@berniesanders pay me to post open buttocks on @haejin:-My apology to steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

I join Steemit November 2017 with main account (i am hiding name). But upto February i struggle to rewarded with dollar. My reputation remain stagnant with 30 and 31.

One day somebody tell me that if somebody with high steempower vote you, your reputation can grow big and you earn many dollars.

So I send @berniesanders a message in his wallet asking him to help me also and vote me so that my reputation also increases and I get dollars.

However he did not upvote me. So I look for him in discord, and managed to chat with him in February middle there. I made the same request to him, and also tell him that me I am talented to make good memes and videos. I even send him sample meme.

He like the meme and told me I am very talented and he will support me.

But he told me that his steempower was decline and he cannot upvote me. However he told me that he has a friend called randowhale who has many steempower and he will talk with him to vote me if I do for him something.

I said what is that? And he said that there is an evil man on steemit called @haejin who is fighting.

He told me, that if I help him, he will make randowhale to vote me and my reputation will increase, and I will get many SBD. He also tell me that he will send me SBD through someone.

I agree. So he tell me that I do this.

  1. That I create another second account for fighting @haejin
  2. I use second account for posting naked people on post of @haejin. He tell me that he will be send me the pictures via @hendrix22 and @lyndsaybowes.
  3. He therefore tell me to make memes that abuse @haejin, and abuse where he come from, is it South Korea. He tell told me that @lyndsaybowes will sketch and put sample image at comments of my posts which I improve.
  4. If me I do that, he promise me his friend randowhale will vote me
  5. So I sign up another account in around 20th February. But steemit delay to approve until march when it approve.
  6. So I tell @berniesanders that steemit approve my second account, and he tell me he will write something and give me to post as introduction and wait.
  7. So he send me his writing about connecting quality content creators and curators, using @hendrix22 in discord, and me I copy and post as introducemyself. Link is here. https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@steemcog/good-news-initiative-to-scout-quality-content-and-recommend-to-curators-is-here

  8. After me post my first post, he again send me another post about coward whales and again I post. @hendrix22 give me in disocord. Link is here: https://steemit.com/steemit/@steemcog/to-stop-haejin-join-the-mud-war-minnows-to-hell-with-cowardly-whales.
    @hendrix22 and his friends even support and upvote. You see here below.

    9. After that @berniesanders send me using @lyndsaybowes picture of black boy with open buttocks. He said I post on Comment of @haejin everyday for one week and then he give me another. he also say me work with @baejin. Here is photo of naked buttock he send.
  9. Yesterday again @yndsaybowes post sketch of meme for me to improve on my comment. You see it here.

    And she even upvote all my posts promoting and encouraging me to post open buttock on @haejin.

    That is how me meet @berniesanders and he make me to do that, and work with his friend mainly @lyndsaybowes and @hendrix22. His friend @randowhale upvote my post in main account and grow my reputation to 47 now.

    However I have reading about @haejin and all things but me I find nothing wrong with him. I dont hate @haejin and only want to grow on steemit, but @berniessanders convince me to post naked people on @haejin.

    He also tell me that he has program for destroying @haejin and that he go step by step and that someone know @haejin face in Korea and will tell police of tax.

    Me I don’t hate @haejin and don’t want to fight. But @berniesanders manipulate. Now because me I have report him, his friend @randowhale will downvote my main account which he know.

    @berniesanders I am beg you to leave me alone. Me I am from Juba and I want to make money for school fees. Don’t flag my main account.

    After this message me I will keep quiet but if you flag my main account, me I swear I will post this naked pictures on your posts and @hendrix22 and @lyndsaybowes and all your friends, but if you leave my main account alone, I will do nothing.

    I can even send you master password for this account and you use if you want, but you leave my main account alone, please I beg you. Thank you.

    I write this post to apologise to @haejin to forgive me. I am sorry @haejin for post naked buttocks on your post. Forgive me. I will not do again. I know you are not bad person. @berniesanders and @hendrix22 and @lyndsaybowes decieve me. You can see my posts they support all time and upvote.

    Also steemit I am sorry. Forgive me for posting obscene picture on good platform. I promise to give password of account to @berniesanders and not use account again.

    Thankyou, and forgive me @haejin and steemit.

Thank you for promoting this @haejin, you showed everyone your TRUE character pushing more trash to the top of trending (just like your "TA").

You are a fucking liar and everything you posted above is complete bullshit, for that, your account will now be killed.

Eat shit liar.

As long as it's flagging you, I am 100% OKAY with that. I don't need the money, look at my accounts, I have PLENTY.

As long as you're earning less, I am completely content.

That is an outright lie proven by your posting exactly 10 times every day to maximize your rewards from bikini boy.

Just out of curiosity, if it's not about money, would you be interested in supporting some projects on Steemit for a good cause?

Or upvote some original content creators?

Stop upvoting your own posts then? Or is it really ALLLLLL about the money?

I have to assume that you downvoted me @haejin, which cost me two sourly-earned brownie points, because I said that "if you want to promote shitcoins, you need to post ten times a day." I have been your follower for many months, and always admired your creative style and easy-going manner, but this ?
Be serious, you ARE promoting shitcoins - I'm not saying you're getting paid for it or something, let's just assume that you do it to give everybody a chance for a good investment in little-known coins, which would be entirely reasonable.
But my statement is simply correct and not worthy of scorn, because if you want to do these things, WHICH YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY DOING and which is largely being appreciated, you actually HAVE TO post a lot.
How else would this be working ? And why blame me in this war of whales, for simply pointing out the obvious - if the reason is not a Freudian one.

You're welcome. It shows you, @berniesanders, can't hide behind lies, racist attacks and subterfuge planning of deceit and dishonesty. Why? Because Truth alway is and never isn't.

Keep using @randowhale downvotes...she'll soon be in permanent coma!

I know your English is terrible, but, you should learn the meaning of "permanent". I know you're slow in the head, but voting power recharges here, quite quickly in fact. Moron.

You think I'm afraid of you? You think your taunts and threats have any impact on me? Know this: You are a two bit fraud with sociopathic tendencies and a desire to hurt people. You clearly take pleasure in hurting others through fear and intimidation.

They don't work on me.

They have had an impact. You’re butthurt and spending time defending yourself. If they weren’t working, you wouldn’t be commenting.

I win. Moron.

You think this is about winning and losing? That's pathetic! Only a dense, obtuse sociopath would do so.

This is about decency! This is about not having a thug like you around Steemit intimidating with random downvotes and vulgarity.

Like I said, don't let the door hit your ass on your way out!

Haejin, why don't you be decent and do FREE TA like you said. It is costing the Steem blockchain 5% of the entire rewards. That isnt free. You said FREE did you not? Do you understand free?This is all just making you look worse haejin. YOu might think you are winning, but you just look like a scammy, evasive, small minded person.

This is 100% bullshit and everyone reading this post knows that. You’ve shown 0 proof and your terrible English leads me to believe this is just another scammy post by @haejin slandering me.

Go fuck yourself. This is a lie and you’ve provided 0 proof.

@Haejin suddenly became a good person and gave $650+ to some random guy, even though he has never done anything for any minnow ever before...

Lol, can't believe @Haejin thought we wouldn't know this is him

Hey @berniesanders. What do you think about this meme? Is it accurate enough?

in this world of charts, the meme will be king

you got talent nice work(s) :D
wish you manyyy profiits

proof-of-brain approved.

You can't fake proof of brain on the Steem blockchain. Must be some truth behind this valuable post 😆

I dunno man, the evidence seems pretty overwhelming to me... ;)

I think that you are pathetic hater, everyone can tell by the reputation that you have. Since I am on Steemit you have been hating , and @haejin is posting 5-6 videos a day. So for me you are the scumbag that is hating all the time. Loser!

ONLY the scared, the ones who are afraid of more damning evidence to come out and afraid of being further exposed because more is hidden, downvote ALL comments like you are doing here.

I do not nor have I ever used dishonesty on steemit to hurt you or anyone else. YOU have always attacked with racist memes, rapid fire spams, uncouth language and subterfuge collusion.

I did NOT write any of the content of the post. It is original and authentic. I had zero collusion (unlike you). There is plenty of comment evidence from you to @steemcog to support evidence of your lies and deceit. In your own words: "this is the blockchain and can't hide anything you moron"

YOU however, are a sociopath. Your actions on Steemit prove it so. YOU went out of your way to hurt the steemit.kr community not too long ago with your ranting downvotes acting so Hitler and censoring.

YOU and I had a truce a few months ago and in less than two weeks YOU broke it by re-igniting your flag war. Will I ever trust you again? NO! You're proven to be untrustworthy!

Look at how many minnows you've taken down! Look how you've been a thug for so long around Steemit all the while downvoting others just because you think you can.

YOU take money and delegation from innocent Steemians to run your @randowhale and yet you unashamedly use @randowhale to wage your downvote wars. The customers of @randowhale are being deceived and pillaged by such actions!

I will NOT back down to the likes of you!

Haejin, I'm going to try and help you out even though I firmly disagree with you. Typically, the first person to try to play the "literally Hitler" card is on the losing end of the argument.

I would recommend sticking to addressing the substance of the arguments against your practices rather than try to malign us as Nazis. Sure some of us may behave with more civility than others but do not let you be distracted from the important issues at hand.

To learn more, see the following.


I think an important point is whether you like it or not behaving like a bunch of racist nazis throwing shit under other peoples work and destroying peoples accounts for simply not agreeing with you is going to cause a lot more harm than that you are supposible trying to prevent

Your parties inability to even discuss the matter without throwing insults and racist slander isnt helping your case
There are many in your group who while shouting about protecting steem have simply taken a populist approach and are making a carrier out of the situation draining money from the platform while not being able to come up with a contructive insult let alone a intresting post.

Oh yeah? Look what just happened to this post.

Look at how pathetic, desperate and angry you are right now. It's cute.



I do not put any anger into my comments towards you..only a sense of pitty for an incurable sociopath who only wants to hurt others. To be born of such affliction must be terrible.

It's called a typo, you idiot!

Uneducated? Not in the least! I've graduated from some of the finest universities for undergraduate and graduate degrees.

YOU are the troll! YOU and your posse! To deny that is a lie! But then again, that's exactly what a sociopath does....lie, cheat and steal!

Why do you downvote all my comments here? Are you afraid? Perhaps you are afraid of the truth finally coming out?

No, the truth is you don't know the difference anymore between a lie and fact. You're so depraved of any sense of decency which is why you stoop so low to collude cheap shots. That's a sociopath! Deviant is the next best description for your type.

Maybe this post written by haejin or this guy hired by haejin. Haejin playing a dirty game. First he respons your open letter by some poor logic and now he hired a liar guy. Fucking poor haejin.

maybe you had more chances than me, because i am new, to see haejin and starjuno both flag the same comment/post, usually is starjuno who does the dirty work (flag) i get that @haejin need to watch his image to his followers thats why starjuno is the flag account

@haejin are you @starjuno?
if not then you work side by side at "your office" ?
tell him to comment and engage in conversations, he seems to flag a lot, leave some feedback, clearly knows english and know how to talk it too he reads all the comments that's clear, he is ready to flag comments bad for haejin rep

hello @starjuno are you there?

He poor boy from Juba have reputation 54 must surely be fault of @berniesanders then ?
Me poor girl from blackforest no understand ?

Disclaimer: promotion was mine, but not the content of post which is undoctored, original and authentic. Promoting this was the only effective way to make visible the subterfuge acts taking place by the Trolls.

You seem only to have issue on the promotion but not the content. Good!

@steemcog was a frequent spammer on my blog.. When this post was brought to my attention, he was actually on my muted list, indicating he had been frequent spammer because that’s what it takes to get on my mute list.

You’re so full of shit it’s not even funny. You know as well as everyone else this was written by one of your non-English speaking fanboys. Again, showing your true colors.

In a word: No.
I'm an honorable person. My followers know this. My blogs reflect this.

I have no deceit nor have I executed them like you have.

Your followers are ignorant sheep and I hope they continue to lose based off your bullshit TA.

It’s been proven many times the majority of your posts would result in major loss of followed.

It's proven many times by your own actions that you are a beady eyed, two bit good for nothing sociopath!

LOL so you're going to google an image and claim I sent it to you? Good one. You say you have conversations....so, where are they?? You said you sent a transaction to my account....where is it??


he not yet flag main account. so me keep promise still.
but now you check @hexdriz22 blog and see. he reseteem post
check my commens and lindsaybowes put there meme for me improve
there where he warn me he will destroy main account, what main account he talk about? if he not know.
but randowale not yet flag main account, so me still keep promise. if he flag, i will bring more evidence. i promise.

you go away, me i expoce you wolololol me expoce berniesanders communist man and abuser of people wowlwowo eh

@Haejin I do not undertand my you resteem this on your blog? Thisd is really making you look like a fool. I really hope ytou rethink your actions. I am stilkl yourt number 1 fan.

"Some might call this crazy but I call the analysis as I see it." ~ @Haejin

I wonder how you thought that you can convince steemians about this bullshit.

You have shown no proof that @berniesanders and you talked on discord.
No one will hire people for this.

Please flag this post to hell!

I am pretty sure this post written by haejin. Berni can do everything alone. no need to hire you. You are fucking liar. It's clear that you are haejin or hired by haejin.

Disclaimer: Promotion was paid by @haejin to bring this truth article of abusive, subterfuge collusion between @berniesanders, @hendrix22, @lindsaybowes to the trending page. The content is original, authentic and no mine.

The Steemit Donkey speaks only truth!

The content is original, authentic and no mine.


Hahaha! @kivsha shared the fun with me and I am loving it!

to @berniesanders and his multiple accounts :
Letting the guy see a big reward then downvoting him is just cruel imo
F*** you bernie.
I mean this time you really acted as a f****** c***.

Wow! What a way to get major upvotes...!

they were all purchased from boosters

Disclaimer: I paid the promotion fees; but the content is authentic and original and not mine. Promoting this to this level was the only way to get the truth out on trending.

Self Upvoting because of self downvotes from the sociopath: @berniesanders

God Damnnnnnnn

There are a whole bunch of folks on STEEM that use this platform to support a mere basic standard of living... There is a large community of Venezuelan users who are going through terrible economic troubles, getting food and basic supplies is a struggle. STEEM came along and is helping to empower these communities. I really just hope you can begin to use your wealth to make the world a better place, there are too many greedy bastards out there man. STEEM can be a great place to HELP people. I post recipes, photos and random nonsense and I always upvote the people who comment on my blog. Lately a lot of the people who comment are from Venezuela and need the upvotes more than I do. It feels good knowing you are helping people on the other side of the planet, without even necessarily giving them anything from your own pocket, just some voting power that will replenish over time.... at the same time you are giving STEEM to people who support you, which will overtime grow their accounts and their votes will be worth more on your blog. Helping people makes the world go round here on STEEM. I just hope to see you and @ranchorelaxo do more good with your massive pockets, that's all.

funny that @haejin is spamming comments here and disclaiming around and he does not even reply to this comment by you that very well deserve some attention, a dude with 77 rep... he prefers to invest load of money to promote this crap to discredit @berniesanders

this @steemcog person is very fishy. he is acting like he does not speak english very well... he also claims that the material he used was give to him by others, but i see an interesting meme lying around your posts that does not make sense to me in the argument, that meme show david and goliath and i guess that is in line with the "cog" (steemcog) "conquer of goliath " states on your blog info.

that meme was also provided to you by bernie / bernies followers ? :)

They are clearly up to no good. I unhid it for ya ;)

ha! :D . thank you very much!

is back again! :D

eat that juno! :D

something here that need to be hidden from others @starjuno?
why don't you comment here like you comment on your own blog, don't you have a point of view on this?

You are not posting / resteem post about Life, Travel, Food, Astrology anymore since 2 months ago, now you are just posting haejin's TA's in korean version... better change your Life, Travel, Food, Astrology description if you are not going to post your own stuff anymore :)

are you haejin's girlfriend and maybe you are just backing him up?

You move from earning $7 to -$20 with your regular post about food,etc and started to earn $100 - $200 after you move to haejin TA charts

I would like to know what you think!

language should not be a problem, since you are flaggin post written in english it means you can also speak english, please engage to comment on english too :)

@starjuno if you feel you cannot talk freely without loosing @haejins upvotes, remember this a big community, is he stop supporting you others will help you grow up, start doing english posts and comments to gain more followers! , unless of course you have decided that TA charts is what you want to do here at steemit

take care, hope to chat with you someday if you want to

well found out recently that @haejin has delegated power to you, i guess is mostly to flag comments they do not like to be seen? can you express yourself @starjuno ? i only hear your flags but no discussion from you, and this a blogging platform ;)

what about sharing your views ?

They are one and the same. instant upvotes for all his content, instant flag by anyone that mentions haejin negatively.

Bernie & haejin should take all this to Facebook

I can completely agree, this would never be seen if it didn't receive your boosts.. but it's hard to believe the content is legitimate when there is no screenshot from the Discord channel.

hmmm... @steemcog... you are the devil himself...why did you first agree to that if you knew it was wrong....

  1. if you want money to pay your school fees why will you use a bad way to collect it from people here..it a world-class scam....
  2. If what you are saying is 'true' why didn't you say anything till now...
  3. if you really wanted to help @haejin you should have declined your payout..not to make money out of it....in a way you are begging @haejin for money..something you couldnt get from @berniesanders and rest... smh...
  4. You must be ashamed of yourself...if what you are saying is true...
  5. If what you are telling us is true...prove the discord messages to the world for us to see.... and if you are wrong trust me @haejin and @berniesanders will make your life hell miserable on steemit...TRUST ME

you are the devil himself

lol exaggerate much?

communist abuser you go away. me expoce you. flag flag f;lag wolololo liar and rapist of dollars, me expoce you now.

this is make up english i bet you $0,001 SBD

try to portrait an educated person to make believe that he was fooled and that maybe he did not know what he was doing, nice one dude :)

got more magic tricks? i like magic!

he does not know how to say expose, but he clearly knows how to say rapist, liar and communist, weird english to me, but i am weird :)

maybe i am just nuts you know :)

YOU, sociopath @berniesanders, are afraid of getting more exposed! I can smell the fear!
YOu thnk just downvoting my comments mean it can't be read by others? Dense!

Is it the same fear I smell whenever I mention the Rancho situation to you? Why do you keep running?

@haejin, please respond to the posts linked in this comment. They are directed at you but you muted the account:

Haejin is Raping the reward pool at 2.133% of the reward fund!

As well, Haejin's predictions are so bad that using a mock portfolio determines just how much money you lose following his stupid advice here

@haejin, please respond to the posts linked in this comment. They are directed at you but you muted the account:

Haejin is Raping the reward pool at 2.133% of the reward fund!

As well, Haejin's predictions are so bad that using a mock portfolio determines just how much money you lose following his stupid advice here