Update: Townhall & Witness Meeting
Hello Steemians, we apologize for not updating you sooner but the last thing we wanted to do was give you inaccurate or untruthful information. We have now met with the TRON team and are excited to share with you the outcome of those meetings.
Town Hall
We will be hosting a Town Hall meeting a week from today, March 6th at 9 pm PST. We will provide Zoom meeting information prior to the meeting. Please leave any questions or comments to this post that you would like to be addressed during this forum.
Prior to the Town Hall, there will be a meeting between Steem Witnesses, Justin Sun and other TRON members, as well as the Steemit team. The meeting is tentatively set for Wednesday, March 4th at 9 pm PST. This will be a great opportunity for the Steem Witnesses to share their ideas and vision for Steem. The community asked for this, so we are happy to deliver on that request.
Our Visions
The most important question in our minds going into these meetings was not whether we share the same vision for Steem, but whether these two organizations, each with their own strengths, can work together to help realize one another’s visions. We were happy and somewhat surprised, to discover that this is the case.
Both organizations are trying to onboard the masses to the blockchain through amazing applications. But while Steem is taking a more application-specific approach that enables it to provide speed, consistent user experience, and free transactions, TRON is constructing an ecosystem of interconnected databases like the TRON blockchain and BTFS each of which serves a specific purpose. They see the Steem blockchain as the perfect addition to this ecosystem.
Making History
After meeting with the team we all agreed that the best way to progress our missions and add value to one another’s stakeholders is to connect our two powerful blockchains through Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps!
This would be the first time in history that two blockchains of this size will be connected to one another so that tokens can flow freely, and voluntarily, between the chains without the need for trusted intermediaries like exchanges.
New Path, Same Destination
We know that there is still a lot of work to be done to mend the wounds created by previous leadership and a rocky transition, but we are now confident that this partnership can be the new beginning that Steem so desperately needs. We hope you will join us on this new path toward achieving the same mission: to onboard the masses to the blockchain by tokenizing the web.
But let us know what you think. Do you think Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps sounds like the type of win-win solution that could help Steem and TRON explode into the mainstream? Let us know in the comments below and we will see you next week at the Town Hall.
The Steemit Team
Explode into the mainstream?
If you think cross-chain atomic swaps are the key to going "mainstream", we're in deeper shit than we thought.
Bahahaha. Your comment made me giggle.
"we're in deeper shit than we thought" Hopefully this isn't the case.
I just hope too. I hope the new managements bring the Steem of our dreams. :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
Well neds old stake plus Justin's new ideas depends how generous Justin is feeling with he's stake right now?
Should he throw it all back into the kitty and have huge rewards for all? And have the one chain trickle into a decentralised economy for all nations as such a chain was intended for.
after swapping to tron , Justin Sun will have to full control of those steemit accounts. it is a trick
The problem Justin has is that he thinks anyone has any interest in anything TRON offers.
Why in the world would i ever move my Steem to TRON to use it. Theres nothing on Tron (except Dlive) with any remote utility.
If anything these atomic swaps are beneficial for STEEM (if Justin doesnt try any fuckery from his side) since Steem has so much more to offer then TRON does to their community.
Is Dlive on Tron and not Lino or is Lino connected to Tron? Last time I checked, Dlive left Steem for Lino. I guess I don't know a lot about Lino.
Tron ended up acquiring dlive later on
Did Tron buy Dlive from Lino or did Tron buy Lino?
Just wait for justin sun's next video, "buy my deeper s___ coins."
...before my laptop runs out of batteries.
made me giggle too
did not see that they said that is the key to going "mainstream". From my understanding (and english is my 3. language) i understood that they think cross-chain atomic swaps are the best way to connect these two blockchains.
Are they, i have no idea, i almost don't know what cross-chain atomic swaps are.
Well that is just straight false, but it definitely fits the established pattern of hyperbolic marketing that both Tron and SteemIt, Inc seem to engage in.
As far as the meeting "invitation" goes, 9PM PST is a little more than ridiculous. If we are trying to get a time when the majority of time zones can participate, I think those in China could get involved before 1PM in their work day.
Finally, Justin Sun has promised "airdrops" or some other token distribution to TRX holders. Why is there nothing similar being mentioned for STEEM holders? Really kind of comes across as TRX holders being the ones Sun cares about not both blockchains equally.
Any chance you guys talked about picking up development of SMTs and utilizing the SPS to fund development if Steemit.inc decides to drop it?
There could be some conflict of interest since SMTs could be seen as competition to TRC10, TRC20 tokens due to their extreme ease of use and superiror user experience.
From the perspective of Steem users, would it be smart or even possible to look at the TRC, the Tron stuff, or to somehow treat Tron like we would SMTs? I mean like, doesn't TRC interact with Steem or would TRC interact with Steem in the same way SMT would? So, is the SMT system not up and running on Steem yet? Has that been delayed just like Communities were delayed? Does it look like TRC would have some kind of advantage over SMT? I mean like, would SMT and TRC not be on a leveled playing field of competition against each other? If that is the case, then that is like stabbing SMT in the back with a knife perhaps.
Got more faith in Justin than Ned at least
I have more faith in cancer being cured by my dog than a piece of shit coming out of my asshole; but I wouldn't bet on either.
I just want to be clear that you agree Justin>Ned
thats where you have a totally wrong idea of de-centralization
nobody > nobody
many body > somebody you mean?
that's very well possible ...

it's hard to say which one of me was on the top-side 24 hours ago
You can cure cancer by the way, but I get what you're trying to say.
You can cure cancer
By the way, but I get what
You're trying to say.
- joeyarnoldvn
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
I think a piece of shit coming out of your asshole is more likely...
He's trying to tell us of his constipation woes
you should talk more
Thats gotta be rough. Not shitting until his dog cures cancer.
I would recommend some more fiber in your diet.
Dude. Cancer is cured already. Dog doesn't need to get involved. There's just a mass of disinformation by BigMed, BigPharma and BigMedia keeping the general public in the dark so they can continue to extract money and reduce the population. Fact!
Overwhelming anecdotal evidence, which "science" classes as scientific fact. Trouble is you have to search quite hard to find that overwhelming evidence (due to suppression by big pharma and the like), unless someone points you in the right direction. Happy to do that on request.
wait you lost me. You wouldn't bet on a piece of shit coming out of your asshole?!? Where do you shit from!?!
True, there aren't many blockchain of the exact same size.
Why would he care about both equally? Be great if he did, but not going to be the case - yet. My hope is, he sees what Steem really can be, falls in love with it, leaves TRON for better skies like he did Ripple and brings his resources here to make Steem phenomenal. Best case scenario.
Keep smoking the hopium and let the people that aren't living in fantasy land do the real work.
I'm addicted to Hopium.
i'm addicted to faithium and loveium :-)
I will keep smoking the marijuanium. I do appreciate that you are keeping it real though @netuoso and cheers for having independent knowledgeable blockchain developers working on Steem - you rock!
Dream on...
You're just not dreaming BIG enough
"This life is just a dream
A dream made of love
Remember who you are
Remember what you are"
No disrespect, but that's delusional and will never happen. Best case scenario: he supports Steem as a blockchain and isn't just consuming it into Tron.
Why not competition? I say the more the better.
Fun Fact : Qora & Burst did the first ACCT on a mainnet on 5/17/2015, after DOGE/BTC did it on testnet in 2014.
How false is that? Which part? Are you saying that something like this has happened before?
Don 't be a sourpussy.
Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps > Token Swap
This will keep Steem sovereign and boost both ecosystems. Bitcoin and litecoin did it, now making a blockchain like Steem, connect to a general application blockchain like Tron will be very cool.
Mutual win-wins are what this is all about.
☝️also what he said
Did Ethereum ever do it? I didn't know Bitcoin and Litecoin did it but that's good.
i seriously dont like you
but i have the same issue with most 100.000 dollar whales
never mind me
i hate downvoting retard motherfuckers
even if they got clout
i still hate them
they are censorship-by-money
i will never
even if most of the people i know here would i wont
you are a piece of shit
Thanks for the update!
I would like to address one issue and it's really simple, at least in my mind. Why Tron devs (or I can do it myself if you guys want it) are not creating a simple smart contract that will permit to people to use Steem VIA Tron, complementary as we do now with our Steem accounts. So the Steem blockchain could also handle transaction signed by the Tron wallets/users.
Technically we only need 1 and only 1 smart contract on Tron to be able to transact with the Steem ecosystem. And we only need a small change on Steem to accept those transactions!
From my opinion this is far the best option to keep those lovely chain as they are and permit interoperability between both of them. That will keep everything stable while giving an easy way to use/combine the Tron advantages with those of Steem.
This will not need any swap, any big change, only an a simple implementation in both side.
Edit : this option also give the possibility to have a dedicated TRC20/TRC10 for Steem on Tron. And basically we can give back the whole rewards for Tron users as SteemTron tokens or permit to users to swap their tokens at any time if they find it interesting.
This will work 100% and I can easily give more details if you are interested.
I am looking for a coder/developer for Matrix-8
More infor here: https://steempeak.com/naturalmedicine/@atma.love/why
and here: https://steempeak.com/steemit/@matrix-8/a-newbie-s-combination-introduction-and-white-paper
Might you be interested @hightouch ?
Alright. So this has some good news and clarifications at least. I'm glad to hear that the news we've been hearing of plans for a "token swap" now comes down to atomic swaps that I understand is a 1:1 pair where you always have the identical number of tokens on each chain, rather than this being some new token that we are asked to trade in our STEEM in exchange for (as many have feared). This can be cool, as it practically means that there'll be opportunities for Steem dApps to utilize smart contracts if they want to, while others won't have to deal with Tron if all they need is already on Steem. Great. That settles a lot of concerns people have had.
My main question is to what extent this is likely to benefit Steem or Tron the most? Is adding value to STEEM still the main priority of the team? Or is there now a conflict of interest where the new owners benefit more from Steemit developers helping grow the value of TRX? In that case, is the Steemit Inc stake, which is promised to be used to grow Steem, still going to be used explicitly for that purpose?
Many questions still left to answer, but at least I feel a bit better from this post.
an atomic swap is not a 1:1 pair. it's more like a decentralized network where transaction happens when certain conditions are met which includes the exchange rate. but i dont really care how much value it's gonna bring to steem/tron. i care that it's not a token swap where justin is trying to force people to give up steem.
I dont think they even know at this point how this will work. They need to set goals they intend to complete before we can make a guess as to who benefits and how much.
Yes, a bridge between the Tron and Steem blockchain, that is the best next step, I think. With Steem adding SMTs, being able to swap chains, make it so!
Great news.
I think this sounds positive and good. No doubt you will be bombarded with a bunch of negative shit but please ignore it :0)
Good point. What happened to #newsteem. That didn’t last long. :)
We're not here to be yes-people, especially if you're referring to the SF as "negative shit".
In regards to this post, I'm personally quite optimistic and are looking forward to the 6th of Match, but as always, one has to be realistic. Steem is a project where people have invested a lot (monetary & time-wise) and it should be treated as such. Even if that means, saying "constructive negative shit".
I think most of us know the difference between constructive criticism and negative shit.
Nobody said anything about being yes people.
I was pleased by this and thought it positive. Constructive negative shit is always good in my book.
But just plain negative shit, no thanks
The 6th of Match you say, I like that. You Match me this and I'll Match you that, if you can all find 6 things to Match upon I'd call that a Match Set....lol
id say embrace it
master tree
we moeten er allemaal mee leven
waarom zij niet ?
I'm all for the embracing it, will have to see what the it is but full steem ahead!
i know at least 20 people who didn't have it in the last four years
so yea ... let's have it heh heh
they had content on google before this thing suddenly became alpha and omega (according to the upper protectorate and groupies)
👆what he said
Joker love kidding 😅
joker love snookkums you should be careful
it is hungry
Did he love ice cream? Because i sell many ice crean 😜
im afraid my english is not that good
the keyword is careful
what do you want ?
you never known humiliation until four cops said
Okay sir thanks i will be carefull,
I has a bad convertation in english too
lol, i seem to have been in the zone ... yes ... icecream is the best :)
no kiddding.
This ignorant user is spreading dangerous lies in order to attempt to gain popularity and attention from the new commie overlord. Ignore the ignorant twat bag, you'll immediately feel better about your life.
@steemitblog, We are eagerly waiting for the Town Hall Meeting Session team. Hope that this session will going to clear up the Environment Of Confusion and both Steem and TRON will start a fresh and Mutually Beneficial Journey. Stay blessed team.
Posted using Partiko Android