Steemit charity success: solar power for 200 Bali volcano evacuees

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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It was my great pleasure yesterday to film the delivery of Sundaya solar kits to a group of 200 Balinese evacuees who have been displaced by the volcano.


Fundraising for Bali

Myself and @chron have so far been able able to raise over 9M IDR ($637) through the @charitysteemit account, giving these evacuees light in times of darkness and phone charging capabilities too.

You can see the 3min film which documents our day at the evacuation camp below or on DTube. It was made as my way of saying thank you to Steemit and to spread this message out into the world so that others will learn that this is so much more than just a social media platform.

Thank you specifically to the people who voted & donated 🙏🏻

I will list you all at the bottom of this post.

A thank you must also go to Sundaya for providing such a fabulous range of inexpensive, practical products.

Everyone should have one of these kits in their life!

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Check out more of the product range HERE


The @charitysteemit account

When the remainer is powered down we will spend this on further solar kits. And after the Bali crisis is over the account will be made available for whoever needs it for the next good cause. The banner can be easily adjusted to fit the campaign and the name is generic enough to fit all charity situations.

In time this will become an account with many followers and a decent rep, giving it a better chance at doing what it is designed to do.

This is a shot from the invoice showing exactly how your Steem & SBD was spent. The SBD price was high when we did the BTC exchange so we were able to buy more kits than expected.

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The following sequence of shots shows the journey from Steemit to happy Balinese people with a technology which will not only help them in these difficult times, but will also change their lives forever.

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How did we choose who to give the solar kits to?

We looked at three potential camps with limited or no power and decided on this one to be the appropriate size for the number of kits we were providing.

We selected one man to be the holder of these kits, distributing them fairly amongst his group and more importantly deciding who gets to keep them when they go home.

The Banjar

We trust him to do this job because he is the head of the Banjar for his area. The Banjar are a cross between the police and community leaders. They are respected members of the community who have the authority to beat you to death with sticks if they deem fit! Thankfully this doesn't seem to happen too often.

The man in the baseball cap beneath is the Banjar leader we entrusted with the kits.

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Here you can see @chron and myself in our preliminary meeting with him in which his role was clearly defined.

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Thank you @chron

I met this young man when I first moved to Bali two years ago and it has been such a pleasure getting to know him. He has helped me a great deal with this project and I strongly suggest you follow and support him. He is incredibly wise for his age and I can only imagine what a wonderful life he has in store for him.

I particularly enjoy the way he protects his anonymity here on Steemit. Bringing me a little pleasure every time I see his big smiling crazy-eyed robot face.

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Good news for Bali

You may not be aware but the airport has been reopened here due to some strong winds taking the ash cloud away from us suddenly. My home in central Ubud has plastic on the windows now and special filters for our drinking water (which is rain water) but currently there is no sign of ash settling on the leaves of plants.

An important journey for my soul

I have never before taken on a project like this one and can only say that I have thoroughly enjoyed it. It is easy to foget how lucky we are in the western world and turn a blind eye to the hardships being experienced by those less fortunate.

Doing this has helped ground me and put my life back into perspective again.

I feel as if I can leave this island knowing now that a little piece of me will remain here forever.

It is my intention to continue travelling the world after this, always doing my best to bring light to those in darkness. It is my belief there is no greater calling than this... and that which we give out always comes back to us in spades!

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Here you can see those who have donated (in no particular order):


Here you can see those who have voted generously on the @charitysteemit posts:


Please forgive me if I have forgotten anyone. If you think I have left you off the list just let me know in the comments below.

Thanks again everyone for making this such a successful campaign! The account is still accepting donations if you feel like helping the people of Bali a little more 🌴

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world.

Currently based in Bali he travels with his partner & two children. With no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over six months.

All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

@samstonehill is the creator of:

@steemshop account where you can buy or sell anything you like using your steemit wallet SEE MORE

@steemmasters which provides FREE TUTORIALS, personal training & resteeming services. Website HERE
Contact me directly on if you want to know more about this

@steemholidays which encourages resort owners to offer holiday packages in Steem or SBD

@steemtv which aims to provide the best in decentralised films, exclusive to Steemit & DTube

The dailyquotes tag initiative designed to encourage steemians to share their most life changing quotes with the community on a daily basis.

The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.

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I receive the equivalent of $3 a day using Genesis Mining

This was after investing around $500 (from STEEM payouts) into 2 year contracts, mining Dash, Ether & Litecoin

Use my referral code to get a 3% discount: wzrAS4

Some say it is a scam but I have found no reason to believe this.

Here is a list of Steemit Witness I have voted for & recommend you do the same:
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim

Without them our beloved Steemship would not fly.

Learn what this means HERE and place your vote HERE

The Bali Volcano Crisis

If you have a moment please check out the @charitysteemit account where you will find up-to-date films, photos and information on the erupting volcano & evacuee status.

Mount Agung erupted a 2nd time with force on the 25th November, sending an ash cloud 1,500m into the sky and we will be watching it closely over the next few weeks.

This is what it currently looks like.
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Those of us in Bali are working hard to raise money to buy the evacuees solar power & water filters LEARN MORE HERE and we deeply appreciate any help we can get.

Thank you for your support 🙏🏻

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Awesome and heart warming @samstonehill. I heard of this story through a member of ours at @kumpul and it opened my eyes for steem. Thanks for sharing. Please drop by sometime for our crypto meetups if you're down in the city.

Thanks for your kind message here. I am so pleased it was my story which brought you here :)

Steemit (and the steem blockchain) have the capacity to expand in so many ways bringing light where once there was darkness.

Where are your meetings? I attend a Monday night meeting in Hubud. Gave a talk there a few months back.

Super damn cool steemit got this done as a community. These things will really make a difference to people and that is super good to see.

Also good to hear your house in Ubud (love Ubud btw) doesnt have much volcano damage, as in that there is not too much ash everwhere. I can believe this ash compromises you water supply super fast in that way. As my hurricane experience from this year, I can say, water supplies drain sooooo much faster than you would expect, and that truly is your main issue then.

And big YAY that the airport is back open, this will give opportunities in all kinds of ways

Many thanks for your enthusiasm! Yes, things seem all good now that the volcano has calmed down a bit, though this could of course be the calm before the storm. No one knows for sure, but we will do our best to enjoy every moment of it, no matter what happens :)

Hi, Sam, Doing good to the world.That is a very good work that you are doing, I want to vote , how do I do that , I am newbies. in this community. I want to donate as well for the solar light, How.

Okay, Found the details in @charitysteemit, Thank you

It is an admirable cause and hopefully only the beginning. I will follow your posts from hereon and wish you good luck.

Thanks very much for your support. Let's hope we can buy them a few more...

Absolutely beautiful my friend...

Thanks very much :)

This makes my solar mama heart sing! What a beautiful, heart swooning project. I've been thinking about y'all and this project since the last blow. I'm so glad it came out so beautifully.

Bless your solar mama heart! Big hugs going out to you now from Bali :)

Big hugs back to ((((you))))!!!

After all the theft from @bellyrub and it's owner, it is nice to see that someone has done as they said they would, there really is hope for steemit, when people like you and @chron are around

Thank you my friend for your kind words. This island has changed my life and it was the least I could do in return. Am pleased it is done now and visible for all to see. I realise this is a position which is easy to abuse. And no doubt many do!

I upvote
Please upvote i friend

Hey Sam Excellent post well done keep it up

Thanks Manny. Doing what I can for this beautiful island I have come to love so much :)

I'm glad we got to show the community that we are legit!

Thanks for the mention Sam! Much appreciated!

Steem to the moon! 🙌

Steem to the moon bro ✺