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RE: Hello Steemit, I'm back, sort of

in #steemit5 years ago

Welcome back, I've missed you. Sorry to hear you're not well, but it sounds like you've been really busy. Hope you recover soon.

Something fairly new to check out is @exhaust which has some nice features to log your runs. I expect you could easily top the mileage chart.


Hey Steve, thanks for that. I was hoping to blog while I was away and catch up with Steemit people, but it just didn't work out.

The pneumonia is proving a little tricky to get rid of, but that's normal from what I understand. It takes a bunch of time. But 'll get there.

I'll check out @exhaust as suggested :-)

I hope all is well with you and the family, and the chickens of course ;-)

We're all good. Lots of good stuff going on. The chickens are fine, but slacking a bit on egg production.

My mother-in-law has some chickens in the back yard. They produced excellent eggs and three or four chicks while I was there :-)

They didn't make it as the mother got a bit weird about it and stomped on them.

But home laid eggs were a big improvement over supermarket eggs.

We don't have a cockerel, so we don't get chicks. Generally we expect each chicken to lay an egg each day, but only 2 are laying recently. The others seem okay. It may be the recent hot weather. I think we are doing well in having all 4 survive for over 3 years. Our previous batch did not do as well.