How Are You Steemians Moving Forward During This Dip? Let's Use The Law Of Attraction!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

"I Know It Can Be Discouraging But This Is Our Ocean...Our Baby."

Instead of saying "buy the dip", I say BLOG THE DIP!

It's almost like a game of chess...Just like everything else in this world steemit and the crypto market is not as stable as we would like to see it. As new as I am to the crypto world I'd still like to express my feelings toward this subject. That's another cool feature of steemit by the way... EXPRESSING YOUR FEELINGS! I'm allowed to do so and so are you. In a nice manner of course lol. 

SURE some more stability would be pleasing just as much as every spike but honestly nothing comes that simple. The complexity of all this is quite astonishing. Now like I said earlier i'm still a newb and I'm certainly no "financial advisor" haha. Just saying that makes me crack up. I love when steemians say that before talking crypto. Anyway, this is a fun ride and sometimes I forget why I'm here. As the market goes down which i've seen time and time again so does the engagement on this platform. Less comments, less posting, less overall "magic" as I like to call it. Trust me I totally understand this but I truly believe we should fight to keep the overall energy on steemit alive during these hard times. WE ARE A BEAUTIFUL OCEAN! Let's not forget this. Vast, Deep and Magical.

 I'd like it if you took a second to think about the word ocean... Maybe look at the picture above for a second as well. So much incredible beauty in this world and sometimes it's good to just sit back and try to embrace it. It's okay to forget because we are after all just human but what's amazing about that is that we also have the power to remember. We steemians need to stick together and fight for freedom, positivity and peace. I'm not trying to sound like John Lennon over here haha well maybe I am but who cares it's true! My goal as one individual is to impact the community the best I can. I DO believe that one individual has the ability to do so... Do you? 

I want you to think about the magic of steemit. PLEASE! Just stop for a second and remember the feeling you had when you made your first post! Maybe you made a few bucks or maybe you made a few cents but HOLY CANOLI can we just think about how powerful that is!!! We are able to create content and make income 😮. Now maybe your used to this by now and it's not as special but I believe that even making 50 cents online is an accomplishment. Now with the market down I know its tough and i know it can be scary but we need to simplify our minds and remember how special this truly is. Take a look at this beautiful turtle below! Look at the simplicity of it's lifestyle. Just swimming, eating, sleeping and enjoying a beautiful life in the ocean.


Sometimes I wish life was this simple but with the complexity of human emotion and smarts... it can get difficult. I've been slowly returning to a state of mind where simple things are beautifully satisfying. I just try to center myself and remember I have everything I need to thrive and just because the crypto market is down certainly does not mean it's the end of the world and i'm beyond happy to be here. I feel blessed to be part of this wonderful community and I know things can get discouraging but quite frankly this place is still AMAZING. We are rocking and rolling and i'm sure things will only look up! Even if we dip further which can sometimes be inevitable, thats okay! Because we will rise. Steemit alone is a win!! I'll say it again IF YOU ARE ON STEEMIT THEN YOU ARE ALREADY WINNING.

We are one. Together we are a team and we have the power to create an incredibly bright future for ourselves. Please don't be mistaken I'm not here to preach or cause disturbances but I wish the community lots of love, peace and abundance. I believe in YOU. And I hope you feel the same for me. 

My name is @stevenalexander and I'm your friend, supporter and fellow steemian.


Very nice post @stevenalexander! My friend have created awesome Steemit t-shirt and I want to share it with our amazing community! More detailed pictures here:
front (7).jpg

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I don't mind the dip all that much personally. I am here for the content and content creation mainly and want to build a community.

I can do these things independent on crypto currency exchange rates.

I even go one step further and say that this is advantageous for me because Bots are less effective these days as far as I heard, making good old communication skills much more important.

all we need togetherness in advising and giving each other knowledge

We live in a stressful society, in which work, training, relationships ... are increasingly more complex, and yet our psychological tools are usually not cultivated and worked to meet these demands.
Life is a series of peaks and valleys, a mixture of happy moments, daily normality and difficult situations. Sometimes we feel euphoric and other times we feel like the world falls on us. And even though the natural tendency is to seek happiness, it is really difficult situations that put us to the test and those that make us grow. The way to respond to these difficult moments is what really defines the person we are and also what makes us deeply appreciate the rest of situations and events. When a person is able to navigate through these difficult situations, not only does he grow inwardly, but he learns to value happiness from a new dimension that will make him gain in inner strength and wisdom.
Even in the most desperate situation there is hope, as it happens now, no matter how much we wants to control everything that happens in the cryptocurrency market, this is impossible, reality teaches us the opposite and places us. It is easier to say than to apply, but it is possible to get out of the hole and overcome what happens. Many people have done it. It's not easy, but nobody said it was. I have faith in Steemit, in me and in all of us!

wow @mjzo i'm quite baffled at how beautiful this comment is! You're completely accurate with everything you said and i'm pretty sure english is not your first language if i had to guess? lol. I agree that it's the difficult situations that prove what kind of people we are based on how we handle it. you are right.I have a lot of faith and energy in steemit and i'm so happy i got back to your comment because it's truly so beautiful. i'm following you now! lets chat soon :)