Steemit-Anarchists: Disagree with us? TROLL! TROLL! - I won't stop rebutting you

in #steemit8 years ago

I've taken a couple hits from these Steemit-Anarchists, but I'll keep fighting.

Steemit Anarchists

Save @dwinblood my experience debating with Steemit anarchists has been singularly unpleasant.

Bizarre baseless arrogance ("we're enlightened, we know better"), cringe-inducing cognitive dissonance, and outright insults. 

I make enough money in the fiat world that I don't need to milk the upvote-cow, and will continue to refute your arguments.

I dislike Alex-Jones type swindlers that take advantage of people's insecurities to sell their poorly-written trash to unsuspecting people.

There's an abundance of such swindlers here, and you will be exposed.


Yeah, lots of ammo for this. I wrestled with the angry anarchists for a while. It gave me some fodder for today's piece. You might appreciate it.

Nice post, thanks for the link.

Thanks for the mention. I try to be civil in anything I debate. I think as soon as people start belittling each other, being condescending, etc that at that point it results in defenses going up and you don't generally accomplish anything. If it can remain civil it is really the only way I've found to learn new things. If someone calls me an idiot or implies I am one it does not convince me to think they are correct. In fact at that point I tend to think they were an idiot for stooping to that level.

I truly believe @satire that what you are encountering is Anarcho-Capitalists that unlike myself are famous. They've spent a lot of time down in the trenches and it can get downright unpleasant. So they come here and they already have thick skin and have been trashed in so many other social media outlets that their long honed defenses kick in. This is not something I think is necessary here on steemit, but it is likely a hard habit to break.

I do think there are other Anarcho-Capitalists like myself that would be reasonable if they were to debate you. Yet if they have seen any of your back and forth with the other guys where some dirt slinging can happen from both sides they may decide they don't think you'll be receptive to debate.

When you debated me I immediately caught onto the fact you were intentionally choosing click bait sensationalist titles to get people to read our debate. The body of your posts were generally way more civil than the title might imply. IF IT BLEEDS IT LEADS. Some people may not realize this.

I may have an advantage that I am not famous, and I tend to view myself as very open minded. I don't really give a shit about opinions. I also am fine with people sharing speculations with me, but I don't view speculation as fact. I'll still listen. I speculate myself and when I remember I try to make sure people know that is what I am doing.

I would likely debate with you again, but I haven't really been in that zone. I've been more in beta bug fix mode and targeted at voting on steemit and trying to start dialog so together perhaps we'll come up with some new approach that isn't as hostile as it can end up being.

I think @sterlinluxan seems like a very laid back Ancap... have you tried debating with him yet? He had a blog though and was a bit famous I guess.

I do know the arrogance and battering ram style approach is developed because when you are down in the trenches you encounter that a lot yourself. I don't like the technique and I am SPECULATING as to why it might be used.

Well said. I'm sure there are users who would respond better to dissent.

LOL "I don't need to milk the upvote-cow,"

Well,they are Anarcho-capitalists,very different from other anarchists of the anti-capitlist kind. Before coming to Steemit I can hardly remember having met even one Anarcho-capitalist. I myself am an anarchist,or communalist in the spirit of Murray Bookchin,but this does not mean that I´m against organising society. THe way I see anarcho-capitalism is that it´s using the word anarchy to disguise a quasi religous belief in the free market. As we haven´t seen enough of the diasters that capitalism has led to. But a different way is possible,by mutualism and local democracy,democracy in it´s true sense.

Just read up on Bookchin, interesting stuff. A more nuanced, and realistic view. Thanks!

Glad to have you back!

Thanks mate!


O choro é livre.

I agree with this. I've never seen so many anarchists in one place. The position only works theoreticly.