Steemit girl

Hey again
So i don't really know if steemit has an official mascot or something, but yesterday night i decided to try making my own version of a steemit girl.
So i started out by making a character design for the steemit girl, which is the first drawing you see. I wanted to put a few references to the logo in her outfit. so i decided to split her outfit up in three to represent the three stripes in the logo, i also used the stripes from the logo in her hair and on the top of her gloves.

After i made the main design for the character i wanted to find some way to get the mechanics of steemit in as well, so i gave her the ability to make this menu thing appear. when she then clicks on the different buttons different things would happen. for example when she clicks on the comment button a keyboard and a see through screen would appear so she could make a comment. and when she clicks on the up vote button her up vote device would appear like you can see in this short animation i made. (she was suppose too click on the button again, but for some reason it disappeared when i converted it to a gif)

The up vote devise would look something like this. And she would be able to use it to decide how many procent her vote would count for just like it usually works. I imagined there also being a number on it where she could see how many procent she was at, like there is on the up vote button, but i was too lazy to animate it so yeah....

i also thought it would be fun if she could make a flag appear if she wanted to flag someone. so that's what I've animated here. it was pretty difficult to make the flag move so it's not the best animation, but hey i tried :)

That's. Actually I really like it, that's cool :D
And no, there's no official mascot, but there was a #steemgigs post for creating one recently. Can't remember who posted it though...
But I've seen a few attempts at making a mascot.
Obviously my design is the best, not like I'm biased or anything//SHOT//LMAO but yeah, personal bias aside, I think yours is my favorite mascot design so far :D
She's super cute and her outfit is so freaking awesome??? And you incorperated the logo thematically without it being gaudy, but with it having an obvious influence in the design. Good job on that! 👌
Thank you very much. I really enjoy making mascot designs it's pretty fun. also i appreciate that you like the outfit, it's not usually my strongest side to make outfit designs.
And btw i saw your design of a steemit whale and dolphin, in one of your last posts. and it's pretty cool too. (i really love their hair ) :D
Wow, that's really an impressive work! I'm absolutely amazed by this. Hopefully this will become part of a steemit interface or app some day. Keep it up!
thank you very much i appreciate it :)
hey, sorry i didn't answer i actually though i did '^-^ anyways thank you very much and i might make some more drawings of her at some point :)
😂😃Okay i will
i made a few more drawings of her, here if you want to see :)
i don't know, i guess i just wanted to try animating tears :)
Great art. Althought usually anime girls get more boobs.
Thanks😂 and yeah you're right, i guess i just felt like drawing someone with less boobs for ones
True she is 16, still have time :D
Remind me of Eromanga Sensei where she was 'stuck' and couldnt draw any big boob girls anymore.
yeah don't worry she'll get there one day :D i love the clip btw it's great XD
I approve of all steem related art! Get excited and get the the word out. :) Your doing animations at 16 thats impressive!
thank you very much :)
This is good work. Thank you for caring about the community.
thanks :)
wow great drawings! i used to draw anime characters when i was really into it
thank you :)
I took the liberty of adding this to my #postartchallenge mascot entries. If you would like me to remove it, let me know. Otherwise good luck. Judging should be done soon!
It's fine :) and thanks
You should have made her more generous if you know what I mean ;)
great idea we need a mascot for steemit and for these website like @steemvoter etc
yeah it would cool to have an actual mascot for the site :)