
I feel this post a little bit too fucking much. Just know you aren't the only one who has been there. Don't let the what-ifs eat you alive. I literally gave thousands and thousands of Bitcoin away when it had no value. What if I didn't? Well, I'd be rich as fuck. But I did, and I don't regret it. I'm sure it was spread around exponentially among my nerd crew who also treated it as the toy that it was. Without that type of action, who knows if crypto would be where it is today. We're all early adopters, just keep doing you and keep growing, brotha.

Can relate somewhat.

Paid off college debt with BTC back in 2013, but didn't do more with it then. Would have had plenty more if I kept a bigger stash or just kept buying, but nope.

Oh man, I feel your pain. 😬

And having gone from zero to $1.6 million USD with nothing but some writing and good investment choices, that’d be fair.

We were simply what Nassim Taleb calls 'lucky fools'. At the right place, at the right time, purely due to chance.

There is nothing left to do, than to learn from mistakes, and try again.

Don't beat yourself up. If there was a magic genie who tapped you on the shoulder and told you when to walk away, you'd be killing it on the poker table. You don't lose sleep over missing chances to buy low, so why lose it over missing chances to sell high?

I love this tale.

Yep sure you fucked up (or thought you did).

BUT you still did ok, and you got all the music gear you wanted.

I love the idea of you writing a book. Sooo..... when do we expect it to be published?!? 😉

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep sure you fucked up

Ya know, I appreciate that bluntness.

For all the predictable comments like, “suck it up, can’t have regrets, look on the bright side, etc” - there’s something honestly comforting about yours - no counter-argument, rationalization, trying to force a different viewpoint... just a straight-up, no-BS relatable acknowledgement.

Feels weird that 5 simple words can provide such a sense of genuine connection, amongst all the other comments trying to add something new or different to the perspective offered.

For real, I appreciate it.


Re: the book...

Good question.

And I can’t say. Haha!

I’m almost done going through the first draft / notes I started 12 years ago as a primer to map out more of the structure, and then I really have no clue as to how long the actual writing and edits will take.

I’d like to think sooner than later, though have learned (the difficult way) that the creative process can’t be rushed. (And “good things take time.”)

Though, reading more of this type of feedback of yours is certainly a bit more fuel on the motivational fire to build momentum with it... 😇🙏

Go for it!!!

Man, if I spent any time bemoaning the fact that I could've bought Bitcoin when it was $400 (which is when I first heard about it), I'd be wasting my life. There's no point, honestly.



I freaking love this post. I don't love your pain, but I do love your honesty and sharing. I love posts that only one person could've written and this is certainly one of them. Your story, your experience, your lessons learned.

I hope to see you write more on Steem. I hold you in high regard not for your wallet size but for your writing and the epic GIFs you share in all your posts :D Cheers.

Yep, I feel you completely. I watched and did nothing as I went from a few K to hundreds and then now a few K again. OH, I could have taken some of it out and paid of the house, sold all of it and bought back in cheaper and a hundreds times more, paid off my vehicle. But no. My inability to act eats at me as well.

It's interesting when we can be so incredibly decisive in some parts of our lives but be such wishy washy bitches in others. (speaking from experience) All we can do is move forward with today and make peace with the past. The future is now and it's our choices what we do with it.

It's interesting when we can be so incredibly decisive in some parts of our lives but be such wishy washy bitches in others.


True, true.

You don't know me , but I'm glad you wrote this and I hope you get back to posting. Always enjoyed your posts.

I hope the writing of it was cathartic for you. I have had many similar events in my life with money and investing, though not quite to scale (close though).

Maybe it’s about cultivating the maturity and wisdom to manage what little we have responsibily. To keep our feet on the ground, aware of the risks we might not comprehend when high on hopium, and plan better in advance.

Lord knows, having gone through all this, I’ll be at least a little bit smarter than when the next round of wealth flows in. And I wouldn’t expect it to be as huge as the first, which maybe is a good thing.


Without my previous mistakes, I would have been retired and set for life probably a decade ago (Hell, I worked 100+ hours a week for years and made great money...yet I still can't retire). Without the mistakes I have made and continue to make, I don't think I would be ready for it anyway.

The more mistakes I make, the less their frequency becomes. The better I get.

Anyway. Keep on keeping on. You will do better on the next go around!

You don't know me , but I'm glad you wrote this and I hope you get back to posting. Always enjoyed your posts.

I appreciate you taking the time to share that now.

I honestly had no expectations when posting this, of rewards or feedback - though stuff like this is an encouragement for me to reconsider why it might be worthwhile to pick up and share a bit more every now and then. It's good to know there is at least one other person who's been reading and appreciating some of my stuff - and that alone is worth weighing in.

The more mistakes I make, the less their frequency becomes. The better I get.

I guess that's the aim - and perhaps, marker of success.

Just hopefully you've been working in a field you've been enjoying! I suppose even if we had all the money at our fingertips, it'd be boring to sit around and do nothing all day - most of us would still want/need something worthwhile to invest our time & energy into. So even despite our mistakes that could've had us in early retirement, at least hopefully you've been finding satisfaction & success in what you've been doing instead... 🙏

Too much self-loathing man, you don't deserve it at all. But you deserve what's coming next - a chance to manage your money better.
To soothe your mind - most have it worse. In comparison to you being broke before and now having 80K (quick maffs 100K crypto - 20K fiat debt), I am still in massive home mortgage debt, as I also took only a few small moneys from my cryptos during the boom. Most guys are back to zero, you came out ahead :)
Let the healing commence!

I’m still here reading m8 :) I didn’t know you DJ’ed! Really wild ride you had there, absolutely inconceivable to a “little fish” like me. In the end, you’re doing well, you’re grounded - you saw the light, and the dark, and came out the other side. Thanks for writing your story out for us to process! Cheers~

Haha, I guess I’m full of surprises.

Yeah, 12 years professionally. ☺️
