100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 14 - The Contest Support FundsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit4 years ago

Everybody loves contests!

They are a great way to build engagement and to grow your network.

For newcomers especially they are a very useful means to earn extra rewards and to get to know more people on the blockchain.

There have been many types of contest on Steem, catering to all interests, and with prizes big and small.

We would love to see more contests on Steem, so we have come up with a way to encourage more people to run more contests.

The Contest Support Fund

One of the limitations that prevent people from running contests is lack of resources to offer prizes. Without a wealthy supporter to cover the prizes, many smaller Steemians can’t afford to offer prizes big enough to attract sufficient participants.

We would like to help with this.

Through the Contest Support Fund we are offering to provide upvotes from the 1 M SP @steemcurator01 account as prizes…

  • 1st prize - 100% upvote (currently $12)
  • 2nd prize - 75% upvote
  • 3rd prize - 50% upvote

We may be adding some liquid STEEM to the fund later on.

How to Apply

If you have an idea for a contest, or are already running one, just make a brief post describing how your contest works, how you promote it, how many people you expect to participate (or already enter for existing ones), and why you would like the Contest Support Fund to help with the prizes.

The contests can be of any type, but must be free to enter without any upvoting requirements. They must be exclusive to Steem.

Tag your posts with #contestsupportfund and drop a link in the comments below.

We will initially be supporting up to five contests per week, although this may be modified once we see how much the fund is used. There will be no closing date for applications, the Support Fund will be ongoing until further notice.

We will also be promoting the contests we support in these 100 Days posts.

Notes from the Community...

APPICS Referral System

Have you tried APPICS yet? It is a great mobile dApp that we recently gave a large delegation to.

They are now running a referral scheme to help recruit users. They have already had over 650 new signups...

There are some talented people on APPICS - for example @ytpaulap. Check out her excellent cover of I’m Here from the musical The Colour Purple…

Give a Thumbs Up for Steem

@seo-boss has spotted this approval rating system for different coins on Coingecko.

STEEM has been showing a quite negative rating. If you support Steem maybe you can hop over to Coingecko and give STEEM a thumbs up...

Thank you,

The Steemit Team


It looks like it will be a great competition.

Thank you for organizing this.

The Steemit Team

Yes, hope there will be many participants and great videos :)

Here is my idea. The idea of collaborations. I was working on it for almost 2 years and none of big players supported me during this time. I contacted a lot of them. I wanted to build something huge to make everyone collaborate and have fun. Since we don't have a lot of power a lot left us and it's hard to make people participate in any initiatives. But, I have a lot of ideas. With collaborations we can do a lot. Check all what's done with @dcooperation. I explained my idea here : The idea of DCooperation !.

I'm ready to keep working on it. I'm ready to start everything from the scratch. All l need is some support. You can delegate to the account some power ( I'm powering up all the earning anyway ) or you can at least mention our idea in your posts, so that may give it some attention. @dcooperation needs active people who want to build the account together and at the same time have some fun creating those collaborations.

Sorry missed this before. If you do a new post with a specific 'call to action' please tag @steemcurator01 and we will try to help.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

Thanks for noticing, you can share this in your post DC - Domestic Camp ! no one participated because we have very low upvote and our post is unseen.

Will you be doing a new post and then it can be voted on?

Ok, I will tag you when I'll create one.

At this moment in my Steem experience, the contests are the ones that keep me browsing through the Steemit platform. Contests boost the motivation among the participants since it's something that will help users like me gain exposure and additional rewards through the prizes offered by the contest hosts.

I'm really glad that the Steemit Team are taking the initiative to fund the existing contests or future contests. Please continue your altruistic actions for the Steem community.

Thank you for your support.

It's taking very little effort for the downvoters to sink these posts. Where's the outpouring of support from the Justin Sun sycophants? Are they just too busy self voting and milking to care? This is all very strange.

I really like you @preparedwombat, however I'm just not sure why are you still on Steemit if you hate it so much already? Don't you consider it being waste of your own time?

He's on Steem. And I don't really understand what is it exactly what you don't understand. He is still powered up. All of us are. Regardless if one is powering down or not. He has a say...

I can't believe this has to be said. But this is the sort of response from people who wish to stick their head in the sand and accept their table scraps.

Curating until one's STEEM is all powered down makes sense. But continuing to troll indicates obsession, not rationality.

Dear @mindtrap

Correct me if I'm wrong - I had impression that this user isn't happy with Steemit. just like many of those who moved to HIVE are unhappy with Steem blockchain. Personally I'm trying to stay active on both chains, however I'm not sure why so many people still are bashing Steemit/Justin and those who are still active here. I think it's best for everyone if we just all move on. Learn to adapt to new situation and move on.

Of course he has a say. Noone dare to say otherwise.

Yours, Piotr

I'm not sure why so many people still are bashing Steemit/Justin and those who are still active here.

Because he is the antithesis of what blockchain/decentralization should be, and should be exposed for what he is.

I don’t hate Steem(it) per se, I hate what Justin Sun has done to it. Two very different things. But I’ll continue to post a bit throughout my power down as I migrate to Hivelandia. And since Actifit (for now at least) is posting content on both chains, I guess I’d be posting a bit here even after the power down period.

Can you understand why people that are not Justin might care about all the anti-steem talk? Some of us are hoping Steem can move forward and don't want our assets hurt by an angry crowd trolling on every post.

I very much respect your project and hope it thrives, I wish we received equal treatment from people from Hive.

You realize that Steem, the decentralized blockchain, has already been outright killed by Justin Sun.

There is one node, which is censoring people.

The only witnesses allowed are the ones who agree with everything he wants (and as soon as you don't, you drop from #1 into the 50s...)

Steem died weeks ago. Anyone hoping it will live longer than it takes JS to pump & dump to make his money back isn't paying attention.

Either he maintains complete control of the chain, he turns steem into a tron token and shuts down the chain, or he sells of his stake, and most likely shuts down the only full node that's left.

Well that would be a tragedy, because I just don't believe Hive will go anywhere. The coordinators of Hive were active in Steem for years and never got it out to people, instead they milked the system for whatever they could get out of it at the cost of it growing to millions of users. They preferred being frequently on trending to a small community than risk being smaller fish in a bigger pond.

At least, that is how I see Hive witnesses and top stakers. That is also why I've been hoping that Steem could bounce back. Finally, for the first time in forever, the trending page is not filled with the same faces I've always seen talking about the beautiful future of Steem rather than anything outsiders would find interesting.

Steem just might be fucked. But to me, Hive is just as fucked. Maybe Uptrennd, Publish0x, Minds or Flote will work out because they don't have such an ugly circular incentive program. I don't know. I hope the best for all the platforms.

Hey buddy! Glad you're still here with us. I'm now on appics and it's really rocking steemit again.

I'm really excited for Day 21! Will there be an actual announcement about developments in the blockchain level? Oh wait, you don't have devs anymore! Maybe you can hire someone who will fill in the brain-drain.

Thank you very much for the recognition! Im very glad that you guys liked my cover. That song is one of my favorite and Im happy that I got to share it with you all! Have a great day!

Look forward to hearing more of your songs.

Ask Steemit to stop censoring people like me. I don't appreciate the censorship and the bullying from Justin Sun and his minions. I didn't do anything wrong. Free Speech is what my last 3 posts voiced and I was silenced. This is a censorship platform. Justin Sun your Mother and Father are deeply displeased with how you are acting like a petulant child.

You can just go and buy TASK Token in the Steem-Engine and create Tasks there. That way you get your way faster than writing these strange posts.

Oh wait.. they closed and left STEEM... argh never mind. Create a Clickworker Site and just follow the through. I'm sure you can do that. Or use STEEM Hunt and utilize your 4Billion loyal TRON Brothers and Sisters?

Btw. where are they? When will they join STEEM? Why aren't you posting anything on the TRON Twitter account about STEEM? That would def. do that job.

So many questions... cya sooooooooon

Dear @manniman

Why would anyone at current stage of steem/hive bother to purchase any Steem-engine tokens? Even before - those tokens (with an exaception of LEO token) had very little sense. TASK token surely didn't.

This contest initiative is great for Steem. Hope it grows.

And I gave Steem a thumbs up on Coingecko. :)

So sad that people are being rude and giving it a thumbs down maliciously.

Thank you for your support.

Will you be running any more contests?

I should be doing 21 more contests. :)

That's great. Do tag @steemcurator01 when you post them.

Thank you

Nice one @ytpaulap ! she is a friend of mine very talented!

It is one of the main reasons why many do not do these events and some of those who do we pay for them out of pocket. I completely agree that it is a fun way to share and get to know the community, that is why many users look for a delegation or the support of a whale to be able to continue these events.

What I recommend to do three options:

1.- Your voting plan for the winners seems good to me but you have to think that the publications that are being added will run out of time and at the end of the contest and get the publication out with the winners maybe the winner will be late to have If you voted, I think that all participants or at least some of the entries should reach you in a smaller portion than voted by @steemcurator01.

2.- And at this point, if you want to help with the collection of the money to be delivered, you can do so without taking it directly out of your pockets simply by voting for the publication of the contest, which usually from there the creator of the event can get the award to deliver to the winners.

3.- It is clear that the user who comes to steemit likes to write or has an area in which he stands out and wants to share his work with the community and added to that leaves him some money is better. One of the ways it can be handled is with a delegation to the accounts that are in charge of carrying out these events so that they can assess the work of the participants or simply following a voting trail.

This is just a recommendation and analysis to your proposal, maybe some improvements that could be made to the original idea, which is very good, but it will give you a lot of sure work and you may have to think about delegating these activities to other people or communities and you supervise their work, saving you time to administer and manage other tasks.



Thank you for your helpful thoughts and suggestions.