Steeming Never Felt This Good!

in #steemit7 years ago

I guess yesterday was my first day at my new full-time "job" which is Steem for those who didn't saw my previous post and I must say no first day ever felt this good.

Yesterday was made great because of all the comments, views and support I received and that has been so for more than a year now.

Thank You Everyone!

I want to thank everyone who made this possible. There are many people to whom I'm very grateful for this past year but I once again want to thank Dan Larimer.

Dan Larimer ( @dantheman @dan) is the main architect behind Steem. Before creating Steem he also created Bitshares another cryptocurrency. I've known about Bitshares as early as May 2014.

One of the first thing that struck me about Dan is this quote below.

It was one of the first thing I've shared on Steemit. I've heard that quote in early 2015 and I was blown away by how profound it is but at that time I told myself: "It's only a quote." It was only a quote, surely a nice quote detailing a nice intent but nonetheless just a quote.

Here's a link to the audio and text version of the quote and below snippets of the quote.

"So I can envisioned up the blockchain technology will allows us to create a world where the forces that incentive for being part of the bitshares community, of the blockchain crypto-community, the efficiencies you gain are so strong that your profits are so much higher that being rejected or shunned by that community forces you to do with people outside it."

"Those start to see a growing snowball effect until it gets to a point where no one dares be a government official because they would be excluded, because they would participating in the initiation of violence against others. So these things are possible."

"I believe that good people don't have to resort to bad things, just because bad people exist and I'm not going to rest until we figure out and solve those problems."

"If you have the faith and you're willing to not give up until you found a solution then you will find the solution. People didn't give up on flying until they figured out how to fly. Now we fly all the time but before people flew, people said it was impossible."

"Well today people say it's impossible to live in a world without a government backed by violence and I say don't give up. Instead join us and help us innovate the solutions and adopt them. It does matter what it is, whether you worried about pollution or child abuse or roads and highways, all these things that people act it up, well you need the government for this, that, the other thing. Don't give up we can find a solution. Let's work together." @dantheman

Technologies Advance Humanity

I then learned about Steem in May 2016 and my interest in Steem and Dan's work and philosophy have only grown since. I read 95%+ of Dan's blog on Steem and I can say it's been a part of the most enlightening things I've read in my life. He changed my way of seeing the world quite profoundly.

The only thing I love about the fact that @dan @dantheman is restraining himself from voting these days is that I can talk about how positive his work has been in my life without seeming to look for his votes. That's seriously the only good thing about Dan not voting.

As I said, I can hardly describe how I feel right now and I know a lot of Steemians have felt this way. On Mars 11, 2016 when Steem reach its lowest price of 7 cents I owned around 6,000-10,000$ worth of Steem. I now owned more than 70,000$ worth of Steem mostly due to the more than 16 folds Steem price increase.

I know these kind of stories happened for quite a lot of people in the crypto space. I really look forward to use my new found freedom to Steem us all to a better world.

Daily Meditation

I resumed my daily meditation practice 2 days ago. Life is part witnessing and influencing the world around us. It's a lot more easier to be zen when we're sitting still than when trying to influence the world to our liking but we can always try to get back to sitting still when things get too rough.

My brain patterns have change since I gave my notice and even more so since my last day at work. Steem is a big part of the occurring changes that are happening to me.

Influencing The World To Our Liking

"Changing the world is a mission that is bigger than any one person. It requires building a new social structure that binds all of society together in a non-violent way. It requires persuading a sufficiently large minority to organize an effective non-violent resistance to government violence. In short, it requires convincing people to take on some of the same risks I face." @dantheman

Little by little, I work to create the world I long to see and this necessitate to influence myself first and foremost. The better I will be at influencing myself, the better I will get at influencing others.

To better influence myself I need to become better at witnessing what my influence is. That's a big part of why I've resumed my meditation and plan on nurturing this daily habit. My meditation sessions of the last 3 days felt really good.

To create the world we want to see will also necessitate influencing each other. I don't want to coerce people, so coercion, violence or the threat of violence is a big no no.

Voting For Others On Steemit

"Attention Is The Most Important Currency That Anybody Can Give You. It's Worth More Than Money, Possessions Or Things." – Steve Rube

We vote for those who we consider have the best influence on others. We vote so that these posts and people receive the most attention and go on to influence the most people.

We also vote to empower these people with a resource called Steem. Steem is a resource in a sense. The more Steem someone has, the greater their power to influence people's attention.

On the other hand, fiat currencies or national currencies are back by absolutely nothing and empower those who create them at the expanse of everyone else.

We could say fiat currencies are backed by their creator's violence or treats of violence used achieve their undisclosed goals.

Taxation Is Theft

"As someone who attempts to follow the silver rule, "Don't do unto others what you don't want others doing to you.", I concluded that initiating violence against others is not an option. I know that I cannot remain rationally consistent while violating this rule."

"The logical outcome of this belief is that using threats of violence to extort money from others for any purpose is something that is off of the table. This means taxes and everything taxes pays for is off the table. This means war and violent revolution is off the table, but that doesn't mean I want to sit back and do nothing!" @dantheman

Dan and a couple of other people on Steem made me realized that taxation is theft and that governments are a kind of mafia.

I don't know exactly how I came to this realization but the way Dan puts it is that you can't enter in an agreement with someone who threaten you of violence or imprisonment if you don't agree with them.

If someone asked someone else to agree with them while threatening to imprisoned them if they didn't agree, nobody would take such an agreement as a valid agreement.

Using Steem As A Leverage!

"Going forward I hope to leverage the work here with Steem to build markets, insurance, mutual-aid societies, and justice systems that empower our community to disempowered government. I believe that properly organized social pressures can be far more powerful than any standing army or government bureaucrat. Through blockchain technology we can organize ourselves and hopefully achieve our liberty."

"Only by working together can we maximize the life, liberty, and property for all. Resorting to violence is a shortcut that can only destroy life, liberty and property. I am honored that so many of you are here and helping me realize this dream." @dantheman

That's it! That's what I am trying to do here on Steemit. I'm using Steem as a leverage. Steem is only part of many tools we have at our disposition to create the world we want.

Steem would be meaningless without words and wouldn't be as powerful if it wasn't of all the other cryptocurrentcies.

Steem has played a key role in me quitting my day job but as with everything in life it's only part of the whole.

"In order to properly understand the big picture, everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth." Xunzi

Steem Has Change My Life So Profoundly!

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." African Proverb

I'm very grateful for it and everyone who's been helping me. I'm ready to take Steem cooperation to the next level.

"The World Food Program says, “The poor are hungry and their hunger traps them in poverty.” Hunger is the number one cause of death in the world, killing more than HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined." (source)

That's horrible beyond what words can express. Let's not expect the warlords running this world and their propaganda machine to stand up against those atrocities, they are warlords and atrocities are part of their ancestor's badges of honor when not directly their own.

"This, then, is the great humanistic and historical task of the oppressed: to liberate themselves and their oppressors as well. The oppressors who oppress, exploit and rape by virtue of their power, cannot find in this power the strength to liberate either the oppressed or themselves. Only power that springs from the weakness of the oppressed will be sufficiently strong to free both." Paulo Freire

Blog About The World You Want To See!

Vote for the blogs that bring about the world you want to see.

Money is just a tool not an end in itself and I know that's very easy for me to say as I'm not dying of a lack of governmental enchanted papers but I really look forward to make my wealth serve a better world.

Steem Dance

I'll probably do another video to share directly on Facebook as this one as copyrighted material which have prevented me to from uploading it there.

I'll use this other video to reach more of my Facebook friends with the awesome news that I was able to quit my job because of Steem and other cryptocurrency investments. I also plan on letting everyone know I never felt this good!

I'll also share this post and the previous one eventually but I've hold back for now for some reasons.

Steem on my friends!

Thank you!

Thank you for reading and for commenting! I read them all! Vote for my witness here if you consider I'm Steeming the world you want to be living in.

I use Markdown Pad to create my posts and I recommend it to everyone.


Get on the chats. Not in private messages but in the chat rooms. These are some of the best places to makes some Steem friends.

Find Out More!


I'm just starting out with Steemit. One day I will quit my job for steem too. Congrat.

I am 5 minutes old on Steemit and I can already sense that we are all part of something really big here!

That's awesome!

Welcome, you joined an awesome community at an awesome time :)

same here!

I'm hoping I get to that point as well man. As for @teamsteem congrats man.

Lol. Wen you make alot of money first rite?

Wow... this was one of the most well put together blogs i have read on steemit. I can now see the type of content it takes being created to give you that type of financial freedom.

I didn't come to steemit for the money, but after reading your post and seeing the kind of writing you have done, I hope one day I have fine tuned my content to generate the type of following and support yours has.

It would be a blessing to have the ability to walk away from one's current place of employment to be their own boss while doing something they truley love.

Keep up the great work.
You have a new follower here for sure!

I am not a contend creator,yet one article for each day makes me feel good,and I love doing it.never felt this way on other platforms(of course the increasement of steempower plays a big role in it),yet grow with steemit and witness something great happen day by day is a wonderful thing in life.keep steeming!

I tell you what if you have huge steem power, the influence power is high and you can save newbies from dropping out
And _you should post with some image with your post because image can make your post visibility upto 75% which makes your blog more visible

It was nice checking your blog @davidding
upvoted and followed

Seems like this guy pretty much copy paste your comment. I flagged him. If that wasn't the case then let me know.

Take care David!

Congratulations, @teamsteem. Steemit has been really good for you, but you have also been really good for the community of Steemit. :)

Resteeming this to 12,000+ followers.

Thank you @joanaltres! This gave my post a lot more views! I really appreciate it!

Exciting how this all works together, isn't it? Also, nice shirt! LOL!

You've opened my mind about what problems steemit can answer. With the ingenuity of giving tokens to those with the greatest ideas is genius. Now those that give the most to humanity get rewarded by humanity.

What the heck is on her head😂😂

It's great to hear stories like this. Work shouldn't be about doing things you hate but things you love. I hope I can work alongside you one day. ;)

Woah! This comment is pure goal.

I'm so happy steemit can change lives and you're one of the examples. Like you've said steemit is more than a way to get money. It creates a whole different world for us, a more free world. We can see and share content of our liking. We can share our perception of life and find others who do the same. This whole huge community is building a whole new reality, a whole new world that I will gladly live in :)

I am really interested in what kind of society will this economic model create. It looks like it is going in the right direction, though. The sharing of knowledge and the helping of people around your circle of interest are great.

I bet it will create the best kind of society. It's like a fresh new start...

Its so awesome how Steemit is changing our lives.


Congrats for your achievement!

Steemit has really changed many people lives. It has become more than money making paltform, a platform which connects people's interests and their views. Steemit is also a source of employment for some people who can't be able to earn anywhere else for some unfortunate reasons. This has never been done on any social platform. The best thing about steemit is the quality content it allows to share. People can trust this platform.
Thanks a lot to steemit and @teamsteem to share this wonderful post.

HAHAHA that first picture made me laugh.

Glad to see you living the dream :)