I Can't Stress ENOUGH -- The Power Of Commenting On STEEMIT || Advice For New Users And Users Trying To Grow with STEEMIT
This is something I've talked about before, but I really can't stress it enough.
Commenting on Steemit posts is hands-down the best way to build your reputation, increase exposure, and get bigger payouts for your posts.
I know that the idea of writing an amazing blog post, closing up your laptop, and going to bed only to wake up the next morning to see "$100!" on your timeline is VERY seductive.
So seductive, in fact, that you might start posting over and over in hopes of "getting lucky."
Now, I'm not one to criticize frequent posting -- that's an important aspect, too: if you don't have good content posted often to your timeline, then what are your followers supposed to look at, admire, gush over, and ultimately upvoted, giving you that sweet sweet STEEM?
Well, I'm going to tell you is this: if you want to grow your account, posting quality comments frequently is more important than making quality blog posts.
Here's the reason:
It's really that simple.
If you are posting over and over again on your blog, no matter how good your content might be, there will be nobody there to notice it, because nobody even knows you exist.
You don't want to waste your time and talents, do you?
See, when you comment well and often, people see you. And unlike with freelance work, on Steemit exposure means something!
My advice to you is to do what I do: go to the "hot" tab, find posts that you relate to, and leave a quality comment. Also, respond to other comments if you think you can add to the conversation.
I recommend using the "hot" tab because these are newer posts that are likely to trend, and posting a comment on one of these posts gets you in early on what could likely become a trending post. And when a post is trending, that's when it gets the eyeballs.
When people see your comments, they have an opportunity to click on your user name and check out who you are. If you have a good introduce yourself post on your feed, and maybe a handful of other posts that demonstrate your style and the content of your account, then people will be more inclined to follow you. And when you have followers, your blog posts will get more votes, which means higher payouts.
Another thing is to follow good-sized accounts and turn on your notifications, so when the whales post you will get a heads up and you can read their post early, upvote it, and make a worthwhile comment. If your comment is early and adds to the conversation, these big users are likely to notice you and have a little chat. The more familiar you get with these users, the more likely they will be to check you out, and maybe even follow you. And if a whale follows your account, that means bigger payouts per post, as your posts will appear in their feeds. And when your posts are generating higher payouts per post, they will get the attention of other whales, who will also vote up your work -- and so on and so on the snowball goes.
So the moral of the story is to become a deft commentor here on Steemit. It's the best way to gain exposure and increase your reputation and following. And when you do that, you will start seeing your posts gain recognition.
I know this might seem like it's all about the money, but it's not, really. Ever since I really started hustling it here on Steemit, I've noticed that the comments on my own posts have completely exploded -- and almost every comment contributes to a larger discussion in some way. This is an AMAZING network of people to connect with, and the more that people are focusing their attention to your account and what you're doing, the more feedback you will get about your ideas, projects, art, writing, etc -- whatever your doing here on Steemit.
That, in many ways, is a greater resource than increasing your value-per-post number. :)
Give me your thoughts on this and if you've done something similar. If you have, how did it work for you? If you're thinking about doing something like this, I would even recommend keeping track of what you're doing and posting it on your blog. People around here are always interesting in what others are doing to utilize this fascinating and disruptive technology, so those posts in and of themselves could do really well for you.
Foll me @shayne
I noticed also that people who buy a bunch of steempower seem to get more followers.
lol yeah.
I guess there's that too. :p
Something about having a bunch of steempower to upvote posts that makes you more attractive to users.
I believe that has to do with curation rewards. Bots and users will follow a high SP account, and when it posts something they'll upvote it right away because it's likely to trend because high-earning posts trend, and if you curate a trending post before it trends you get a better payout.
Users also like upvotes that can earn them more $$$
Stack that cash and users will follow
Well yeah, it literally means you are more important.
I agree! I actually reached the top 15 or so top posts rank because of commenting at one point. And part of my reaching rep of 69 I am sure.
Great job!
Gotta keep the SOCIAL in Social Media.
I'm glad I scrolled down and saw you put this here @hilarski, was literally just going to post the exact same thing LOL.
SteemIt seems geared towards more of a community then the atypical blog platform.
Getting to know everyone and being social gets more interaction then 'dropping' papers at the door and high tailing it.
Great advice! When I joined a few weeks ago, I thought I had to post something new every day. Now, my approach will be to spend more time making better - but perhaps less frequent -- posts, and instead use my daily Steemit time to read other people's stuff and join the conversation. Honestly, that feels like the best part. 😀
I just followed you. Hope to read more great advice like this in the future!
Actually, your posts do amazingly well, especially considering your reputation number. What's your secret? lol
Beginner's luck? I have no idea, but I'm trying to learn as much as possible before my "luck" wears off.
Well, keep doing what you're doing! Post about it, too. I'll follow you.
It makes a lot of sense. Comments do seem to go a long way here.
One other bit of advice I'd give is when people do make a regular post that shows up on the NEW page, make the first sentence count. That's about all that people have to go by when choosing which of the many posts to click on. Sentences that start off Hey Steemians, how are you doing today? or Sorry I haven't posted much lately just don't make me want to click and see what other pearls of wisdom might be hidden in the post.
Great advice. And always lead with a good image or video. The thumbnail goes a long way. Like with this post:
or this one:
When I have made an effort to do more commenting on other people's posts, I noticed a lot more new followers than usual. It certainly can help to get people to notice you.
Exactly. And when you have a good amount of quality followers (aka not bots), your posts will do much better.
It is certainly all about the commenting!
@papa-pepper did a similar post about how commenting is very important.
I commented on his post and received genuine comments back from him.
Very positive!
Indeed (and I'll get back to you soon, sorry!)
Take your time! Thanks!
Genuine comments?
Glad that you think so. Nice payout on your last post too! Way to go!
Next bike ride coming soon!
It's good to leave a comment. I will comment on commenting..comment comment.
Feedback double-reverse loop comment...
I dont think it hurts to post often if you might have good content. Its fun to get into the search engine even if that isnt what calculates earnings
Agreed. The fun is most of using this platform, in my opinion.