Tonight, I'm Having a Link Sharing Party! Come Share Your Links!steemitqa (64)in #steemit • 7 years ago (edited) Yes, tonight is a special night ( saturday night? ), get your Dmania meme's fired up and ready! or, did you work on your 15 hour long post that got 1 cent so far for today ? and are bummed!?? lol fear no more... I Present to you the FIRST ever LINK PARTY!!! Come Join us HERE! #party #life #dmania #blog
I'm Dmaina Friend.
Come DROP some Dmania on us! ;)
Is it a game or chat app?
I have a little confused!
Hi! @emma28 come check it out it's on discord.
Just instaled but I don't know how to use this😞
I see you there now! :)
I'm joining the brother
I see you!
ok brother
Such an interesting link party. This can come in handy to get our posts being noticed more!
Lol, thanks! :) it's a good time in there right now!
I'm in! lucky to stumble upon your post!
@membibiboboo we are having a good time right!?? lots of upvotes!
Was a lot of fun. I enjoyed the lovely upvotes and conversations.
We'll do it again! @jglake