And My First Officially CENSORED Post On Steemit...

in #steemit4 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: And My First Officially CENSORED Post On Steemit...

Boom Bap. DMT Rap. 👽


Only here to leech what I can back to my Hive account. This place went to crap real fast under their rule.

It does show on your profile on steemit. Both under blog and under posts.


that's the one from the second time I posted it, not realizing until after it had been censored the first time.

I have no idea why the first got censored but second didn't. ‍♂️

Had the same but I give a..... You know normally it's your post your work sell it as often as you like to. Maybe better we have to go to damn YouTube to get paid for 2 years old videos.... Muuuaaaahaaaa (ironic)

Hi, i do not know about straight forward censorship, but there’s also a thing called financial censorship. And all i can say is, at least you are still making some $$$ with your posts here! After i joked around a little with Justin, here on Steemit ... my posts have barely any reach, and not that i had a lot of reach or followers to earn the big bucks, nowadays, especially after my ‘will the real justin sun please stand up’ i do not make a friggin cent anymore

I was thinking steemit will be shut down since hive have been launched