Steemit Tips: How To Get Popular - Comment And Respond!
Hey there, you!
@shayne here once again.
Here's something I've been seeing this a LOT:
"Hi! I'm a Steemit n00b. Tell me: how do I become popular on Steemit/how do I get followers/how do I attract the attention of whales?
So... I'm going to give you the "secret hack" that will guarantee you followers, upvotes, and popularity...
How to gain followers and be popular!
This is really simple.
And comment authentically.
Here is the 6 Point Plan
- Go to the "hot" tab.
- Find posts that are interesting to you.
- Upvote it
- Leave a relevant comment
I'm not even kidding.
Do that and you will gain followers like you wouldn't believe.
Don't even bother making blog posts for your first week.
Just upvote and comment.
Try to make your comments as beneficial, edifying, helpful, and optimistic as possible, and you will find your follower numbers growing like crazy.
When you have a good and authentic following, you'll find that all of your posts get a good number of upvotes, and you'll earn a pretty nice income per post compared to if you post 10 times a day and pray that one of them trends.
Troll the #introduceyourself tag
New people are looking for friends.
At least they should be.
So check out all of the #introduceyourself or #introduction posts. Find new people. Leave a comment that shows that you actually read their post (aka: say something about them), and your follower numbers will shoot to the moon.
You'll also gain a lot of interesting friends.
Don't beg for people to follow you in the comments.
The best you'll get is a following of people who are only interested in their own follow numbers and won't even see or upvote your posts; the worst you'll get is flagged for spam and/or muted by whales who would otherwise help you out.
So DO NOT post anything that looks even remotely like this:
Wow! Great post. I followed you, follow me back.
Do NOT do this.
It shows that you didn't read the post you're replying to. It shows that you're not interested in building authentic relationships. It shows that you're trying to abuse the system for your own selfish benefit.
If you care about Steemit, Steemit will care about you
It's as simple as that.
If you post on this platform like a human being, and treat others like human beings, you will be rewarded.
You will become popular.
You will get upvoted and resteemed.
All your dreams will come true.
Any questions?
Feel free to ask.
I'm pretty friendly and I try to reply to every comment.
Good advice. I would recommend writing posts from the very beginning though. It is always nice to have something to show when other members visit your blog. It does not have to be long and perfect but showing initiative means a lot to me when I am deciding to follow someone. Steem on!!!
I wrote a starters series a while back. It's probably due for a re-post what with all the new people -- but I advise to make a really good #introduceyourself post and maybe resteem two or three posts that you really like before you start commenting. Then let those stay on your page for the first week while you comment, that way people have an idea what you're all about when they come to your page, and if they like it they'll follow.
Before reading your article, Shayne, i was actually thinking myself that since I have just joined, probably i should spend the first few days just to observe how the system, commenting and voting works before writing my first and most important post #introduceyourself. Good advice, thank you :)
People are expecting too much from Steemit. Lower down expectation is the key to success on Steemit.
That's true, but the high expectations are what get them here in the first place so I suppose it's a neccessary evil.
As soon as you start interacting with people on a personal level, you start getting a response, albeit a slow start.
When you first join it's hard not to notice the "Steem is gonna be worth 10 brazillian dollars in 30 seconds time" posts that are making hundreds of dollars and amazing artwork making a few cents.
My new series focusses on other members of the community and I'm getting a much better response.
Agreed! and probably the 'giving' approach is more beneficial than the 'receiving' approach.
Got like x2 followers in 3 days of engaging on other people's posts. I should have done that from the start but didn't actually understand how Steem and Steemit were working. This posts pretty much sumps up everything I'd say now. The best advice is to leave RELEVANT and not "follow me i follow you" comments. It's also quite educative on many basis, I learned some weird but positive stuff I couldn't imagine it really exsists, so much diversity here it blows your mind. Thanks for this post, I bet it will improve the comments section discussions and bind us more on this exciting crypto endevour. Upvoted!
Very true. In the attempt to gain followers, you'll actually have the added bonus of learning new things and making friends. Steemit is pretty brilliant that way. :D
Yeh just talk to people like you would in person, you know like in the old days before tinternet!
Right??? Seems so straight forward. But many seem to be struggling with it. Maybe it's the new medium? I don't know :/
Very well said @shayne. This is the best guidance for anyone who is trying to gain relevant following. As you correctly pointed out there is no use of building pointless relationships using the follow comments. This is especially true for Steemit because here the community is very strong in terms of filtering out weeds :)
Indeed. The Steemit platform rewards you for being authentic. It seems to be a great natural filtering system.
Great tips for a newbie like me, @shayne
I just posted my introducemyself blog last night and I have yet to learn the ropes here at steemit. A great deal of time is really required considering the all reading I need to do! 😅
Good luck!
Thanks, very good post for new people like me.
These are some very useful tips, I've been on here less than a week and I've got almost 60 followers, mostly just from trying to write good comments and supporting other users. I've found even most of the 'big guys' on here reply to well written comments and they like to support people who engage with their content. Most of my posts however have attracted little attention, though I have already had a few of the "I followed you follow me back messages" that you mentioned in this post
60 in less than a week?? That's awesome! Good job. Keep it up. I find that after about 200 followers you'll get pretty reliable upvoted. Good luck!
Great stuff. That's how I built a following, but it takes time and effort (and around 5,000 comments/posts). Only think I would add is that you should have some good content on your blog also. Give people a reason to follow you. Sometimes I check out someone's blog after a good comment and see nothing but resteems, so I move along. Other times I see great stuff, vote it up and follow.
@lukestokes . I agree, I try my best to bring life into my work . not always good lol. but I try at first every poem I put up was plan and honestly boring . but now that I am trying to bring them to life , it is a big hit :))
Yeah, I wrote a guide a while ago about that. Write a good #introduceyourself post and resteem a few posts that really connect with you, and then start commenting exclusively for a week.
That way people have an idea what you're about when they check you out from the comments.
Very well put.
I keep telling people that the only thing it takes to make an earning on the platform is time. Time because it takes time to read the posts and interact with the authors and other commenters. If you prove you have read them, people know you've spent time reading their post and most of the time will reward you for it.
Don't try to cheat by spam posting the same comment everywhere cause like in every other field, time cannot be cheated. But time can be diluted by becoming a faster reader or being good at multitasking. :)
Exactly. After monitoring the Steemit accounts of a couple people I know IRL, I noticed that thoughtful comments really do = more reward. Also, I noticed a post doesn't necessarily have to be long to be successful. It could be short and sweet, like a simple photo that people find interesting or beautiful. In fact, sometimes a post of epic length could be a turn-off due to the short attention span of most people!
No one likes spam

I will differ with this comment.. the last few times I have been to Costco everyone is buying up Spam! wth! People really do eat that stuff :)
I call it mystery meat... like a Mcdonalds hamburger.

I like SPAM, just not the digital kind.
Mmm, sliced and fried like bacon with toast and some scrambled eggs.
It's Shoulder of Pork and hAM, what's not to like?
The funny thing is you can fry it, boil it, microwave it and it still tastes the same..Is it even meat??
Next thing you know, you'll be telling me that Aldi Turkey sticks and crunchy peanut butter is odd. ;-)
about 6 million cans of SPAM are eaten each year in Hawaii. That’s around 5 cans per person!
This is such a good comment that I might even write a post addressing it. It's so true.
When you write this one, remind people that everyone can see your stream of comments when looking at your profile, if they look and see "great post" 50 x .... yeah.