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RE: Self-voting user list since HF19 - PART 3 (potential comment abuse)

in #steemit8 years ago

I'm pretty sure I got my point across regardless of name calling or not. I dislike you, so the name calling is just a bonus. I have weak posture? need to look up the word doesn't mean what you think it means...unless you are referring to the way I stand which really doesn't make sense. You've done plenty of name calling yourself, so with your logic, you too are also too weak to intelligently get your point across. Nice try though tough guy


When have I called you names? It makes perfect sense your posture just screams weak sorry to tell you that.

lmfao. You're such a dipshit. In what picture are you claiming I have bad posture. I actually have very good posture, so I'm very curious where you're coming up with this. I'm pretty sure the only picture I've posted is the one of me in a steemit t-shirt where the the camera is pointing up at me and you can't tell what my posture is like in the slightest, but douche bags such as yourself try and find anything to make fun of people...good one. You're so tough! lol Seriously next time you're in LA, PLEASE let me know. You need a lesson taught to you and I'll be more than happy to do it. Keep hiding behind your computer though cool guy

Since you cant prove that I resort to childish name calling I guess were back to you being weak minded in addition your weak posture so at least you can relax about your posture for a minute. You are always talking about delivering lessons and what you would ever do if we got face to face but you are just too weak to take serious. You look like you're 45 and depression is just pouring through your soul and then you start talking and you cant help but to notice the weak mind and posture. I just don't see it being a horrifying experience.

I look like I'm 45? Is that supposed to be an insult?! Such a tool. All good...don't take me serious, and if you don't see it being a horrifying experience, then you should have no problem informing the next time you're in LA. You really need to get a life...looking through your comments and replies, they're all basically to me..pretty pathetic.'s we're, not on your grammar jackass. I look like I'm 45...thanks for the laugh..OH NO!! I look like I'm 45! lmfao

Hey thanks you found a typo congrats now if we could look through some of yours.... Weak mind weak posture way too old to be getting trolled endlessly.

You're the only one trolling me, so I can't really help that, and I'm not really sure what my age, which you have no clue about, has to do with that..but then again I'm not to sure about most the things you say I'm off to bed. Some of us have to work since we have jobs. Having Downs doesn't have to be a disability for you...take control of it, take your medication, build a strong support system for it, and build a nice little life for yourself. It doesn't have to be as bad as what I know it is like...I have a cousin who has a son with Downs, so I'm going to contact her tomorrow and get some advice that hopefully I can give to you to help. After all....its4thekids, which you've made it quite clear that you are

Hey thanks man just don't get trolled for 2 weeks along the way to meeting with your cousin it was fun

I'm not sure what that means, but ok sounds good. I know you've had an obsession with me for a while but it's not healthy, just like trolling isn't healthy...Medication will help. I wish you the best

Uh-Oh...looks like you're gonna get reprimanded for comment abuse. I'm done with you until you come to LA. You're the most annoying troll on Steemit. Congrats on that...probably the biggest compliment you've ever received!

Tell your girlfriend eleanor I said she deserves a stronger owner with better posture

Your best insult is to talk about my posture which you have no clue about. I'm starting to think you're genuinely retarded, and I'm starting to feel about about messing with you. My girlfriend Eleanor? Umm...that's literally a 4th grade insult. Did you learn that one when you take the short yellow bus to school? I'm going to start being nicer to you. You've talked and stalked and trolled enough for me to now know that you either have Downs syndrome or are just genuinely retarded, and I have empathy for people like you. Take care of yourself

I thought you were done until I'm in LA. Weak minded individual who cant even stand by what he says. Oh and you literally went into 3 different threads that are over 2 weeks old that had nothing to do with you at all and insulted me but I am the stalker. Weak mind weak posture no self control just an all around poor individual.

Oh and when you want to call someone retarded or imply that they have down syndrome try not to drop lines like this "and I'm starting to feel about about messing with you" I am not into making fun of mentally disabled but there's some irony going on there.

That actually makes perfect sense. I am starting to feel about about messing with you...oh and when you put something in quotes, you should quote it correctly...they'll teach you that in your special school. So yeah, I'm not going to make fun of you anymore because I do have a soft spot for the mentally disabled. I wish you the's tough enough out there for people like you, and I don't want to contribute to making it any harder. Take your Ritalin, or whatever medication you're on and just take care of yourself

whatever makes you feel better about being trolled for 2 weeks I never once called you a name and you have been foaming at the mouth like a 14 year old

You just admitted to being a troll. Congrats? Take your meds and focus your energy on something productive. Don't let your disability drag you down and get the best of you. I wish you nothing but the best