RE: Steemit User of the Month (May) Contest
While I applaud any efforts by anyone to awaken a sleeping and apathetic people, human rights are rights granted by the United Nations, which is a municipal corporation set up under Roman law, and if you have unalienable rights, there is no need for human rights, because the unalienable rights are far superior. Roman law is interchangeable with civil law, which means they are government granted rights, and anything that is granted by government can also be taken away by that same government. Unalienable rights are rights granted by God, which is why the Declaration of Independence is so powerful, because if God granted our rights, then ONLY God can take them away. It is well established that the United Nations was set up by the banksters with the objective of setting up a world government that has absolutely night to do with freedom, and in fact has more to do with tyranny.