Finding My PathsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


In the process of learning about my own layers of consciousness, I also came to realize that there were many layers that directly affect one’s capacity for ‘taking responsibility’ for the consciousness that you are putting into the world. I learned personally that in order to take responsibility for my consciousness, I needed to look at several different aspects, as there seem to be so many layers. For me there seemed to be a need for a ‘Coming Together’ of many things to occur in order for Consciousness to form and stay consistently in my awareness.

I like so many of you had been drifting from spiritual experience to spiritual experience, yet it didn’t seem sustainable. It seemed that in order for a real awakening to occur that significantly shifted the core blueprint that I came with this lifetime, the identity that I thought myself to be, it would take a tremendous amount of courage and vulnerability to really look within and change the ONLY thing that I can which is myself.

I do know and deeply honor that each of our journey’s are very different and that there is NO one specific answer that works for all of us. I offer my experience only as a guide for others that are committed to making a transition and transformation for yourself.

For me it seemed that there were three things that needed to occur within myself before a huge shift in healing occurred. They were Healing the Body (physical and etheric), Healing the Mind (merging the consciousness and unconsciousness within to reach balance and quiet mind) and Healing the Emotions (the Heart, the ability to give and receive), which has brought me to the Now and to a level of Heart-Centered Consciousness that I never dreamed possible. In this place of balance there is no more terror in the body, no Self that can claim itself to be enlightened and the ability to see only the Divine in each and every being that I meet.

I realized that for me these three levels of healing (Body, Mind, Emotional) that must occur in order to reach a Conscious shift in identity. I personally also realized that it also didn’t just happen in that order all the time. I mean in my case, the first step for me in my journey was the opening of my Heart through my time spent with a little Compassion filled Indian Saint named Amma. My heart expanded very quickly, yet my mind was still very much trapped in duality because I had not yet learned to take responsibility for my energy and my body was still extremely full of toxins and trauma. I definitely don’t recommend the journey in this order if at all possible because you can do some pretty silly things when you have an open heart and no wisdom and balance. ;-)

My next step was committing to working on my body through physical bodywork to release the anger and rage from my body. I also had to learn to not energetically lash out at others consciously and unconsciously. Instead, I am learning to take the emotions out of my body safely. After my mind began awakening and the merging of the many dualities that I had held started to merge, I have been able to take my body to new heights of healing. In just the past few years I have taken responsibility for detoxifying my body and making conscious choices about what I put into my body. I have educated myself about all kinds of things from GMO’s in food to geo-engineering to ‘What the heck is Big Banking and how does it effect me?’ There is so much going on right now. Don’t box yourself in. The Bigger the Picture you can see, the more balance you can find. Fear is caused by the Unknown, so for me critically thinking instead of just taking what you are being feed as the gospel is life changing. For me it feels like having a candle in my hand that is lighting the darkness. Instead of choosing to stay as a sheeple, I realized that the more I educate myself and take responsibility for my life the clearer I am becoming.

The mind was actually the last for me to balance because it wasn’t until last year that I made a full commitment to actively showing up in my own life and take responsibility for the only thing that I can: The Energy that I was putting into the world.

My mind became clear when I chose not to dumb it down and numb it out anymore. My body became clear when I actively participated in its health and as I did these two things, I learned to love and honor myself more.

Reading the book ‘The Marriage of Spirit’ and learning to the process of ‘Squares’ along with lots of gentle mentoring from it’s authors Leslie Temple-Thurston and Brad Laughlin, I learned to process my shadow and undo that programming that I had received up until now. (Get the ebook by Donation here:


I learned that I couldn’t just meditate the separation and dualities within away. I learned that I couldn’t just attach myself to some teacher or saint or savior and expect instant awakening. It took action and a tremendous amount of courage to look at my own personal, truly unique shadow. I had to physically, mentally and actively participate in my own process to undo the dualities that I was dealt in this lifetime.

For me it definitely took a healing and an opening of all three in order to finally feel sustainable PEACE within and without.

Now that I have more balance and am awaking each and everyday surrounded by only PEACE, I am finding that it’s much easier to educate myself about what it really happening in our world and I can now take a active roll in Standing up, Showing up and Speaking up from a neutral space where the need for reaction of any kind is just a complete waste of my precious energy. From this place I can participate FULLY without feeling the need to defend myself or my beliefs in anyway, shape or form. It is from this place that I have been able to pull my head out of the sands, educate myself and from that grounded, knowledgeable place I stand United with many others who are truly making a difference in the world.


The path that I have chosen to walk now is the path of Conscious Activism, which for me means that I no longer have the need to fight or be against anything. I own that everything that is happening in the world is a piece of me. I know that the best thing that I can do to create change is Educate myself. From an educated space, I can stand united with others all around the world for a great big NON-Violent ‘NO, WE will not be Sheeple anymore.’

I often tell people that there are so many causes out there and each of them need and deserve our full attention. Find whichever cause resonates with you the most and do what you can to create change. Be Gentle with each other and don’t compare because there truly can be no comparison. Each of us are unique puzzle pieces of a much bigger puzzle. Show Up! You can do that in a multitude of ways from your ‘writing and reading’ here on Steemit to working within your local community to create Resiliency.