Congratulations to @ats-david, the Slayer of Good Content, Who Now Owns the Top Two Spots on Steemit’s Trending Page
Steemit’s most persistent troll and self-appointed cop @ats-david is now king of its trending page and rewards. Is this what he’s wanted all along? It helps that he votes the @tombstone whale account (one of Steemit’s largest) on his own posts along with a trail of votes that others have innocently delegated, drawing other bot votes and making it look like others agree with his Orwellian, witch-hunting ideas.
After all of his endless bellyaching about others draining the reward pool, @ats-david has written yet another stinking post about Steemit to clutter up the trending page at a time when others are attempting to promote Steemit to the world and bring in new users. Do we need any more of these Steemit posts? @joseph recently posted that we must stop them and I merrily agree. @joseph I apologize for making this post about Steemit, but someone needs to stop this troll-to-trending madness.
More specifically, @ats-david dislikes OTHERS “draining the reward pool”. But It's OK for him to Take Those Rewards?
Who was he angry at about “draining the reward pool” earlier? He was b*tching about curation guilds that are supporting up to 400 authors with their whale voting power. I am including a list of some of those authors in this post. Though I am not involved with that particular project now, you authors on this list MUST KNOW that Steem Guild’s staff are not being paid right now for the time they are putting in to help you. Why not? Read on.
Because @ats-david would rather be # 1 and # 2 on the trending page, as he now is. And because the same whales flagging those curation posts (to help support you) are upvoting his posts instead.
At first, the trolls complained about others being on the trending page. So the hardworking curators toned down their posts and upvotes, even though they still put in many hours daily checking the list and making sure Steemit's most persistent and best quality authors get their votes.
Then when those people were not on the trending page, it wasn't about the trending page anymore for @ats-david, @sigmajin and their trolls. Suddenly, they changed their argument. And their issue was about curation authors stealing Steemit's rewards.
Would you like to talk about rewards? After @ats-david’s current posts pay out, he will have made more than $500 in three days, far and away the most profitable author.
Hypocritical Flagging and Upvoting
@smooth and @transisto have been flagging others for excessively valued posts. And yet @smooth has supported these @ats-david posts that trend and drain the rewards pool. They are not being used by a decentralized initiative that supports 400 authors and is finding it hard to do its work effectively due to all of those flags.
So @ats-david is a better use of this community's money? He's the original witch-hunting troll.
@ats-david is a one-man guild. He pockets everything, all of those curation rewards where he front-runs @tombstone and the innocent people who delegate votes to him blindly. And he gets all these the post rewards. And he still whines like a b*tchy troll. And @smooth upvotes him to the top two spots while flagging others.
Hypocrisy, thy game is self-interest. The authors on the list below should not take this sitting down. You are being robbed of your rewards by this bunch of self-interested trolls. @ats-david is their ringleader, @sigmajin is their assassin (who doesn’t seem to believe in Steemit, cashing ouot anything he earns), and @smooth is a wise man who should know better, but has been duped by their game. @smooth, you have the right to upvote and downvote whomever you want. Do you really want to be seen as a bully?
The only way this makes sense, the ONLY way, is that these people have only their own self-interest in mind. Their logic has shifted constantly. Give me a trending page and rewards for those who are actually creating compelling content, and helping Steemit and its authors, not these venomous trolls.
One of Steemit's Nicest People, a Steem Guild Author, Just Lost Her Job. Now She Has Been Bullied By Flags on Her First $26 Post and Is Leaving the Site.
Here is a valuable Steemian who has just given up because of one of @smooth’s flags. She is a wonderful, supportive person who just lost her job 29 days ago. She was excited that she finally had her first post over $26 and then got flagged. Now she has been bullied from posting on Steemit. Can we not put our egos aside for this? Sad!
350-400 Great Steemit Authors Who are Being Helped by Steem Guild, Which is Not Able to Post Enough to Help Support You Anymore, Due to Endless Trolling and Flags. You People Need to Stand Up and Call a Spade a Spade. This is Your Site. Make a Choice, Because It’s You or @ats-david and His Trolls.
I suppose since I have been tagged, I should proved some sort of response.
Let me begin by saying that Curie and Steem Guild have done an incredible job supporting my contributions to this site and I appreciate everything they have done for me, for every other author on that list and for all the new authors which join Steemit whom they support.
From my standpoint, I harbor no illusion this is my site. I do not hold any meaningful STEEM Power to make anything material from curation. I don't hold any meaningful STEEM Power to influence the reward pool distribution to support authors whose contributions to this site add real value. Moreover it is mathematically impossible , given the current vote power algorithm, I will ever acquire any meaningful STEEM Power to influence anything regardless of the quality or consistency of my contribution. Why should I or any author on that list truly give a shit? What would change if we did spend or time creating rant posts instead of continuing to create content of true value? I am not Don Quixote.
Truthfully, nauseated is not a strong enough adjective to describe how I feel about the endless posts bitching about draining reward pools and Steemit related rants all upvoted to nosebleed levels by proxies and bots. Not one of these posts adds value to the site. It will not bring new registered users into Steemit, it will not help increase demand for STEEM and each one adds greater damage to the reputation of Steemit on a Google search.
My feeling is anyone receiving substantive rewards for such posts while ranting about a broken system is by definition a hypocrite. Moreover, focusing every argument around the symptom of a problem (rewards earned) while refusing to address the true issue (vote power algorithm) means there is no real will to repair a seriously broken system. That being said, I am cautiously optimistic about the change to the comment vote power/reward pool distribution.
The calculus in my mind lately has been to reconsider this being my primary publishing vehicle. I think more and more quality authors (a subjective term) are making this same determination. The Steemit market has made the determination that zero value add rant posts hold a higher premium than higher value add posts.
We generally don't do farewell posts or rant posts - we simply produce less and vote with our feet and I think that's the point which is missed (or selectively ignored) in the middle of the Steemit reality show drama. It's a pointless endeavor. We come to an understanding the site is more interested in zero value rant posts than posts which could add enormous amounts of value from authors who were not part of the initial users. Were it not for Curie and Steem Guild, rewards would more closely reflect that.
I'd like to see the divisiveness end and a real conversation begin about how we make STEEM more valuable and how are we going to do a better job retaining those who create true value. The problem is not getting users at a viral rate. It's eliminating massive churn and retaining them.
I am under no illusion this reply will cause someone to think differently, inspire changes or even be read. History has already shown that to be the case. Moving forward, I will not be participating in the circle jerk of Steemit codependency, and instead focus my time and energy on the posts I choose to publish here and the ones I choose not to. My hope is at some point in the future a choice is made to address those core issues, but we shall see.
What the heck are you whales doing? What kind of mess did I get into joining Steemit?

'We' are making sausage, the final product will be flavor full, but the making is necessarily messy.
LoL @freebornangel

I would take this rant with less than a grain of salt. He's hopelessly misinformed.
I though so until I saw what @karenmckersie68 was going through. GET A GRIP a few whales are ruining it for the good people on Steemit. @ned and @dan need to take the few SteemPolice whales and set them straight or HELP the community take care of it ourselves. Too much Drama going on in this place. If we have to suffer through this insanity, at least we should be getting music piped into Steemit.

I'm sorry to hear about Karen, too. She's a very good person.
that's what my Steemicide Hotline series is episode coming soon!
Dramatic music? Not so much. Circus Calliope music? That might be more appropriate.
Hopefully, one that will create a better site where people can feel free to post their great content.
Please don't spam user tags.
If you call that spam, then you are bought and paid for, buddy. Read the post. I named them for a very good reason. They need to see what's happening here. It's him or them.
You have to be aware of the mobile users and the notification that comes along. Different time-zones etc
I hope that smooth upvoted me to the tune of 5 cents doesn't mean I'm bought and paid for. I wouldn't be that cheap! I'm saying that since username tagging works now, spamming a whole lot of names isn't appropriate.
I would agree with @pfunk the endless scroll of called ins is a bit too much. Do they not check their feeds. No comments, no chat, no notifications? I guess that's what they are for :D but do you need to yell everyone here :D You seem to have missed this going on for the past dunnnno 5 months :D there are around 5-10- maybe 200 accounts killed for spamming, sure most are bots still, why do you think @asshole showed up or some others @skeptic and the itrollupvoteds "guild" or the @matrixdweller war that lasted for weeks :D
nevermind, this child acts are silly to see. Steem is dying :D whatever. that's not a fact that's a statement so it's speculation. It's still better to figure it out now rather than speak after the fact. :D
So I'm not sure what's going on with you guys. I'm starting to think everybody is trolling here and enjoying the profits :D
This is an incredibly misinformed post. Also, stop spam tagging names please.
As I responded earlier, these authors have a right to know what is happening. It's him or them. If it's misinformed, how about correcting the record rather than making a statement with no evidentiary support?
I don't need to do anything. My life does not revolve around Steemit.
Please don't tag me in posts anymore.
PERFECT, that's a fact and more people should think that way, who knows Steem might be worth something and actually bring in some change, so far I'm not getting the wars outrage and whatever else.
take my name off that list!!!!
I really do not belong there!!!
I know my flag means nothing but it is my protest to being on this list!! i can remove when you remove
This is where I say get yourself off the whale nipples, cut the apron strings, and shame on the whales for letting it go on.
'We' need to find who we are without outsized voters skewing the posts towards non-controversial, controversial sells newspapers, remember?
IF allowing whales to proxy out their sp influence to others gets past the witnesses, y'all will have institutionalized the guilds under another name.
Whales, vote your own, or don't vote.
Picking winners and losers falsely influences the community.
It discourages the fringe, ahem, and you can't do the thinking for all of us.
We will pick what we like, if you want to down vote that, go ahead, but don't make it worse by doubling down, huh?
Vote your conscious, but no more than the same as any other users.
Your gluttony is killing the krill.
Thank you for standing for truth and speaking out about issues on the platform by calling out the hypocrisy that runs deep. Bravo! Resteemed.
You need to relax and not churn out 5 posts in a row about your lack of rewards when you're the top rewarded poster on the site in the last 50 days by more than 50%.
Are the whale accounts his? Not his fault hes getting that much for posting 4 posts a day. Reward pool distribution and voting behavior needs to change.
True. But writing 5 posts is. Actually that might be 4..
You're another positivity mask poser who tries to box everyone into a single aspect, when we have dual aspects that come out when we need to stand against injustice, wrongsdoings, etc. Symbolism of the lion roaring, Bruce Banner as non aggression principle but when violations and wrongdoing occur, he turns Hulk. Symbolism for how the need to act and call out the bullshit and wrongs around society. Pander to a positivity mask if that's your way to live. I'm not like that and yeah, this is what I'm like when you keep fucking with shit and being a hypocrite, I'm going to call you out and it's not going to be all sunshine and lollipops. Shit gets real and the gloves come off. Everyone wants to pretend this is a "community" where you get along as long as you keep the peace, don't rock the boat and keep your head down. But when you call things out, then people turn on you, and so crank up the notch and make more noise to get people to give a shit. Pay attention. There is a problem and it needs to be dealt with. I had enough, and this is what enough looks like. Calling it out with facts resulted in more BS. So time to just be raw and real. Higher consciousness is about truth and morality and standing for truth and moral truth. Get a clue.
Well 4 is part of the economics of the reward pool so I see a good writer being too good and lose rewards because of an opinion of value.
I think you've written some good content @krnel , I've even commented on some recently.
However the recent rants have highlighted what may be your 'true colors' - you talk about having a higher consciousness and uplifting the world. However I think these posts have come from a more base level consciousness.
Sorry, someone referenced to this just now. I want to clarify. Writing 5 posts, bitching about why you don't get rewards is cause to relax. I wasn't referencing the 4 post hard limit (at the time)
You either didn't read the original post, or can't read, and don't understand the point of what I was saying with my post. Good job, keep being ignorant.
I am one of the 400 authors on the list who are active and struggle every day to put original and quality content on this platform which is very difficult and it is demotivating this kind of thing. I look forward to more maturity, unity and cooperation in this community.
Shout out to @schattenjager!! A man of rare convictions.
Thanks for the mention! ;)