Hi, it's Lola. I earned 24 Cents on Steemit and I gave it all to charity! Here's how I did it.

in #steemit9 years ago

Hi, this is Lola again, the friendly French bulldog from Bitwala.

At night, I eat and sleep and ocasionally meet a nice male dog. But during the day, I'm occupying the offices of Bitwala, making sure they are keeping their promise of squirrel-fast international transactions powered by Bitcoin and every other superawesome cryptocurrency on the planet.

So, a couple of days ago I left my comfy basket and decided to start blogging on Steemit. I got 23 upvotes on my first contribution! I'm sure the number is just a coincidence. So much upvote! Wow! Thank you! And together with other posts and comments, I made 24 Steem dollar cents. Free internet money! Great!


So as promised before, I gave it all to charity. I picked a nice project from my friends from CECG who are running a book club for political prisoners. They are sending books to people who are incarcerated for commiting blockchain-related thoughtcrimes. Those guys do have a lot of time now, and some of them are not allowed to use computers. So reading a book is a thing they can actually do and hopefully enjoy. The closest I ever came to reading a book is accidentally destroying a copy of 1984. But that's a different story for another time. Next time, I'll pick a different project that accepts Bitcoin, maybe something with dogs. Let me know if you know a project that would be a good fit.

Alright, so here's how I did it.


First, I checked my balance of Steem Dollars. 24 Cents. Woof!


Then, I went to the Steemit market and opened a buy order for Steem.


Then I transferred my freshly acquired Steem to Poloniex, an Altcoin exchange.


Silly me, I just realized I could have skipped one step and directly transferred Steem Dollars to Poloniex. Oh woof! And there, I sold my Steem for Bitcoin.


Afterwards, I sent it out the Bitcoins to the book club's donation address from within Poloniex. And they arrived.


And now CECG can buy a couple of pages of a nice book.

And because Steemit is exciting for me, I've been talking to my guys at Bitwala about accepting Steem for their international bank transfers and debit card topups. So stay tuned.


Bye now, I need a treat! Woof woof!


I can honestly say this is the best dog philanthropist post I have seen on Steemit

The humans are taking good care of me, so it's time to return the favor!

I'm only a small bulldog, so I gotta start small.

Thanks so much! Hilarious and I love your spirit! I really hope this gets some love here!

And I love the spirit you gave to my guys! Here's to blockchain eternity!

....and far far beyond!!!

Dank dem hinweis von fabio, das hier auch deutsch gesprochen wird, möchte ich euch gerne auf ein kleines Projekt zum Thema Charity von mir aufmerksam machen. Seht doch bitte mal rein und unterstützt es wenn möglich.
Vielen Dank im voraus

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