
Thanks @tattoodjay. Yes, it's incredible how many changes there have been in such a short time. Which is a good thing, I think.

YEs I do think most of the changes are for the good, I am still not sure about this last one, its seems its good for those at the top but not for those at the middle or lower levels but time will tell

Which one are you meaning - the downvoting or the 50:50 creation/curation rewards? Or maybe another change I haven't heard about yet? There are so many! I think all of them will have upsides and downsides.

Yes those two, and as I understand it its not 50/50 its 45/45 with 10 also going for development or projects but i could be wrong
and There are so many change sit is hard to keep up and i surely dont, I think there Pros and Cons to these changes and we we just have to give it time and see how it goes I am just carrying on as normal for the most part

I think you're right - we have to give it time. I've noticed one group of "circle jerkers" powering down like mad, so it looks like the gravy train is over for some.

Personally I think if there powering down and leaving that could e good for the platform :)

Absolutely! It's a great sign that things are improving.

Indeed. And lets hoe it keeps improving both for those who have bene here a long while and new comers