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RE: Stale Account Info Due to Caching Error

in #steemit6 years ago

Steemit needs a status page that shows if things are up. When it goes wrong people panic. We need something on Twitter or elsewhere we can check for updates.


I'm in full agreement with you. A status page or something offsite where people can go for updates. Both. Discord maybe? A GINAbot alert? Something. I'd rather keep it in the confines of what users are commonly using that doesn't include the social media we're attempting to transition away from, but hey, even that is better than panicking from lack of information.

you could have just signed into
with your posing key as the steem blockchain was running just fine on there

That's certainly nice to know. I didn't actually have any issue today, though (it's buggy off and on this week, but so far not today). I was just agreeing with @steevc that some kind of universal heads up about what was going on would be nice.

I would agree that a service status page would be good

They indicated in this post that they do not like to give out real-time updates until they know what is going on, as it may provide information to a potential attacker. It seems better for them to make sure everything is safe before they tell the world that there is a problem.

That's fair enough, but letting people know they are aware there are issues helps to quell the panic.

I was thinking of something like this

Same thing though. “We are aware of issues” = notifying the world there are issues, which could draw attention to something that would not be good to communicate until the situation is under control.

I think it's obvious there are issues when the site shows old data or nothing at all. As it gets bigger and there's serious money at stake there could be a lot of upset people out there who want reassurance. I don't expect them to announce security vulnerabilities unless they have already dealt with them.

Attackers are not necessarily going to be using the website 24/7, but posting an announcement to a place that is specifically for announcing outages is something that may give an attacker an alert.

I fully understand the seriousness, and the amount of money at stake. If you read that post I shared, they gave their policy on this type of thing. What you (and other users) want to happen in order to feel more safe is actually something that would make you less safe. Given the seriousness of what is at stake, not communicating anything until the situation is under control makes a lot of sense.

What you're saying makes a lot of sense, @timcliff. Thank you for your helpful explanation.

Thanks Terry :)

Cachet is even with this ironic name a very nice opensource project just for this, i am using it myself a longer while.