Let's Grow Steemit/Steem Inside-Out With One Other Hack!!!

in #steemit6 years ago

Kindly subscribe to my YouTube channel

Click Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TerryAjayi

I will be waking the YouTube channel up and storming it with steem/steemit related videos. My videos will contain rare Intel, "no books" involved (in assimilateable bits).

I would look to use each video to make "success" in relation to steem/steemit and especially "life" as difficult as 1,2,3

If you are a steemian, kindly subscribe to my channel above and set notifications on. I will be loading it up with these type of videos non-stop (henceforth).

Lately, i have been thinking of a lot of things, especially in relation to how i can be "your boy Terry" to a more effective measure. I am in many steem-based communities and receive many DMs daily and many of these DMs can be underlined with questions related to "success" in life and on steemit and sometimes, i am unable to tend to every DM but i do want to tend to "everyone".

Hence, this endeavor!

On steemit as well and all across it, many questions are posed on a daily basis by steemians e.g (in relation to steem/steemit, its future, observations etc) that go/stay unanswered, leaving these steemians displaced (in limbo-state) in their conviction about the beauty of steemit.

According to me, steemit growth is best done inside-out and especially involves our base (existing) community. 
If our conviction about steemit and it is beauty is deeply-rooted; steem/steemit is bound to grow. 
Thus, we need to spot avenues ever-constantly to strengthen the conviction of one another and look to answer every unanswered question or proactively sense these un-popped questions and answer them.

Outside steemit as well, there avenues to do similarly. There are many scenarios on social spaces online (outside steemit), which form opportunity to grow steem/steemit 

e.g on YouTube, where a steemian may post a viral video in relation to steem but is unable to tend to his "too many comments", leaving potential steemians (non-steemian etc) unattended-to and in limbo-state. 

Catering to scenarios like this is possible and part of what we will jointly start to tackle.

These are all organic opportunities to not only grow steem but also solidify the conviction of our base community, about steem/steemit which as well grows steem long-term.

I want to tend to as many of these steemians, potential steemians etc answering as many of these unanswered questions as possible but moreso, i want to involve everyone.

Looking more intently, my YouTube channel (which has been redundant) can serve a very ginormous tool in growing steem/steemit inside-out and even easily, outside of steemit e.g Facebook, where YouTube links are easy to embed and not too-censored and i am solidly about "steem growth". 

Thus, i will be filling the YouTube channel up daily with videos, answering every possible question that a steemian (the community) may/can have. 
I will cover everything that is needed INTEL-wise, to drastically speed up your steemit "success" journey. I will cover history, the behind-the-scenes, possible future etc but more especially, i will explain these matters using "real life", removing "all barriers to entry" with regards to understanding these things.
Each video will answer very pinpoint questions and each video will be as short as possible. I will be proactive in generating these questions and my answers will be "on-the-spot", not rehearsed and "no books" involved as i will simply use "real life".

According to me, tending to our "steemit journey" as we would "real life" is where real success lies, as this "success" applies on "steemit and beyond".

Each of the questions (that i will look to answer using videos) will be very basic, creative and crafted out of love and intense empathy. Thus, i will be in as many shoes as possible. 

I will also tend to unanswered questions that i find posed by steemians, within the comments sections, especially questions that if answered will put these steemians at a place of "solider conviction" about the beauty of steem.

So questions can be a plain-looking as:

  • Where do i start if i just arrived on steemit?
  • Can i succeed on steemit, without a laptop?
  • Is a steemit vote free?
  • If i invest my money on steem, i'm i better off?
  • Should i create a niche or should go random?
  • How can i get other steemians to talk about me?
  • How can i build solid connections here on steemit?
  • How does utopian work?
  • What is a ULOG?
  • What have i been doing wrong on steemit?
  • What don't i know about steemit?
  • Can steemit change my life?
  • In what ways can steemit change my life?
  • How can i stand out on steemit?
  • I keep looking but how do i see more (on steemit)?
  • I can't blog; what can i do here?
  • How can i take my steem project to the next level?
  • How do i sustain my growing community, with limited Steem Power?
  • What are the teardrops SMT?
  • How do i make my friend join steemit?
  • How do i present steemit to a potential investor?
  • How do i wake up an old dream using steemit?
  • How do i bring a dream to life using steemit?
  • Can i run a business on steemit?
  • Why does a steemit post pay out in 7 days?
  • Does my steem power increasing by just holding it?
  • How do i get steemians to talk about me and limelight me?
  • etc

Well, you can be sure that i pay rapt attention even to the undertone of the community and i really care about each steemian, so i will get to touch on every possible question. 

I am sure i have a ton of organic questions, laying also in some of my yet-to-respond-to DMs and this entirely fresh endeavor, is also a means for me to become more effective in being able to reach everyone, even in cases where i am not able to respond to every DM(s).

I will also take lists of questions over time as i will have a contact email to these effect. 

[email protected]

I will also take note of un-popped questions as i continue paying attention to the community. I have more means to hear the undertone of the community now as we do weekly steemit-related talks, on the SteemGigs discord server.

Over time thus, there will be having a landing page to hold all these resources and this will enable all of us (everyone) play a role. 


Once you spot a steemian looking for answers or are able to sense an un-popped question, it will no longer matter if you know the answers to present or not or if you are newbie or veteran or if you are too busy to respond or not as you will now simply be able to visit this landing page; do a simple search or control F; find a video that is closely-related to this steemian's question or that pinpointedly answers it; pick the video URL and paste it as a reply.

I will also have "welcome video" series almost personalized to steemians from as many nations as possible deposited onto this landing page over time and you will be able to quickly welcome as many new steemians as possible, using one of my videos 


You may visit the landing page and pick up a "welcome video" (Philippines), then paste the video URL as a comment. 

This is the video i did earlier today, that i will be using to welcome new steemians from the Philippines and you can use these video as well as a reply during your curation activities daily.

Note: i am just starting video creation and i will have to perfect over time, starting with getting a phone etc Where i make edits etc, there will be no problem as i will update the landing page. I will be posting about the landing page once it is really. 
It is likely to sit on surpassinggoogle.com temporarily

As we all take part, we will speedily yet organically strengthen the conviction of our base steemit community, inside-out and this will bring about solid steem growth.

To reiterate on this a bit more, look at this scenario (related to using my videos outside of steemit):

We may sense "potential steemians" outside of steemit 

e.g while on Facebook, you may see someone do a post update asking, "where do i invest my next salary?". If you are too stressed or busy to leave a lengthy comment etc, you will simply be able to go to the landing page, do a CONTROL F to find a closely-related video (with title) e.g "why you should invest in steem?" or "what is steem?" etc and paste the video URL as a quick video response.

Another common scenario that we can apply this to, happens frequently on steemit e.g some steemians who have many followers may not realize how much influence they have accrued and sometimes may create posts related to steem, without covering all the details, leaving lots of followers with unanswered questions. In some other case, the author maybe unable to their "too many" comments etc

We may need to jump in to help matters by tending to these questions and it can now be as easy as picking up a simple video from my growing number of steem-related videos as will be available on a soon-to-be-ready landing page and leaving a reply.

So please join in, first by subscribing to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TerryAjayi

In the past, i started a movement called hooray-brigade, which incentivized steemians to answer unanswered questions etc but upon thinking of things recently, i felt videos from me will go a long way as it will stir "community" and perhaps, an excitement, inspiration, buzz, display of love etc, necessary for sustaining growing communities. Too, i will be able to reach more steemians at a go and we can all improve knowledge. 

There will be case where i will be responding to comments directly using these short videos. In so doing, i will be able to use one action to help as many as possible

e.g See my video response to a steemian named @artonmysleeve (Note; artonmysleeve didn't really pose a question in his/her comments, but i perceived unanswered questions and i was proactive in my assistance):

It was a test video, being that i don't really have a fone, so it wasn't perfect

Now, see the reaction of @artonmysleeve below:

Though my video was a test version on a scrappy fone and with poor audio, it still gladdened @artonsleeve that i came to care because in truth, i totally care. 

My video quality will improve over time as i get a life and likely a fone. 

In the meantime though, i will keep making as many videos as possible for now, improving on the audio, poise and clarity. With this we will grow a repository in the form of a landing page as mentioned earlier, that will simply contain an entire list of "every possible steemian question", linking directly to my YouTube video answer and this is where you (everyone) come in.

You too can now tending to any un-answered question both on steemit and outside steemit, by simply going to this repository, to get my pinpoint video response and use it as a reply. (to answer and inspire)

At this point in steem's young life, "community" is very important and we have a base community. We need to make this solid. 

Much of this involves tending to our base community and seeking to help newer steemians who seek ways to get better. I do have many chats daily and these many steemians who visit with me, seek ways to get better and over time, it has become essential for me to find ways to reach to everyone. 

Moreso as i have tried to highlight all along, there are newer steemians who never get answers and many with un-popped questions.

Note also; that as you start to become more of community leaders (with growing follower-count etc), you start to have a sense of responsibility, even by virtue of your regular posts, especially, when your steemit post covers topics related to steem/steemit. In this cases, you have to wary about "the community" and not displacing it etc

When you do these posts, it becomes essential to be ready to seek out and help readers who leave questions. It becomes essential to fix their conviction about steemit, by tending to their questions. 

This organically grow steem. 

Outside steemit as well, many times, "potential steemians" who have stayed "potential steemians" have stay "potential steemians" simply because they never got answers. We need to be proactive about sensing these ones and now helping them is way easier, using my videos.

According to me, this is a core part of steem growth, tending to the base community and strengthening it and noticing and tending to unanswered steemit/cryptocurrency-related questions etc inside and outside steemit.

So, I am simply want to answer every possible question in relation to steem/steemit using videos; upload them to YouTube to have easily embeddable/shareable links. Then, over time, fill up a landing page with direct links to each of these videos, to where you can simply pick them up and use them to answer your questions and those of others daily, inside and outside steemit.

The landing page should be ready in a day or two and i will post an update when it is.

So kindly join in. Start by subscribing to my YouTube channel and setting notifications on. Also, share my YouTube channel to friends and to as many groups and community as you are on, so that you can be notified as the videos come pouring.

Note: an entire enterprise is already being conceptualize around this. It began with hooray-brigade but we will see. I am looking at a steem-based interface that allows video response etc. It may start with a specialized one, where i will be reachable on via messenger for sessions but in this case, videos response in place of entire call sessions, so i can reach many and be productive etc then go on into a full-blown condenser where you can chose to comment using videos etc

Here are some of the videos i have started with that will form part of the landing page:

I don't have a good phone yet but i will use this trigger to get one. 

Also note: in due time, DLIVE or DTUBE will come into play.

More lately, i have been thinking of ways to reach as many steemians at once. I want to stir community in very special ways to where "You Boy Terry" is solid and a constant. No ounce of exaggeration involved! 

Since 13 i have been thinking of "YOU"; that won't suddenly change now. I am one to evolve with age etc

Well, i have hundreds of chats and it does bother me when i am low in productivity and not able to tend to everyone. I have list of unanswered calls too and i so want to fix that. 

One day, when we eventually get to have a session, you will understand why there can have been delays. Overall, i keep thinking of ways to reach out to everyone maximumly and my recent endeavor in this genre of thoughts, was also a trigger among the triggers that bore (the recent) #ulog

According to me, when it comes to growing steem/steemit, our base is core. The conviction of this base community has to be solid, made firm etc, to where we start shine, spurring intrigue/interest in steemit (on the outside). 

Yes, people can indeed ask, "hey, what is making you shine?" and then you say, "hey, steemit it is!" and they say, "i want to be there too".

To accomplish this involves alot of effort. It involves strengthening the very conviction, excitement etc of our base community and to this effect is one of the reasons #ulog came to life when it did. But there is more that i/we can do and it is simple. 

So, i want to bring myself to the fore. I want to show face. 

Your Boy Terry


Quick Update:  

#ulog  generated more than 6,000 comments and 2029 posts within the first 6  days since the tag was born. Join in and become a ULOGGER today. 


We are seeking coders/developers to help, by  means of utopian.io or direct contributions. I would like to invite all  coders/developers, to show up on our SteemGigs development channel. 

Kindly visit and use our steem-based website today


Note that on SteemGigs, "everyone has something to offer". At the very least, you can update your profile on our website to open yourself up to more potential possibilities and improve your  general reputation even within the steemit community.  

To create awesome steemit posts, try our "un(dis)talented editor"

Read our detailed FAQ & Answers  

You can use the divider that i used for your posts as well:  https://cdn.steemitimages.com/0x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmZjQstnMTKFPUC2wWfTssa7cRXxCzvWMjzfvis6HkSbwn/divider.jpg 

I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. 

To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click! 

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.  

Let's Go!!!

Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented)

Join the Steemgigs Community on discord: https://discord.gg/CGuPyyT  

"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?


look i have subscribed it, but here is a question for you, why youtube? why not d-tube?


Why YouTube? Exposure there is still much bigger and this way new Steemit users can be recruited, too!

those will come down the road. for now, i am looking at something embeddable and that people recognize and can easily share. I am looking at steem growth outside steemit as well. So removing barriers to entry first. On some of these interfaces outside steemit, they may not let other links show up till approved etc, but they may allow youtube links. I want to play things out first. One of the triggers for this was outside steemit e.g i see someone post something about steemit, maybe a viral video on fb etc and visit with the comments and perhaps so many comments and some keen on what steemit is about but no answers. i want to do something that involves everyone easily, where you simply copy/paste a URL. So i am starting with youtube first. youtube on its own also has the chance to rank in the search engines and promote steem as it is own by google etc, so i am also looking the search engines ranking and more eyes as some interaction starts to happen on the youtube channel etc overall, nothing stops both but i like to play things out and pace things

I am looking at steem growth outside steemit as well. So removing barriers to entry first. On some of these interfaces outside steemit, they may not let other links show up till approved etc, but they may allow youtube links

This is really true and I second your practical idea. It would give prospective steemians the opportunity to understand about Steemit well before signing up and of course would give them chance to explore the positive impacts from steemit/steem without being registerred.

You have a practical solution here!
I salute that
It would surely work.

@surpassinggoogle I am looking at steem growth outside steemit as well. So removing barriers to entry first.

Sir your blog is always full of intrigue, spirit lifting, inspirational, love, forgiveness.

Have subscribed already on youtube

Oh, I see, one viral video will spread steem all around the world. I'm too a YouTuber, but I was creating videos on health niche. My best wishes are with you sir @surpassiggoogle in this journey.

Subscribed your channel.

love from Pakistan Terry sir!


Because right now more people are still using YouTube and it works well in posting Terry's video in a comment and it will not move you to another site unless you are using busy.org and watch a dTube video you will stay there.

If you share it in a Facebook question in what is Steemit it makes it easy to embed and play it there.

Until the time we get dTube and Dlive doing that it is best to cross platform post and use YouTube to place the messages and also upload it in dTube and Dlive eventually.

Oh yes, that is a valid point man!

You did the right thing, this man is house of knowledge, stay connected.

He is so approachable and inspiring too.

Greetings, great surpasinggoogle

Great post man. I'm glad you're a witness, Yes, I noticed that uses your steem power to help people. You gave a good vote for a friend of mine here in the steemit and I think she was very happy.

Now, unfortunately, the price of the steemit fell and my voting power, too. A few weeks ago, when I was high, I could give a vote and help right the person. Now he's little. ...

I appreciate your post and your contribution to the community.

Thank you and good day!!

he gives plenty of votes everyday
i haven't seen anyone here who votes others especially minnows as much as @surpassinggoogle

i igree man. It help us a lot!!

You are right @julisavio. Surpassinggoggle help the new steemian to grow... I collected my first 1sbd from him. Thanks @surpassinggoggle

Thanks sir for your valuable compliment for my boss @surpassinggoogle

Yes he is using his steem.power that is delegated to.him by @neb, for helping newbie like us, he biggest initiative is #ulog, we love you sir for your great work.

You are very right sir @julisavio, @surpassinggoogle is one of the most kind person on this platform, I made a post about my rabbit in two days ago. I was very surprised and happy when I see @surpassinggoogle upvote it and make a comment under my post. This gives me joy and motivation to do more. Thanks to Mr Terry for this.

Now, unfortunately, the price of the steemit fell and my voting power, too. A few weeks ago, when I was high, I could give a vote and help right the person. Now he's little. ...

@julisavio you must be a great and kind man too, being concern about how you can help others earn more shows a kind of person you are. Thanks for the care

Outside steemit as well, many times, "potential steemians" who have stayed "potential steemians" have stay "potential steemians" simply because they never got answers. We need to be proactive about sensing these ones and now helping them is way easier, using my videos.

According to me, this is a core part of steem growth, tending to the base community and strengthening it and noticing and tending to unanswered steemit/cryptocurrency-related questions etc inside and outside steemit.

So, I am simply want to answer every possible question in relation to steem/steemit using videos; upload them to YouTube to have easily embeddable/shareable links. Then, over time, fill up a landing page with direct links to each of these videos, to where you can simply pick them up and use them to answer your questions and those of others daily, inside and outside steemit.

@surpassinggoogle. With the introduction of your Youtube channel it will give many other steemians the opportunity to have access to you and the information to want to dispersed which is good for the growth of the community.
Have been finding it very hard to write post for the past few days now after the fud raising post i did for the boy with brain tumor. Though, we are there trying to get more money so that the operation can be carried out. Reason why I said this youtube channel will give alot of people the chance to make their dream and their message to be heard all over the world.
Thank for this and trust me to join the channel asap. One love bro.

hi bro, read about @ulogs. it make it as difficult as 123

ok I will bro. Always your fan anytime and anyday.

According to me, steemit growth is best done inside-out and especially involves our base (existing) community.
If our conviction about steemit and it is beauty is deeply-rooted; steem/steemit is bound to grow.

I'm happy because this would give some of us backing to completely go offline to encourage people

I'm pretty sure that the videos would be amazing. I can wait for this to full launch.

If everyone can have this heart of yours, then we sure would make exploits in globalization of steemit. Am so positive about this

Hello dear @surpassinggoogle. Being your loyal follower would love to follow you anywhere. So subscribed it is, plus I shall have the channel link sent to everyone on my contacts inviting them to subscribe.

I saw last night about your video and I included it on my #ulog yesterday. It was nice seeing you at the video welcoming our kababayan :) also the other video which really has an interesting topics. I am looking forward for your another video that can answer some of my quedtions regarding on steemit and life. Have a blessed day ahead:)

"My boy Terry" you are the man, i was just talking about this with another steemian about someone like your self should do a steemit youtube questions and answers it was like you read my mind.
thank you for your help the other day. I think a lot of people didn't know the reason that it takes so long to get on steemit.

I will in the future be telling other steemians the reason, and I will credit you for educating me.

thanks "my boy terry"
I wish you all the best.

That's really great achievement Mr, Terry and I would like to appreciate you on this great achievement of your Youtube Channel. @surpassinggoogle is a hot name in the Steemit community and your every project give a solid breakthrough to whole community on one page just promotion. I am a big fan of your wonderful ideas and plans and then you successfully implemented on them. your this youtube channel gave much opportunity and guidelines to new comers. Thanks a lot and I just subscribed your channel. good luck.
I have already done my vote of witness for you.

Thank you alot for being constantly there. Kindly subscribe and share with all the groups.

Thanks @surpassinggoogle / Terry, for your always positive support. no worry I subscribed your Youtube Channel and also send a link to my other friends. best wishes.

Wow, great work you are doing Terry, I love the YouTube idea and am sure it's really going to help.

You never get tired of working harder, you are really a source of strength and emulation to all of us.

More grace

Wow wonderful compliment ..thanks for your comments.

Seriously dear he never gets tired. When i saw the post title i was like, wow @surpassinggoogle at it again. I wonder what i would have been able to achieve if i wqs the one being blessed with the kind of energy he has.

Got to watch some of the videos he posted but couldnt watch all because i am on transit and the network is quite poor. Will get to watch them all as soon as i get home.

Keep it up @surpassinggoogle. We love you.

Thank you.

Jehovah help us in Jesus' name amen

Those YouTube videos can be a great tool to help our new friends on Steemit.

I am in many steem-based communities and receive many DMs daily and many of these DMs can be underlined with questions related to "success" in life and on steemit and sometimes, i am unable to tend to every DM but i do want to tend to "everyone".

You have a lot of things going on, and it's not easy to keep up with all those messages. If you need some help to help explain and answer questions of some Steemians, I would be willing to help since I have been through a phase by which new members ask me questions, maybe I can share some help.