Daily Steem Price Update 5/8/2024

in #steemitlast month

Good day Steemian and welcome, this is more than just a price update on the Steem cryptocurrency for 5/8/2024, under the hood it's been a 7 year project.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content, plus I have attended many Steem official events and represented Steem at smaller events.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price and recent Steemit changes for over 7 years.

There as never been a single power down made on this account since that time "7 years", our mission is to retain and rise the price of Steem for the benefit of us all. We do this by not only holding STEEM but by also buying into STEEM from time to time. All this rises the price of STEEM meaning your investment goes up in value and so does your earned rewards.

I'm sure we all want a better future for Steem and so casting your upvote here keeps Steem locked to raise it's value for us all. Most of the players in the crypto sphere are only here for some quick and shady profits before they just decide to get up and disappear but we have been here for the long run and would like to see Steem remained a strong and reliable token.

✅As continued proof that we work towards getting more money into Steem "rising it's value" on July 19th, 2024 we reached a total of 59.000 Steem Power✔

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 5/8/2024.

Should you be trading with STEEM today...?


(Images By: @simonjay)



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August 2024-Bitcoin reached over "70.000" again on June 4th and so the high season isn't done just yet. Likely you have witnessed some of the many bearish traps for investors to try and navigate this season. And so who knows when the bullrun will be truly over, I mention bitcoin because it can be a indication on the direction that Steem will follow. However not a lot of movement from our own token this time round compared to previous years which is very sad. Perhaps we have to be more patient as we wait on another possible alt coin season, and so what this means for now is that Steem itself is still wide open price wise for the smart and smaller investors💰. Last night I went to sleep just under the usual late hour, could of been better but I was delayed from seeing if any friends were meeting online. I'm also surprised it didn't end up being a earlier night as I had a terrible headache to deal with. The early shifts lately have been helping me keep this a little more on track. When I did try to reach slumber there wasn't any difficulty falling asleep, it remained warm but not enough to disturb me. Once sleeping I woke-up 20 minutes to my scheduled alarm, I'm not sure but think this was because I was feeling too hot. I tried going back to sleep but with little luck plus it was mostly pointless, the alarm was set for later than usual so I could get enough rest, especially to recover from that headache. I continued to rest way past the alarm for longer than I wanted, it worried me that may even trigger the headache to return. As for the weather this morning like yesterday the sky was filled with mostly darker clouds making it look like a miserable morning, but usually later it will start shifting those clouds away and the sunshine will return. Temperature wise sure it was much cooler compared to previous days the heat was at a point that's it was comfortable. Since I only had to be in work later the late start was not much or a problem, however this means there wasn't time for getting many chores done, and as for the things for my father I would say this is done except for some quick research. Instead he as finally given my sister a job to do but likely that will get passed back on to me. I didn't get much of anything done which is annoying because I also wanted to look at purchasing that printer and the Steem price also looks irresistible. I wanted to do this at the end of last week but my work schedule lately as been making it all impossible. When my free time was up I had a quick small breakfast, before leaving I changed, got my bag set and then myself ready for work. On the way like I expected it started to clear-up and so the temperature was starting to rise making me glad I made the right choice with keeping to the summer wear. Arriving to work our lost superior had finally returned, some of us started to notice he was missing and we guessed he was on holiday which was correct. Just before leaving one of the guys told me the extra work was going to be easy for this shift. I actually thought there might not be any but guess there is lol argh, we looked over the stats together and where some of the other teams had some really weird low stats our one was of course bloated. I told my colleague he was wrong to assume it will be easy and that I feel there is a strong possibility my boss will request I stay longer. This even seemed more true as it was taking it's time being set and so I looked into the weekly task sheet. Not long after I was handed the task sheet for the week with my name being on it twice, with again 1 task being one I don't like. For this shift I continued on from the first task with having now done 20% of it, think I will likely do all this on the long shift I have coming-up later in the week. Nothing during shift was asked about those annoying work courses I done after returning from work, which those gave me that terrible headache. I will assume this means everything is in order now and will hopefully not be bugged about it until next year. Once the extra work was ready I was able to get it started and was surprised at no point was I asked to stay longer. It had started to get very hot again and so I was glad to get out, think about 22% of the work was done which isn't exactly great with the time left for the team to achieve completion. There was some good amount of sun when I got out and started making my home almost enough to temp me to go the longer way. However something else stoped me from doing this and that was the Steem price drop. I got home and started on chores, the plan was to try and get some Steem and then next meet with my friends online. Well with those who have not gone away yet, to get them caught up before the next group of friends go on holiday. Like doing those dam work courses yesterday finding Steem took longer than I expected at the price I wanted. But in the end regardless of not being able to join friends online "if any" I was still happy to find myself some cheap Steem. This placed me behind with chores to but those will have to wait as I started to prepared dinner before settling in for the night. As for Steemit.com 📊 there as been talks about doing PR for the site which as all been done before and while in one way adding more people could help the value of Steem I still believe it would be better to try and educate those who are already with us. And I don't mean education on creating better content but rather on how the site and the token is valued. Again not by it's content but instead by holding Steem, buying etc. Others are working on updating the look of the Steemit.com website to something more "modern" I was very worried about this but the changes aren't anything drastic. Onwards there as been mostly promises of war happening everywhere, more countries are slowly getting and warning their citizens to prepare for war. Such a war in this day and age will be devastating and so we must continue to work to remain at peace and not fight in wars that don't belong to us. Work hard, try to hold it together, sometimes we can't and that's ok too.. Let yourself know this first off. After that "Pace" yourself, even in the mist of the storm you can make it. Before we finish I would like to ask if anybody can recommend any website to watch movies or series for free without a VPN or a download site, a upvote will be sent if it's good. Hope you all have a good day or night and I will see you on the next Steemit post.


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Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

Secretly win a %70 Upvote with over 37600 SP From Me
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  1. Upvote the post at %100
  2. Write on the comments box "Done"
  3. And finally answer the question- Will Steem go up or down within the next 22 hours?
    To enter you must have no less than 23 SP, there will only be "one winner" any edited post, complainers or trouble makers are automatically disqualified, hurry you have 22 hours for placing your valid entry!


1Up Or Down Today 25042024.gif

Source: picgifs.com

This Ship Is Powered-Up To Orca 🏆

New Orca Arrival-giphy.gif

Source: giphy.com


author portfolioU4ZCp8uHZ93yF22p2ypNuVM78E04052018.jpg

So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly don't forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and if you want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me, not only me but also support the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down a single time in 7 entire years.

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


Done...I think Steem will go up!

🏆 Winner

Thank you, sir!

With Steem under .15, it might be time for me to buy some more. What do you say, Simon? Buy more now or wait it out?


Hope Steem will go up!

There seems to be a good chance that Steem will go down further, for me personally yesterday I was scrambling to try and get more Steem, with the price nearly falling I believe 15% from the average, it was also the lowest price it's been for the year so I had to get some Steem. If it drops again further I will try and get more.

I hate to message you here, but I don't have much of a choice. Simon, I need a favor. Can you send me .1 TRX so that my wallet will activate? I've never had a Tron wallet and couldn't figure out why my tokens weren't depositing until I read up on it. Essentially, I've been burning them, I guess (not that there have been many, mind ya). But I can send whatever the equivalent is in Steem back. None of the exchanges I'm on sell it. I don't know anyone else who has it, and it'll stay deactivated until at least .1 is deposited. I was also going to ask about paying for upvoting on here as well; I'm a bit confused.

Really none of the exchanges are selling TRX!? I'm surprised as TRX used to be everywhere.

Ok before anything I want to know if you understand something.

Do you realise and understand that TRX can no longer be earned by posting on here?? I know it says on the wallet that TRX rewards are being claimed but this is simply not true and something that we have been asking the Steemit Team many times over to fix because this very confusing for newbies.

Interesting. Yeah, I've seen the TRX reward, but then it doesn't post to my wallet. I looked up online and saw that the wallet only activates with a deposit, so I just figured it was that. I wonder why the TRX quit posting here? That's odd. Thanks for the info. Yeah, the two exchanges I'm going through, I can't get TRX... I was on Gate, but they pushed me off of buying from the market and made my account withdraw/transfer only.

So what about buying upvotes? I get that it's a delegation transfer, but that's about all I know.

No unfortunately it's because you can no longer earn TRX rewards here. The Tron Team just said because Tron was at place where they felt like they completed their mission on spreading TRX to new users and that because of the bad market situation with Tron that all TRX rewards earned on Steemit will be paused.

Ok "buying votes" and "delegation to receive votes" are two different things, to buy votes you would need to find a active bidbot on here and pay them in Steem in hopes of getting a good return.

As for delegation it's just as the name suggest, find a account that is still active and asking for delegations for votes, and in their posts they will either offers links that will already be pre-set with the delegation code or you can use a website to do this which the only one I know about now is steemworld, I think some of the autovote websites used to offer this but I don't know about them anymore.

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Hi @simonjay,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using steem-fanbase.com.

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This post has received a 80.0 % upvote from @always1success