My hopes of one day joining the military.

in #steemit7 years ago

One of my greatest ambitious and dreams in life involve joining the military. All the men in my family have both military and police backgrounds. Ever since I was a little kid, I was exposed to the military/police environment.

Over the years, while still in high school, many people questioned my reasons for going to the military. It always felt like they tried stopping me. I got where they were coming from but trying to explain to them that I want to go not just, because those before me went is not an easy task to do.

Why I want to go to the military

Talking to old vets, you pick up a lot about the values these people have. The loyalty, respect, discipline... The list goes on. The normal average life does not teach these things you, well at least not to their extent. That is something I admire.

The military, if you survive it, turns a young boy into a “MAN”.

That is something we do not see many of in today's times...MEN

The military teaches you how to break through mental barriers. As Arnold the great once said, the mind usually gives up before the body does. It teaches you that the only way to survive is to work as a team and to give everything you have.

Now if you know me then you would know one of my life sayings that I live by is “Unity is happiness”. For me unity in everything whether it be relationships, families, work teams is the thing that brings happiness and we cannot live without unity amongst ourselves.

Of course, I am obviously also following my dad’s example. I look up to him and being able to make him proud is my main goal in life. When I told him I was considering joining the military, he immediately told me he fully supports me and that he would be proud to have me follow his example.
The most important part of joining the military is to fight for freedom and rights. Although there is a lot of speculation out there on this topic, I still believe there is good and not everything is driven by money and hate.

Why I haven’t joined the military as of yet?

Last year in May, I broke my back playing sports. It left me side lined for over 6 months and I was in no condition to join the military. I came to a point of realization that I needed to execute my plan B that was to study.

My dreams and hopes all shattered after the incident. I thought it was all over. I started my degree in Computer Science and knowledge systems after finishing high school. This degree will see me occupied for the next 3 years at least.

Will I join the military in the future?

With a lot of hard work and rehabilitation, the doctors told me that because I am still young that I only lost about 20% of my backs full functionality. Therefore, the short answer to the question is YES.

I am just going to finish my degree, which afterward I will proceed to joining the military.
I already have everything planned out and for the next 3 years, I will continue to strengthen my back and my body so that I am ready to go ahead and do what I always wanted to do.

This is just something I need to go do. Thanks to the Steemit community who helped me out of my chronic depression, I can now focus on achieving my goals again.
Happy Steemin'


Right now there are many unjust and illegal wars going on and I hope young people today find something more peaceful and productive to do than joining the military. I lost a number of family members to unec violence :(, nothing but a shame.

Sorry to hear that. I agree that there are a lot of unjust wars going on. I believe that this is something I have to do, well once I finish my degree and have something I can mention on my CV one day

It's a shame to give your life away to corrupt politicians who don't care about your well-being or that of your loved ones.

Best of luck man. Have my poverty upvote.

Thank you... It means alot to me, this is my dream and hopefully I will accomplish it .

Joining the military is a respectable and honorable choice. Best wishes to you in your journey!

I appreciate the comment. I believe that I will learn alot from joining . Respect @countryinspired

I'm proud of having served my country and don't you listen to anyone trying to tell you what to do. If that's what you want, then do it... but do it for the right reason- do it because it's what you want. I fought in Vietnam, but the military is more than about fighting. It's about honor, respect (self-respect)... Loving the people in your country enough to give your life to keep them safe. It's NOT about loving the government... it's the people. Good luck- upvoted and followed- If you need me, I'm here!

Honor and respect all the way. Do you have Discord or something where we can talk ?

Joining the army is a smart move. You learn discipline, and many many many basic things all people should know, like first aid and ironing clothes.
You will have little concerns about food, money and shelter as you can focus on self development and being social with all the other recruits you instantly have lots in common with.
Best of luck! Had 1 awesome year in the army.

All the stories seem to sound amazing. Really excited to go and learn. Respect

Your time in the military will not be what you think it is.
You think you know, but you do not.

My dad joined the air force as a boy recruit and spent the best years of his life in the service.

You can find out a bit of what it was like for him by following

You will not believe the crap he got up to!

Stealing a military aircraft to go on a booze run
Stealing a military aircraft to go on an illegal bombing run (using flour bombs)
Impersonating an officer
Flying faster than the speed of sound - he was ground crew for crying out loud, not a pilot

Not to mention the stuff he got up to in his time off!

So your time in the military will not be as you imagine it. Play your cards right and it will be so much more.

You will have experiences, and get away with things that you can't even imagine today.

And you will be able to share your hi-jinks with the world on Steemit and get paid for it. Now that can't be bad huh?

Sounds amazing, I will definitely go check out his channel. I imagine the military being gruesome and hard in the beginning :)

the first year or so is pure sh*t, the system has to mold you to their way. Realize it, conform until you get away from training camp, and then the world is yours.

Already started realizing it. Now just trying to get in shape and learn to overcome mental barriers so I can make the first few easier on me

It will be what you make it. You will make friends for life and do things that you could never imagine.

How this all affects you is up to you. Your attitude to life will determine your life :-)

My dad didn't try to do amazing things, but when opportunities came up, he took them and did his best to get as much out of the experience as possible.

And now he has a bunch of stories to tell, just as you will, one day. ;-)

Having spent 26 years in NZ air force I can only agree with your thoughts. I would suggest you try your air force, but I am biased.
You will have fun, meet people that 60 years later you think of as relatives, and have a ton of stories to blog about.

Everyone keeps telling that it is going to be a blast. Looking forward to adding to brothers to the family. Massive respect for the 26 years man

After 18 year you get a "un detected crime" medal as well
its proper name Long Service And Good Conduct, the nick name is truer.

Feeling a pull towards infantry... Do not think I will be spending 18 years in the military to be honest. Who knows maybe I enjoy it more than I think.

Compare what training you can do before you srart, this could help get off the bottom levelas soon as possiable.
What trade will they teach, up to what level, can you do yout time and come out with a usful trade?. The biggest considerationis , the army and marines real livr hurty bullets. The air force say bang bang you are dead, please stay there for a while.

I really would like to stay for a while. I will see how it handles me. Maybe a wife and family will make me consider leaving

Get in, have fun while you are fireproof. Mum and the kids will come by themselves.later

I am just really scared of not meeting her(future wife) while in the military

Good luck with your dream!!

Thanks man! Happy Steemin'

I respect your decision to join. I went from being a blind patriot to seeing behind the curtain. I really believe that the majority of our representatives are evil men that wave the flag and then send you to die. The reasons are never true and the motive may actually never be known. However, we do need men and women with eyes wide open that are serving and protecting the military from becoming just as evil as our Congress has.