I'm Attempting Something Different, Depth... Shh!

in #steemit4 years ago

Most are left unaware, but I care. DSM6 was made by me, I'm sorry but I've let you down. We're caught in a 1980's sitcom and I try to push through even though, being labelled as so, means you don't have the patience to attempt at anything. You know or you don't.

I'm not your substance, but I'll be damned if anyone gets hurt by it. DSM5 catches you if you fall, halfhazardly, if that. You should have enough to grow from the outcomes, jail or homelessness. Again I'm sorry. Your dreams are your golden defining moments, some living them, others having theirs stolen, fight back.

There's already a new generation approaching after the pitfall of jade helm & gen z. Gen Z isn't looked at with the respect they deserve, still the automation of birth-right is continuing, medical jargon anyways. We need to see from a new lense, and they do.

It's simple to lead from a distance, but to say you're a leader is a giant step. I am a jack of all trades. One of very few who broke the code to what it means to be an INTJ. That is a heavy sum, with no resources around, I survive. I'm not saying I am the voice, but if you're taking the time to read this just note I am also an empath, one of very few who seem to have mastered the "finger-point".

It's a failed dialectic, to say that any given direction, to an action, or a choice, is made by me to help another is good. They know somewhere, the words lay flat sometimes, finding a medium is a goal. To me it's basically common sense. I allude to the point that guidance, or anything relevant, isn't highly regarded, sucks to suck.

I say it's more difficult to pick up a regular job/career, and regard it highly. Overstated, we need to actually find things that test the waters, so to say. There aren't many fields and in order to see how our next choice revolves around catapulting us to the next, at least for inspiration, the point that were still here, should be reason enough.

It's not that getting a job isn't hard, we seek the simple reward mechanism, ask and you shall recieve, has been the strict code to our simulation the entire time, equivalent exchange met through bartering. Sucking dick. Sellouts.

They adhere to this through nihilism which to be honest I leave to the interpreter to test my range. 8-10 years of strict institutionalized doctrine and the rest to slack off so to say, help others. you cannot sit there boldly and say a sacrifice wasn't made on my behalf.

The roots of nihilism are to uncover. The apocalypse is said to be that. What if I told you the set day for all of this to end was 2028.

The only reason I don't see it changing is for, well a couple of reasons. One, we're still here in the 80's, where a pair of shades makes you look cooler, and there's something familiar going on in the background. That isn't enough. The world ended in 2012. Most don't have a clue on how to run a simulation at maximum pace, which is why we're held back, so to say, look at all the books that got burned, or how we've had better tech in the past.

There's always a control mechanism. At least for natural law, which everything prior has been the law of attraction, natural law dictates that, in a given course the better man wins. Not capitalism, but dogma. We exist with artificial selection being the forground.

We need tech but the tech is current, look at the date. Philosophy isn't held closely by us nihilists, or degenerates. If you sold out hopefully you're worth something. Back to the 80's...

I bumped us...

It was just 1980, I made it 1988. That being stated, look at what else you have. A need for more saturation in current market. We exist to please ourselves first, ouch. Secondly, the hand that feeds. I've lived mine in reverse the entirety. Gratification though, echoes...

We have a generation more powerful than gen Z, I'm sorry there's a grade, but learning comes with a cost. We learn the same as then, and we interpret the same, and all this 8 years later anyways. Even eons down to the quonton level can be interpreted, I shit you not, in a moment.

The DSM5- sa, a, introversion (interpersonal), psycho-social games, mind games for the faint of heart, being shy (personal) . It's nothing more than dogma. Less we mention adding a little sardonicism on top. Capitalism has always taught us it's about survival.

Dogma is about survival, sure. Capitalism secondarily used in a Big Buisiness model of any persons type of character. We sell pieces of ourselves and lose out because we didn't read the fine print to put it delicately, and in bold it holds things together, I could sound like one open for debate if you gave me a reason to. Look further.

Everybody has gone down that road. 90% of what we call work, jobs/careers, are sleuth & big buisiness models. We channel all of what makes us whole, and in exchange buy the lives we want at a price we can't afford, or save for what we need. Wants are all that is left.

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(you)wants BIG needs(sleuth)

This above displays what is required of you.

I labelled it just Big, why, is Basically Interest Grows

It's not difficult, that's where you don't even think about your next move, you've started your own exchange. If you start your own exchange than it's entirely dependant on you, vs the easier route of just conforming, the 80's montage, we don't even have yet.

It doesn't take a back breaking INTJ in order to sift through the debris, irony says if you can actually conform to yourself you can start anything. But what and why.

I'll just put down the most major ones. That come to what we're really here for. War. Dogma. Capitalism. Hate. Love. & Life. In no particular order. Remember last resort.


There are the six that the tinfoil hats have been warning you about. It's a third eye either blind or open, whichever resource hub you're dependant on makes the choice. BIG is as so.

I have opened 10 more since then & now. There has been no progress started, but only time will tell. I have the ideas on Q.

QANON which currently is trends incoming & outgoing for those who don't enjoy twitter.

I won't list them yet, but what the fuck else is actually going on. We were at a current pause evolutionarily speaking for 30 years now. So to put it in lamens, or whatever source you so desperately crave, what would be that.

Drugs are the only way most have came up with current "outside the realm", of the then, which is what we have now. It's not that the tech has been destroyed, we don't need more.

More patents are stuck inside the realm of those six, so they stay stagnant for years. In order to break free you can't sign yourself off if you have any that you want sourced. Create.

It takes less people to do, so you don't fall victim to the in-between, assets and interest. That one in particular is why so many are homeless, incarcerated, or stuck not being able to take that next step in order to make an end meet that is closely relevant to that particular field.

I feel strongly that I got stuck. Empaths are usually most insightful at INFJ on the MBTI scale. I don't think any of us are grounded to any of the personality archetypes. But damaged goods are what they are. You can make or break that. like that last statistic, 90% or more are grounded to one and one of the six signed.

Like ICF panels, I saw them, interest peaked, it went from leik 20%, to the thresh it is currently valued at. INFJ 100% you all. Just bare with the insight, INFJ's are grounded like a motherfucker so what happened next is I got hitlered. It goes like this, hollywood, holocaust, hitler. Obviously you recognize this and move on, that was after I already got hit, I recognized that as comparible to eugenics and war, let's get ready to rumble... The people I was working with to unveil this before Qanon bit their own paw.

It's due to Inbreds R' US here in where else. I call it hell but it serves me... Anyways, the next reward mechanism wasn't recognized and instead they chose suicidal tendancies as their first go to. If that was made aware of to them, things would be different, Qanon would be alt left, a mediator. It's not because a group of empaths who proudly salute a tribute one of saturns moons as a way of telecommunicating with you, decided to tank themselves but me first. Remember what you've seen, it's not a marage, amnesia. We can't all be Workaholics.

Went from a society thriving on dement (ego), to rabid (void)

It's bittersweet to see it now. 2 ways to anarchy (true freedom) [--=+]; 2 values we see as bad, some interpret freedom as being whole, it means slavery backwards. Truth hurts because of lies. Magnetism dictates we need anarchy to feel complete, with the little things aside.

Anybody within this section know anyway to interpret this into cohesive strategy let me know.

I feel like an interpretation or 2 couldn't hurt.

Oh and how nihilism brings us that much closer to an ending you'd expect. It's more complicated than anything you'd imagine. Society to me today is thriving. Not on culture. Punk & emo for fame, missing goth & scene. Counter culture is DSM5 hiding just the tech. Like watch.

A goth joke is as dead as the line I am writing. Jerks your head but not practical.

A scene joke is as creepy to you as creepy as it is to me. Notice. Shit implodes.

All we do is try to see things we haven't seen before in a time lapse until we age too much and settle in. Old souls are the ones who never bother. Not trying to stereotype but it always ends the same. No equilibrium to sit on.

So here we are, are you ready..? It's actually 2004, but it's 2020. With our minds cohesively being held at 1988. Difficult to hold together with all of us on board, but let's take it to 1991. We aren't doing much, 1988 we get meme'd to death like we are currently experiencing because boredom is at an all time high, and no good toast. Prove me wrong. fsociety. Onto 1989...

The irony is we can't get past this hurdle unless we unveil an ubermensch which I will scapegoat myself for, so we can get to the next fucking endless cycle of traditions, ooooh a new meme happy bday. so here we go 1989. This one is school and Pink Floyd. Just a reference speaks volumes.

It's skull and nothing more. That was one thoght I had, 80% through and gave up. Make the word itself be the anex, the brain unlocks immediately. We don't need institutions for lesser education, we need more insight than anything. Modern day babysitter.

1990 A decade. It's gotta be santa. He actually exists, and gets pissed. He is the free will detector of the simulation. Millenial cabbage and old gregg (mandela) this is how these spawn. Who fucking knows. They will devour. 8bit damnation.

1991 - A year into it and look, peripherals are modern, and people buy them. The tech has invaded and will be hosted by utilizing you as a power source or vice versa. Still you pay those bills. It is relevant to the last explanation of how assets and interest seize. The reason there are still watchdogs and towers. Due to the scape consequence it works off of one. We are energy, they, the machines store it, the equivalent exchange is what you use it for.

I'll stop there because it's not like anybody cares that much about where we are currently, as long as you have that feeling of home nestled.

More aspiring and the will to create. That is my goal, finding a way to do that and bringing us to the next age. Age of aquarius seems hollow to me now. The voice of reason says most following that path are lost, seeking guidance, reverse psychology, seems to be human nature, at least with hate being involved.

It's the year of the ox, weak traits aren't admired, and are left to burn with any shred of being sentimental. The strength we see in each other isn't going to be easy as a cost. The only insight shining from knowing that, is being lost out there as I've left behind my true philosophical walk of being as so, we have books that are our defining traits. We don't have a lot here's what I have.



If I forgot any let me know.

Like I said that's all you can treasure for the year of the previous year of the dog that lasted for I shit you not, way too long. Pick yours up and learn, learn from that. That helps progress the next year, the only way to take that next step, in so many ways.

The stars used to be star wars, for whatever fucking reason, like a movie projected from the holocaust, now it's the actual stars and signs. Meteor showers, anomalies, actual circumstance instead of happenstance, sheeple, etc.

The just cause simulation isn't good enough. I want you to actually interpret this. We live in fame. Now fame on fire. I died and still live, the first. I wanted to fast forward a bit. To ready you for what I could unveil but to a point where it sinks in a bit.

There exists another tangent, that values intelligence more. There exists one that values strength more, fallout, the game to us, or at least that's the sane way of looking at the debris. Luck, exists underneath. That's all I'm aware of. Talk to yourself it's funny.

Steemit values intelligence, I want this to be understood. Not collectively, but incentively. That is why I don't understand the just cause algorithm, it buries facts due to suppression. Depth is worth. I don't want to have to leave this simulation just to reboot myself in another. You see. Valid info...

So if fame is the name of the game, and it's now fame on fire, and death is seen typically as a tragedy and to people who admire fame just a statistic, why not incentivise the theme of modern societal memes and culture bangers non stop so we feel good. That and having what we need and when. That only happens in a Democratic Republic, or an Extremist Socialism society. We need that asap. Without it what happens.

Right now, with the health scare, everybody is in a panic of suppression, or docily conforming to it. Why do you really think it's paused. Whales are in another tangent, and are being weeded. The irony is attempting isn't apt to the best rate of success. We need change drastically and waiting isn't going to cut it.

War is the startegy for fame, shouldn't intelligence be used for that. It sucks but, cut ties and just grind your way to the top, what in the fuck is the problem. Damaged people and lives. There isn't any point. Not saying it is impossible to get there but why are we conditioned to just accept it. War solves nothing besides a test of your intelligence and dexterity. No dexterity needed for oh, lets say, sexual trafficking, or neck breaking for the next come up. It's people eating people and we don't want that, zombies are sheeple. The last known survivor of the holocaust just died. Did that sink in. Or is it just that patience adds up to enough in your own personal interest. That doesn't cut it. Ties need to be made.

It's a purge.

I'm wearing my patience at this. My other person of interest has a plan alongside me, I'll use staged themes that you like to see but were unaware of previously. It starts with celtic, formally buddhism right in front of you, and falls all the way down to jade helm.

So if it's just a purge, throw up the bad shit and breathe in the good shit, get high, it's legalized. Fame is codependency marketed. Fame on fire is polyamory defined, multiple relationships needed to fit not using the word besides for sexuality, or lack of better words. DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU. That's logic.

Cold and concise, excercise your ability to remain on the side that favors you. Fame admires Lust & Greed. Intelligence admires SIN. Lastly Strength admires Envy & Wrath. Luck loses the toss Gluttony Sloth and Pride. I have a lot, I don't care I win. Reverse psychology for whales.

Everything is jury rigged to fail. So embrace that now and realize SIN is the fucking contract and it requires wit to use it. Everything should fall into place. The reason it doesn't is why zionists win. The reason monopolies triumph too solely on minnows, FAME.

We need to take a second to embrace the depth of this...

You need to actually be on par with risk vs return. What you give is what you get, and what I've given, I've never got, so how could I get back what I've given, if you've only seen what I've given, luck, but you sinned, is that fair. IF you say yes we both have the same amount. Let steemit roar!

Fame on fire is the fact you never got to do your best, fame means you never tried.