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RE: Why I Flag ozchartart

in #steemit8 years ago

Did you have a similar personal conversation with @krnel?

No, but he is welcome to reach out to me as @ozchartart did (as is anyone)

I don't see why you think Dan should take responsibility for user retention and you shouldn't.

Dan can do what he wants. I'm expressing my opinion on it.

I'm not employed by Steem/Steemit in any manner, with the possible exception of running a witness node (arguably whether that constitutes being 'employed'). This is not my job and i'm not "responsible" for anything about it. I'm a stakeholder, investor, and a user. Trying to equate my role with that of a founder and lead developer is nonsensical. Yes we are both large-ish stakeholders but the similarity begins and ends there.


For the responsibility you refuse to take I would argue that nobody should be voting for you as witness.

I wouldn't suggest noone should vote for you as of yet, and I still do even though I made the decission a long time ago and have little influence.

But I would agree that with being a witness comes, and should in my opinion come an even greater, social responsibility.

I personally always suggest noone should vote for anyone who'm they disagree with on what they themselves consider important issues, no matter if they are directly related to technicalities such as running a node or not.