship or suffering but that we would be kept from the evil one who desires to take us out.

How many times have I kicked and pouted to God because life was not going how I wanted? How many times have I thought to myself, That is not fair!

While I may have read in my Bible that we are in a spiritual war, that truth had not fully adjusted my expectations of this life. To accept that life is supposed to be hard is the beginning of joy.

There is freedom in understanding that heaven is coming and we are not there yet.
We have one foot on the earth and one foot in heaven. We’re present here, not taken out of this world but living for another. We’re fighting for God’s glory and clinging to him for protection and guidance.
I believe strongly that God will continue to be with and strengthen you to influence more and more lives, and the devil can do nothing about it
Like you'll always say, keep being awesome.


The struggles of man are plentious. Even if we have a lot to offer the world, there's so much obstacles and encumbrance therein.

Halfway through the journey to success, everyone will be tempted to give up. Some slack back and recline while some a little distance further. They both went the same distance but in different directions but what made the difference is commitment.

Commited people outlast the difficulty. Commited people react the fullness of their destinies.

You are one of such persons @surpassinggoogle and you would do exceedingly abundantly what you think of yourself.


Satan can't be on your case! God will comfort you.

My amen is on default.

You inspired me

Oh my Lord! @surpassinggoogle Brother Terry, me! Adejoke inspire you, I am truly honored, even though I always wonder how you do what you do, where you generate your ideas from and pray to be an idea generating volt that impact humanity far and wide.
Thank you.