Nature NOW Challenge
Do you take the time to notice nature when you get the chance. So many of us are so busy that we tend to pass by life, without taking the time to smell the fresh air. There are so many beautiful moments we can create with just a snap of a picture. But we should do this more often with mother nature. She will helps you relax and connect with what matters. She provides us with natural resources, food, and shelter. Earth is our home and we need to notice are environment and live in the moment of NOW.
So I challenge you to catch randomn moments of nature where you dont plan the photos but you just notice the moments of NOW in nature whatever your doing at the time. If there a plant growing there its nature.
So here are some moments on my adventure in life, where I stopped to notice my surrounding and be greatful for being on this Earth. I will be doing the challenege every month on the 19th. Join the challenge and had some fun.