How to get money on internet?//🤑¿Cómo ganar dinero por Internet?

in #steemit4 years ago (edited)

Without a doubt, making money online is what many of us want, managing your business from the comfort of your home, and the question is how to make money online? And here I show you different alternatives so that you can start generating your first dollars through your computer or cell phone, and most importantly, have access to the internet.

1.- Make money with a blog

A better way to passively earn money online is by monetizing ad-supported web pages.

The great advantage of advertising is that you do not need the reader to buy to earn a commission. The most common is that you earn money when the reader clicks on an ad (what is known as PPC -Pay Per Click-).

In fact, this is the way the world's largest ad network works: Google Adsense.

2.- Earn money with affiliate marketing

This is the system that I made my first dollars with, and in my opinion it is one of the most affordable ways for any beginner who wants to generate passive income.

It hardly requires knowledge, the investment is almost nil and its income potential is very high. In addition, once assembled you can practically forget about it: only minimal maintenance will be necessary.

How should you do it? Simple only enter one of these pages ClickBank, Hotmart, Amazon or any page that offers affiliation, is that the market you want to target, such as: health, cuisine, sport, etc., after having chosen the market you want Go, choose the product to promote, you can start by selling the products to your family, friends or acquaintances, and the second is to join Facebook groups to start selling, and the third part is to create a website that can sell this product, that is, create a page where you only talk about health, or sports the objective is that the user or the people who visit your website click on your affiliate link.

3.- Create online courses


If the idea of selling products online, having to find distributors and creating a website does not appeal to you, an excellent alternative is to sell your knowledge on online platforms.

The concept is simple: you create a video or text course on a specific topic, upload it to platforms like Udemy, and price it.

The idea is that you create a course on the subject that you are passionate about or have a lot of knowledge about the subject, and remember there are many people in the world who do not know about that subject and want to learn.

To create the course you can record yourself on video, record a presentation on your screen, or do it in text format (in pdf files), just as you would for your blog.

¿Cómo ganar dinero por internet?

Sin duda, ganar dinero en Internet es lo que muchos de nosotros queremos, gestionar su negocio desde la comodidad de su hogar, y la pregunta es ¿cómo ganar dinero en Internet? Y aquí te muestro diferentes alternativas para que puedas empezar a generar tus primeros dólares a través de tu computadora o celular, y lo más importante, tener acceso a internet.

1.- Gana dinero con un blog

Una mejor manera de ganar dinero en línea de forma pasiva es monetizar las páginas web con publicidad.

La gran ventaja de la publicidad es que no es necesario que el lector compre para ganar una comisión. Lo más común es que ganes dinero cuando el lector hace clic en un anuncio (lo que se conoce como PPC -Pay Per Click-).

De hecho, esta es la forma en que funciona la red publicitaria más grande del mundo Google Ads.

2.- Ganar dinero con el Marketing de afiliados.

Este es el sistema con el que gané mis primeros dólares y, en mi opinión, es una de las formas más asequibles para cualquier principiante que quiera generar ingresos pasivos.

Apenas requiere conocimientos, la inversión es casi nula y su potencial de ingresos es muy alto. Además, una vez montado, prácticamente puedes olvidarte de él: solo será necesario un mantenimiento mínimo.

¿Cómo debería hacerlo? Simplemente ingrese a una de estas páginas de ClickBank, Hotmart, Amazon o cualquier página que ofrezca afiliación, sea que el mercado al que desea dirigirse, como: salud, gastronomía, deporte, etc., luego de haber elegido el mercado que desea Ir, elija el producto a promocionar, puedes comenzar vendiendo los productos a tu familia, amigos o conocidos, y el segundo es unirte a grupos de Facebook para comenzar a vender, y la tercera parte es crear un sitio web que pueda vender este producto, es decir, Crea una página donde solo hables de salud, o deportes el objetivo es que el usuario o las personas que visitan tu sitio web hagan clic en tu enlace de afiliado.

3.- Crea cursos online

Si la idea de vender productos online, tener que buscar distribuidores y crear un sitio web no te atrae, una excelente alternativa es vender tus conocimientos en plataformas online.

El concepto es simple: creas un curso de video o texto sobre un tema específico, lo subes a plataformas como Udemy y le fijas el precio.

La idea es que crees un curso sobre el tema que te apasiona o tienes mucho conocimiento sobre el tema, y ​​recuerda que hay muchas personas en el mundo que no conocen ese tema y quieren aprender.

Para crear el curso puedes grabarte a ti mismo en video, grabar una presentación en tu pantalla o hacerlo en formato de texto (en archivos pdf), tal como lo harías para tu blog.


Thanks for the post. You have listed the most common ways to make money online. There are several more job compatible income options. The main thing, in my opinion, is to make every effort in the beginning and then passive income will be regular. I wish good luck for everyone and do business you are really enjoy!

Just a tip, making money online is a long-term game! Nothing occurs overnight regarding online income. It takes time to build up your chance. Do not become frustrated. Work at it daily, and you can make a big difference. Commitment and dedication are the keys to success.

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Very nice post. Congrats ! also its possible get money through Paypal

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Excellent Post!!......though it does take effort, stick with it for maximum results......thank you for allowing me to comment....Steve (sig633)

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Today, the Internet has a huge variety of different ways to earn money online - from copywriting to affiliate marketing. In fact, there would be a desire to start earning, and then all the doors open. But if you are ready to start your own business, but don't have enough investments, then you can take a small loan even with a bad credit history. More details can be found here Many businessmen note that a small business loan literally saved their business and allowed to bring it to a new level. Business is a huge responsibility. However, you should understand that if you are just starting your business, think twice if you need it, and then make a competent and informed decision.