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RE: Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely: What About Steem Power?

in #steemit8 years ago

This is only the second time that somebody commented on one of my old posts, so thank you.

I'm not so sure that the Steemit system is capitalism. It seems to be more of an evolving oligarchy. Capitalism, at least to a certain extent, operates on the laws of supply and demand. While it is true that through the Pareto principle the distribution of wealth accumulation under the capitalist system is highly skewed toward the few, Steemit is something else. This system by design distributes wealth to the wealthy and to the gangs that propagate the system.

Under capitalism the uneven results are a consequence of a complex set of interactions, while on Steemit the uneven distribution is just part of the programming code.


Under capitalism the uneven results are a consequence of a complex set of interactions

Lol, if you can separate crapitalism from it's need of impoverished wage slaves to keep wages low and profits high, you let me know, eh?

Wage slaves are needed for capitalism to work to be sure. It is not necessary that they be impoverished. This isn't to suggest this doesn't frequently happen, but it is not a prerequisite.

Speaking of poverty, in absolute terms there has been great progress, especially in nominally capitalist, "free market" (I use the term very loosely of course) countries. In the old days poverty meant absolute destitution, the chance of starvation, and limited to no access to health care, housing and basic needs.

Today, many people "below the poverty line" have food, shelter, healthcare (in at least a basic form) and frequently modern conveniences such as computers, TVs and cell phones. If a time traveller from 200 years ago went to a poor neighbourhood in Canada (my home) they would be absolutely amazed beyond belief at how rich everybody was.

So, I guess that how we perceive conditions and even commonly used terms like "poverty" are quite subjective. Perhaps I shall blog about this point on my main channel.

It is not necessary that they be impoverished.

Well, when millionaires are cleaning the quadrillionaire's toilets, and a loaf of bread is 80,000 each, it all becomes academic, right?

Low wages and high profits is what crapitalism does.
Rather than working, and sharing, communally, the few live like kings and the disenfranchised live under bridges.
UBI would mitigate, but ultimately only mask, the real problems of accruing wealth to the few.

In the old days poverty meant absolute destitution, the chance of starvation, and limited to no access to health care, housing and basic needs.

Thank a socialust?

If a time traveller from 200 years ago went to a poor neighbourhood in Canada (my home) they would be absolutely amazed beyond belief at how rich everybody was.

Looking Backwards tells the story of time traveling crapitalusts.

commonly used terms like "poverty" are quite subjective

Tell that to the panhandlers on every corner,...

I am personally a Libertarian. We can be friends anyway. LOL!

My belief, from years of observation and experience is that government rarely does anything well. When they reallocate resources, mostly to themselves of course, they even frequently make situations worse. Moreover, once a bureaucracy is created, it acts as a virus that exists in perpetuity regardless of its utility.

So, rather than capitalism or any other ism across the spectrum, it is state power that is most dangerous, violent, expensive and counterproductive to individual freedom and advancement.

We can be friends anyway.

Well, as long as your utopia doesn't start pointing guns at me,...

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We're pretty relaxed here. I doubt any Vancouverites will be kicking in your door in the near future. : )

I wish I could say the same about the southern plains, here they kick in doors for kicks and giggles.

That sounds most unpleasant.

Vancouver is definitely a little different. If somebody is smoking weed, a cop won't even care. I have even seen them go up to dealers selling hard drugs and instead of making them eat pavement, they just confiscate the drugs, get their details, write them a ticket and send them on their way. Of course, this is not to suggest that bad things never go down here, but it isn't common. Vancouver is even a pretty big city and we have not much violent crime. Assuming you don't go looking for trouble, then trouble probably won't find you.