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RE: Must Read! Facebook is Throttling or Shadow Banning Steemit Posts.

in #steemit8 years ago

Valuable info, thanks for sharing, Randy! Since we've been using Steemit, @gardenofeden and most of our inhabitants only use FB to promo our Steemit posts, and in these few months we've seen our reach drop from 10K to just over 2K users on FB. I've also experienced that the thumbnail will not pop up when entering a Steemit link, which is super important bc images entice people to click the link. I've even seen that the link doesn't pop up as a clickable box at all on a few occasions--definitely evidence of censorship to me! I appreciate your tips and will start using a link attached to an image rather than allow FB to do the work for me and hope for the best!


We have had discussions of this and appreciate your bringing it to light. I love that you offer an alternative way to post and I will be taking advantage of that as well. It will be interesting to see if the traffic to our page goes back up again. The experiment is on!