RE: Falling In Love With Steem All Over Again...And this time...It's Personal! AKA The Perils And Sad Cost Of Under-Engaging
Oh I fear you are right about the limited effectiveness of using ones think-organ nowadays!
You are more than right about the wading to find great posts recently...I don't doubt for an instant that they are there, the blockchain is inhabited by some cool, creative and insightful people but ugghhh, tis true that even ones magnum Opus is surrounded by literally metric tonne after metric tonne of slurry, pond-scum and sewer bilge to a greater degree than ever before, these days.
Be careful too my friend, what often appears to be grass on the other side is just an extra layer of mould on some truly festering posts!!!
You are right of-course about the true reward of occupying a little corner of this frontier town...I cannot ever imagine a post of mine climbing above $5 or getting curied...But when time and work allows I return to share the thoughts that fall from my head-space...As I am sure you realise from this very feed, the juice for me really is commenting to make people feel;
- Their time spent creating was not wasted or ignored.
- somebody actually read, listened to or viewed it.
- Their presence in the community is valued.
- Encouragement can quite literally be the difference between keeping somebody within the community and not...
- I routinely meet the most amazing people, this tends to happen more with commenting than posting I have found.
You raise a truly inalienable truth too...Prehistoric, Intrusive, Oligarch controlled, freedom inhibiting banal social media must quite categorically die! We are the people, right? Right place right time 😁