Where have I been?

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello once again fellow members of the internet and steem users,
I have been quite busy in this last week which has prevented me from producing content. This is in part due to recently getting a job, which has taken time away from making steem posts. This past week, my whole schedule messed due to starting this new job, so I was unable to release a new Travel Tuesday post. I apologize for this. This week I will put out a travel Tuesday post, along with another to make up for the lack of a post last week. I also plan to start increasing the amount of content that I produce, beginning with uploading to dtube. I am thinking on producing some programming content and news related stories in the near future so stay tuned for that . If you have any suggestions about what type of content you would like to see from me feel free to leave a comment.
Thanks and have a good rest of your day or night where ever you reside