Promoting The Good Will Of Steemit As I Feed Hundreds Of Meals To Homeless Downtown, In My New Epic Threads Steemit-T.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

As I keep saying, Steemit is awesome and I am grateful to be here. Because of that, I am promoting it whenever it is relevant and sharing the revolutionary potential of it. 


I have already invested all day in preparing, running, and finishing this mission and still have lots of responsibilities to attend to. I just wanted to make sure this got out there so I may inspire people to get on Steemit and also to use Steemit for the greater good. 

Because of the support of the Steemit Community I am more successful than ever in helping build a happier, healthier more sustainable world! 

Thank you all!

So today I left the peaceful, beautiful paradise of @gardenofeden to go into the hot, hard, dirty, loud and dangerous city to help those in need. 

For anyone who is not aware, I am the owner of a clothing and jewelry line and since going full in with Steemit, I have started designing and making my new Steemit Fashion Line. I have made two posts about that which you can find here and here. I guarantee I will continue to release new designs and have some cool stuff in the works for the Steemit Fashion Line!

I rocked my newest Steemit-T for today's event to bring exposure to my most media covered projects and am sharing it here FIRST with the Steemit Community!

We invested 35+ Man hours and fed over 300 servings of food including fresh strawberries, peaches, apples, homemade guacamole, and two kinds of soup!


For over an hour people kept on coming, from I don't know where, but there were literally hundreds of homeless people just coming to this one corner. 

Most importantly to me, we didn't just feed lots of meals, but healthy, sustainable meals made in love and served with presence and care. 

The many smiles and uplifted spirits is what I am really here to do. To remind people there is love and care in the world, that there is HOPE for a better world. 

Feeding people a delicious, healthy meal is great and it uplifts spirits temporarily, but I am here for the big picture, not just to help these people but to INSPIRE as many people as possible to do something for the greater good. 

There are not only a lot of people in this world who are having a hard time, but the world as a whole has misplaced values which are perpetuating this suffering on a mass scale. This is not the end all, be all answer; it is just me helping hundreds of people a day in a way that I can. Because I am a master of food abundance, this is a way that works for me to contribute. 

I want to remind people of the great importance of the fact that there is WAY more than enough of everything. Resources are simply being misused, through greed and waste. The USA alone spends enough on war in just one year to feed EVERYONE in the entire world! The USA alone wastes 40% of all food in the economy!

To make it even worse, in most cities around in this country it is actually ILLEGAL to feed homeless without spending lots of money and time on permits and ridiculous regulations that would make this WAY more expensive and thus harder to do. Yet I did it anyway despite being threatened of tickets or arrest.  So all we need is new values and care for the world as a whole instead of just self absorbed desires. 

Again I want to say how awesome Steemit is and I appreciate the support as the hit or miss that it is. I will keep helping people as I have done for over a decade and living in embodiment of my values. The exposure and support of Steemit has helped me do this more already, and for that I am very grateful!

I hope you enjoy my Steemit Fashion line and check out my articles on the most sustainable t-shirts in the world made for the most revolutionary crypto platform in the world!

Please follow and support @gardenofeden, as The Eden Knights make this possible every day and dedicate their service 7 days a week to run the operation with the lowest carbon footprint in the country!

Remember WE are the power, and we can use that power to create a world of our values!

∞§∞Blessings and STEEM ON∞§∞


Thank you @quinneaker for showing us how easy, fun, sustainable, and stylish serving others can be! It's awesome to be part of a reality where there's more than enough of everything!

Another amazing day in the @quinneaker vortex. There is always something rewarding and fulfilling to do, something that helps others and in turn helps ourselves. Today we made a difference together. Thank you Quinn for always showing there is a better way. So blessed to be a part of the change.

Yes I would love to see your post about it!
Steem On!

I love this! Giving away hot, made with love food to those who really need it is so gratifying. I'm super grateful you're getting some exposure on this post. I really hope many will repost this deserving blog.

Thank you for all your help making this a reality not just today but almost every day!

I had a very interesting exchange with a man who has been living among the homeless for 5 days. An experience worth sharing on Steemit in the next few days.

Would love to read it!
Thank you for all you do as your support is invaluable~*~

OMG you are so inspiring and my true hero! Not just for this but for so many reasons. I hope others get to see the many amazing things you share with the world EVERY day!
Thank you!

Thank you for your support!
I am so honored and grateful to inspire true importance~*~

Pushing back against the madness that is the criminalization of poverty, and the extortion that is requiring permits to help its victims, is laudable indeed.

Love your use of language and appreciate the support!
Thanks for all you have done to help me share valuable experiences~*~

What a great time! People were so thankful, not only for the food but for the fact that we took the time to be there. I really appreciate this experience.

I dont have the ressources to do this, its admirable!

Most of us don't. I wouldn't either if I hadn't dedicated the last 15 years of my life to being somebody who did.
Greatness takes time and dedication. These are only the beginning of the results of my commitment to a better world.
I appreciate the support. It helps me achieve this and will further the success~*~

Great post, and you done a wonderful thing. Upvoted and followed
💋 @halo 💋😇

Thank you for that!
Your support means a lot to me but more importantly to the cause I live for. Your support helps further this cause!

Awesome work Brotha! Thank you for what you are doing. The world needs more love.

Totally agree!
I appreciate your feedback and know that you support helps fuel this and more!
We are the power~*~